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Çetintav I Mısırlı C, Çan Y, "Determination of the Change in Electrical Conductivity of Single, Bimetallic and Trimetallic Cylindrical Billets with Plastic Deformation Induced by Upsetting Process", Tehnicki vjesnik - Technical Gazette, vol. 29, (2022) |
Şahin, M., N. Balasubramanian, C. Mısırlı, H.E. Akata, Çan Y, K. Ozel,“On Properties at Interfaces of Friction Welded near-nanostructured Al 5083 Alloys", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 61, 935-943, (2012). |
Sezek S., C. Mısırlı, B. Aksakal, ve Y. Çan, “The Effects of Square and Circular Die-Orifices on the Performance of Combined Extrusion-Forging Process”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 21(4), 500-507, (2012). |
Altınbalık, M.T. ve Y. Çan, ” An Upper Bound Analysis and Determination of the Barreling Profile in Upsetting”, Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Science, 18(6), 416-424 (2011). |
Çan Y., C.Mısırlı ”Analysis of Spur Gear Forms with Tapered Tooth Profile,” Materials and Design, 29(4), 829-833 (2008). |
Sezek, S..B.Aksakal ve Y.Çan, “Analysis of Cold and Hot Plate Rolling using Dual Stream Functions,” Materials and Design, 29(3), 584-596 (2008). |
Altınbalık, M.T., H.E.Akata ve Y.Çan, ”An Approach for Calculation of Press Loads in Closed - Die Upsetting of Gear Blanks of Gear Pumps,” Materials and Design,28(2), 730-734 (2007). |
Altınbalık, M.T. ve Y. Çan, ”An Experimental Study of Lateral Extrusion of Splines,” Materials and Design,27(9), 727-734 (2006). |
Kahveci, K., Y. Çan, ve A. Cihan. “Heat Transfer in Continous Drive Friction Welding Different Diameters,” Numerical Heat Transfer Part A: Applications, 48(10), 1035-1050 (2005). |
Aksakal, B., S.Sezek ve Y.Çan, “Forging of Polygonal Discs Using the Dual Stream Functions,” Materials and Design, 26(8), 643-654 (2005). |
Çan, Y., T. Altınbalık ve H.E.Akata,”A Study of Lateral Extrusion of Gear Like Elements and Splines,” Journal of Materials Processing Technology,166(1), 128-134 (2005). |
Çan, Y., M.T. Altınbalık ve H.E. Akata, “An Investigation of Forging Loads and Metal Flow in Conventional Closed-Die Forging of Preforms Obtained by Open-Die Indentation,” Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Science, 11(6), 487-492 (2004). |
Akata H.E., T. Altınbalık ve Y. Çan, “Three Point Load Application in Single Tooth Bending Fatigue Test for Evaluation of Gear Blank Manufacturing Methods,” International Journal of Fatigue, 26, 785-789 (2004). |
Mısırlı Cenk, Çetintav Işık, Çan Yılmaz "Experimental and fem study of open die forging for bimetallic cylindrical parts produced using different materials", International Journal of Modern Manufacturing Technologies, 2016 |
Altınbalık, T. ve Y. Çan, “ An Experimental Study of Comparison of ceramic Shell and Metal Mold Casting by means of Dimensional Accuracy and Surface Roughness” Proc. of UNITECH’13 International Scientific Conference, Gabrovo-Bulgaria, pp.119-126 November 22-23, 2013. |
Mısırlı, C., Y. Çan “An Investigation of Upsetting of Bimetallic Metals”, Modtech The 15th International Conference – New face of TMCR, , Vadul lui Voda-Chisinau, Rebuplic of Moldova, ISSN 2069-6736, 693-696, May, 25-27, 2011 |
Mısırlı, C., Y. Çan, “Forming of Plastic Block Composites as Gear like Components by Lateral Extrusion; Fatigue Tests and Micro-hardness Tests”, 13th International Materials Symposium (IMSP’2010), -Pamukkale University-Denizli-Turkey, 1574-1581, October, 13-15, 2010 |
Mısırlı, C., Y. Çan, “A Comparative Study for Open Die Forging-Extrusion Process of Clovered-Shaped and Rectangular-Shaped Aluminum Alloy”, Modtech The 14th International Conference – New face of TMCR, , Slanic-Moldova, Romania, ISSN 2066-3919, 399-402, May 20-22, 2010 |
Mısırlı, C. ve Y. Çan., “Microstructural Differences on the Open Die Forging-Extrusion Process for Different Die Geometries,” Proc. of UNITECH’09 International Scientific Conference, Gabrovo-Bulgaria, November 20-21, 2009. |
Mısırlı, C. ve Y. Çan, “The Fatigue Tests of Gear Like Forms with Tapered Tooth and Splines Elements,” Proc. of 6th International Scientific Conference UNITECH’07, Gabrovo-Bulgaria, Vol.2, 101-103, November 23-24, 2007. |
Kuşçu H., C. Mısırlı, H.E Akata ve Y. Çan, “Automatic Conrol Hardware for Hydraulic Pres” Proc. of 6th International Scientific Conference UNITECH’06, Gabrovo-Bulgaria, November 24-25, 2006 |
Özel, K., H.E. Akata ve Y.Çan, “An Experimental Investigation Related to Equal Channel Angular Pressing Process”, 11th Int. Materials Symposium, 799-806, Denizli, 2006. |
Çan, Y. ve C. Mısırlı, “A New Concept in Metal Forming: An Incremental Forming”, 4th Int. Advanced Technologies Symposium, Konya, 2005. |
Mısırlı, C., T. Altınbalık, ve Y. Çan., “Lateral Extrusion of Spline and Gear Like Forms,” Proc. 4th Int. Scientific Conference UNITECH’04, Gabrova, Bulgaria, Vol.2, 169-172, November 18-19, 2004. |
Çan, Y., O.Usta ve T. Altınbalık “An Upper Bound Analysis of Extrusion of Rectangular Products from Rectangular Billets Through Curved Dies,” Proc. 4th Int. Scientific Conference UNITECH’04, Gabrova, Bulgaria, Vol.2, 159-163, 2004 |
Çan , Y., M.T. Altınbalık ve C. Mısırlı, “An Investigation of the Early Stage of Open Die Forging-Extrusion for Different Geometries,” Proc. 10th Int. Conference on Machine design and Manufacturing, Nevşehir- Cappodoccia, 375-384, September 4-6, 2002. |
Çan, Y., A.N.Bramley, G.Herold, H.Hartwig, ve B.Schulze “An Analysis of Tube Spinning for Small Batch Manufacturing,” Proc. Int. Conference on Design and Production of Dies and Mold, CIRP, İstanbul, 261–265,1997. |
Akata , H. E. , Y.Çan ve M.T.Altınbalık “An Approach to Preform Design in the Closed - Die Forging,” Proc. 1994 Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, London, Vol . 64 - 8.1, 209 – 214, 1994. |
Altınbalık, M. T. ve Y.Çan,”Enjeksiyon Yığmada Plastik Olarak Etkilenen Bölgenin Kuvvet ve Malzeme Akışına Etkisi,” Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fak. Dergisi, 9, 59-67, (2004). |
Çan, Y., M.T. Altınbalık ve H.E. Akata, “An Analysis of Tube Drawing by Using Generalised Velocity Field,” Journal of the Technical University of Gabrovo, 28, 16-20 (2003). |
Altınbalık, M.T., Y. Çan, ve H. E. Akata, “Enjeksiyon Yıgmada Kuvvet ve Malzeme akışının Üst Sınır Yöntemi ile Analizi”, 9. Denizli Malzeme Sempozyumu, 201-208, Denizli, 2002. |
Akata, H. E, M. T. Altınbalık, ve Y. Çan, “Dişli Çarkların Enjeksiyonla Yığılmasında Kuvvet ve Malzeme Akışının İncelenmesi,” 2. Makine Malzemesi ve İmalat Teknolojisi Sempozyumu, 520-526, Manisa, 2001. |
Akata, H. E., Y. Çan ve L.J. Çapan, “Kapalı Kalıpla Dövmede Çapak Eşiği Formunun Kuvvet ve Malzeme Akışına Etkisi” 5. Ulusal Makine Tasarım ve İmalat Kongresi, ODTÜ, Ankara, 183-189, 16-18 Eylül 1992 |
MISIRLI, C., “Yanal Ekstrüzyon ile Dişli Benzeri Parçaların İmalatı:Analiz ve Deneyler”, Trakya Üniversitesi, 2006. |
OYMAEL L., “Çelik Köprülerde Kullanılan ASTM A709 50w(345w) Çeliginin Özellikleri ve Kaynak Performansları ” Trakya Üniversitesi, 2013 |
MISIRLI C. “5083 Kalite Alüminyum Alaşımının Homojenize Edilerek Sertlik Değerlerinin ve Mikroyapılarının İncelenmesi”, Trakya Üniversitesi, 2011. |
OZEL, K., “Aşırı Plastik Deformasyon Metotlarının Alüminyum Alaşımlarının Mekanik Özelliklerine Etkisi”, Trakya Üniversitesi, 2005. |
USTA, O., “Eğri Profilli Kalıplarla Dikdörtgen Kesitli Bloklardan Dikdörtgen Kesitli Ürünlerin Ekstrüzyonunun Üst Sınır Yöntemi ile Analizi”, Trakya Üniversitesi, 2003. |
MISIRLI, C., “Ekstrüzyon Tipi Dövme Proseslerinin Analizi”, Trakya Üniversitesi, 2002. |
Extending the process limits at a collar forming process, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2006 |
5083 Kalite Aluminyum Alaşımının Homojenize Edilerek Sertlik değerlerinin ve Mikroyapılarının İncelenmesi TÜBAP 2010/80, Proje Yöneticisi, 2011 |
Yanal Ekstrüzyon ile Dişli Benzeri Parçaların İmalatı, Trakya Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projesi, TÜBAP 699, Proje Yöneticisi, 2007. |
Ergene Havzası Çevre Düzeni Planı, Trakya Üniversitesi Projesi, Proje Üyesi, 2004. |