» Biyografi

Prof. Dr. Suat Erdoğan, Yükseköğretim Kurulu (YÖK) tarafından yapılan merkezi sınavda yurtdışı doktora bursu kazanarak 1994-1997 yılları arasında Glasgow Üniversitesi (Scotland/UK) Tıp Fakültesi Biyokimya ve Moleküler Biyoloji Enstitüsünde doktorasını tamamladı. Doktora sonrası aynı laboratuvarda bir süre postdoc olarak çalıştı.

Şubat 1998′de Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesine (MKÜ) dönerek Biyokimya Anabilim Dalı’nda Yard. Doçent kadrosuna atandı. 2003′de Doçent ve 2009′da Profesör oldu.

Beşi TÜBİTAK destekli olmak üzere toplam 15 projede yönetici, altısı TÜBİTAK olmak üzere toplam 20 projede ise araştırıcı olarak çalıştı/çalışmaktadır. Beş doktora ve yedi yüksek lisans öğrencisine danışmanlık yaparak mezun etti.

Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi (TÜBA) tarafından 2005 yılı Üstün Başarılı Genç Bilim İnsanlarını Ödüllendirme Programı kapsamında Seçkin Genç Bilimci Ödülü’ne layık görüldü (GEBİP/2005).

Avrupa Komisyonu (EC) tarafından 2004-2012 yılları arasında Avrupa Birliği FP6 ve FP7 çerçeve programları kapsamında (PEOPLE-Marie Curie Actions) proje değerlendiricisi hakem (expert/evaluator) olarak çok kez Brüksel’de görev verildi.

ITN, DT, IF ve PF MSCA projelerini değerlendirmek üzere EC tarafından Horizon 2020 kapsamında hakem olarak görev verildi (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2023, 2024).

Ekim 2010-Ekim 2014 yılları arasında dört yıl süresince TÜBİTAK-TOVAG Danışma Kurulu üyeliği görevini yürüttü. 10.2.2010-14.02.2013 Tarihleri arasında MKÜ Veteriner Fakültesi Dekanlık görevi yürüten Dr. Erdoğan, Anabilim Dalı ve Bölüm Başkanlıkları, Üniversite Senato Üyeliği ve çeşitli kurullarda üyeliklerde bulundu.

Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi’ndeki görevinden ayrılarak 16.02.2015'de Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Tıbbi Biyoloji Anabilim Dalında yeni görevine başlayan Dr. Erdoğan evli ve iki çocuk babasıdır.

Dr. Suat Erdoğan’ın bu güne kadar yayınlanmış 80′i uluslararası dergilerde olmak üzere toplam 1oo makalesi, 60 ulusal ve uluslararası kongre tebliği ve konferansı bulunmaktadır. Yapmış olduğu çalışmalara 3500'ün üzerinde atıf yapılmıştır.

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» Akademik ve İdari Görevler

» İş Tecrübesi

» Yayınlar

SCI-SSCI, SCI Expanded ve AHCI Kapsamındaki Yayınları

  • Çınar AK, Serttas, R., Çınar AC, Güçlü, H., Erdogan, S. As shown hesperidin suppresses TGF-β2-induced proliferation and epithelial-mesenchymal transition of retinal pigment epithelial cells. J Mol Histol . 2024 Nov 29;56(1):10. doi: 10.1007/s10735-024-10275-5. (Ocak 2025)
  • Cagla Efeoglu, Riza Serttas, Bunyamin Demir, Ertan Sahin, Erdal Yabalak, Nurgül Seferoglu, Suat Erdogan, Abdulilah Ece, Yahya Nural. 1, 4-Naphthoquinone thiazoles: Synthesis, crystal structure, anti-proliferative activity, and inverse molecular docking study. Journal of Molecular Structure. 2024/10/9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molstruc.2024.140330 (Ocak 2025)
  • Hafid N., Ouahiba B., Serttas R., Bouhenna MM., Khiari O., Oussaid S., Erdogan S. Anticancer and antiproliferative activities of Algerian Origanum majorana L.’s essential oil on PC-3 and SKBR3 cells. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 2024, 7. 10.1080/0972060x.2024.2423781. (Kasım 2024)
  • Erdogan S., Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Genome Editing System for Determining the Treatment of Genetic Disorders. Balkan Med J 2024;41:419-20. 10.4274/balkanmedj.galenos.2024.2024-080824 (Ekim 2024)
  • Erdogan, S., Serttas, R., Dibirdik, I., Turkekul, K. Multifaceted impact of adipose conditioned media: Obesity-driven promotion of prostate cancer and cancer stem cell dynamics. Cell Biochemistry and Function. 2024, 42, e3979. (Mart 2024)
  • Turkekul, k., Erdogan, S. Potent Suppression of Prostate Cancer Cell Growth and Eradication of Cancer Stem Cells by CD44-targeted Nanoliposome-quercetin Nanoparticles. J Cancer Prev 28(4):160-174, December 30, 2023 10.15430/JCP.2023.28.4.1 (Aralık 2023)
  • Serttas, R., Erdogan, S. Inhibition of Ribonucleotide Reductase Induces Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Apoptosis, Leading to the Death of Docetaxel-resistant Prostate Cancer Cells. Anticancer Agents Med Chem. 2023;23(17):1958-1965. doi: 10.2174/1871520623666230810094635. (Ağustos 2023)
  • R Serttas, S Erdogan. Pretreatment of prostate cancer cells with salinomycin and Wnt inhibitor increases the efficacy of cabazitaxel by inducing apoptosis and decreasing cancer stem cells. Medical Oncology 40 (7), 194. (Nisan 2023)
  • O Doganlar, ZB Doğanlar, S Erdogan, E Delen. Antineoplastic multi-drug chemotherapy to sensitize tumors triggers multi-drug resistance and inhibits efficiency of maintenance treatment in glioblastoma cells. EXCLI journal 22, 35-52. (Nisan 2023)
  • D Cevik, S Erdogan, R Serttas, Y Kan, H Kırmızıbekmez. Chemistry & Biodiversity Cytotoxic and antimigratory activity of retrochalcones from Glycyrrhiza echinata L. on human cancer cells. Chem Biodivers. 2022 Nov 30;e202200589. doi: 10.1002/cbdv.202200589. (Ocak 2023)
  • Erdogan, S., Serttas, R., Turkekul, K., Dibirdik, I. The synergistic anticancer effect of salinomycin combined with cabazitaxel in CD44+ prostate cancer cells by downregulating wnt, NF-κB and AKT signaling. Mol Biol Rep. 2022 Jun 15. doi: 10.1007/s11033-022-07343-y. (Haziran 2022)
  • Fatih Genc, Ugur Simal Atabey, Riza Serttas, Suat Erdogan. Abiraterone acetate in combination with apigenin attenuates survival of human castration-sensitive prostate cancer cells. Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry. 2022, DOI: 10.2174/1871520622666220426095257. (Nisan 2022)
  • Ayyildiz A. Koc H. Turkekul K. Erdogan S. Co-administration of apigenin with doxorubicin enhances anti-migration and antiproliferative effects via PI3K/PTEN/AKT pathway in prostate cancer cells. Exp Oncol. 2021 Jun;43(2): 125-134. (Haziran 2021)
  • Kupeli Cinar, A., Ozal, SA, Serttas, R. Erdogan, S. Eupatilin attenuates TGF-β2-induced proliferation and epithelial-mesenchymal transition of retinal pigment epithelial cells. Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology. 2021 Jun;40(2):103-114. doi: 10.1080/15569527.2021.1902343. Epub 2021 Apr 8. (Haziran 2021)
  • Serttas, R., Koroglu, C, Erdogan., S. Eupatilin inhibits the proliferation and migration of prostate cancer cells through modulation of PTEN and NF-κB signaling. Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry. 2021;21(3):372-382. doi: 10.2174/1871520620666200811113549. (Nisan 2021)
  • Albayrak, D., Doğanlar, O., Erdoğan, S., Meraklı, M., Doğan, A., Turker, P., Bostancı, A., Doğanlar, ZB. Naringin Combined with NF-κB Inhibition and Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Induces Apoptotic Cell Death via Oxidative Stress and the PERK/eIF2α/ATF4/CHOP Axis in HT29 Colon Cancer Cells. Biochemical. Genetics 59(1):159-184. doi: 10.1007/s10528-020-09996-5 (2021). (Şubat 2021)
  • Beken, B. Serttas, R., Yazicioglu, M., Turkekul, K., Erdogan, S. Quercetin Improves Inflammation, Oxidative Stress, and Impaired Wound Healing in Atopic Dermatitis Model of Human Keratinocytes. Pediatric Allergy, Immunology, and Pulmonology. 2020;33(2):69-79, https://doi.org/10.1089/ped.2019.1137 (Mayıs 2020)
  • Erdogan S, Turkekul K. Neferine inhibits proliferation and migration of human prostate cancer stem cells through p38 MAPK/JNK activation. J Food Biochem. 2020 May 11:e13253. doi: 10.1111/jfbc.13253. (Mayıs 2020)
  • Ince, T., Serttas, R., Demir, B., Atabey, H., Seferoglu, N., Erdogan, S., Sahin, E., Erat, S. Nural, Y. Polysubstituted pyrrolidines linked to 1,2,3-triazoles: Synthesis, crystal structure, DFT studies, acid dissociation constant, drug-likeness, and anti-proliferative activity. Journal of Molecular Structure. 1217, 2020, 128400. (Mayıs 2020)
  • Erdogan, S., Turkekul, K., Dibirdik, I., Doganlar, ZB, Doganlar, O., Bilir, A. Midkine silencing enhances the anti–prostate cancer stem cell activity of the flavone apigenin: Cooperation on signaling pathways regulated by ERK, p38, PTEN, PARP, and NF-κB. Invest New Drugs. 2020 Apr;38(2):246-263. doi: 10.1007/s10637-019-00774-8. (Nisan 2020)
  • Ozal SA, Gurlu V, Turkekul K, Guclu H, Erdogan S. Neferine inhibits epidermal growth factor-induced proliferation and migration of retinal pigment epithelial cells through downregulating p38 MAPK and PI3K/AKT signalling. Cutan Ocul Toxicol. 2020 Feb 16:1-20. doi: 10.1080/15569527.2020.1730882. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 32064963 (Şubat 2020)
  • Erdogan, S., Turkekul K., Dibirdik, I., Doganlar, O., Doganlar, ZB., Bilir, A., Oktem, G. Midkine downregulation increases the efficacy of quercetin on prostate cancer stem cell survival and migration through PI3K/AKT and MAPK/ERK pathway. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 107, 2018, 793-805. (Ağustos 2018)
  • Ozal SA, Turkekul K, Gurlu V, Guclu H, Erdogan S. Esculetin protects human retinal pigment epithelial cells from lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation and cell death. Curr Eye Res. 2018 Sep;43(9):1169-1176. (Mayıs 2018)
  • Turkekul, K., Colpan, RD., Baykul, T., Ozdemir, MD., Erdogan, S. Esculetin Inhibits the Survival of Human Prostate Cancer Cells by Inducing Apoptosis and Arresting the Cell Cycle. Journal of Cancer Prevention 2018;23:10-17. (Mart 2018)
  • Erdogan, S. Doganlar, O., Doganlar, ZB., Turkekul, K. Naringin sensitizes human prostate cancer cells to paclitaxel therapy, Prostate International. 6; 4, 2018, 126-135. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prnil.2017.11.001 (Mart 2018)
  • Gecgel, K.K, Muduroglu, M., Erdogan, S. Inhibition of telomerase potentiates enzalutamide efficiency of androgen-sensitive human prostate cancer cells. JBUON, 22(6): 1570-1576. (Kasım 2017)
  • Erdogan, S., Doganlar, ZB., Doganlar, O., Turkekul, K., Serttas, R. Inhibition of midkine suppresses prostate cancer CD133+ stem cell growth and migration. Am J Med Sci., 354, 299-309, 2017. (Nisan 2017)
  • Erdogan, S. Turkekul, K., Serttas, R., Erdogan, Z. The natural flavonoid apigenin sensitizes human CD44+ prostate cancer stem cells to cisplatin therapy. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 88, 210-217. (Ocak 2017)
  • Kücükgül, A. and Erdogan, S. Low concentration of oleic acid exacerbates LPS-induced cell death and inflammation in human alveolar epithelial cells. Exp. Lung Res. doi.org/10.1080/01902148.2016.1267823 (Ocak 2017)
  • Kucukgul, A., Erdogan, S., Gonenci, R., Ozan, G. Beneficial effects of nontoxic ozone on H2O2-induced stress and inflammation. Biochem. Cell. Biol. 94(6): 577-583. (Kasım 2016)
  • Erdogan, S., Doganlar O., Doganlar, ZB, Serttas, R., Turkekul, K., Dibirdik, I., Bilir, A. The flavonoid apigenin reduces prostate cancer CD44+ stem cell survival and migration through PI3K/Akt/NF-ĸB signaling, Life Sciences. 162, 77-86. (Ağustos 2016)
  • Barlas, B., Erdogan, S. Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) protects lung alveolar epithelial cells from cigarette smoke-induced damage, Turk J Med Sci. 45, 534-541, 2015. (Temmuz 2015)
  • Vıcıl, S., Erdogan, S. Beraprost sodium, a prostacyclin (PGI) analogue, ameliorates LPS-induced cellular injury in lung alveolar epithelial cells, Turk J Med Sci. 45, 284-290, 2015. (Nisan 2015)
  • Altuğ, ME., Melek, IM., Erdoğan, S., Düzgüner, V., Öztürk, A., Kücükgül, A. The neuroprotective effect of caffeic acid phenethyl ester on global ischemia-reperfusion injury in rat brains. Kafkas Vet Fak Der. 20, 877-884. 2014 (Mayıs 2014)
  • Erdogan, S., Duzguner, V., Kucukgul, A., Aslantas, O., Silencing of PrPC (prion protein) expression does not affect Brucella melitensis infection in human derived microglia cells. Res Vet Sci. 95, 368-373. 2013 (Ekim 2013)
  • Duzguner, V., Erdogan, S., Chronic exposure to imidacloprid induces inflammation and oxidative stress in central nervous system and liver in rats. Pestic. Biochem. Physiol. 104, 58-64. 2012 (Temmuz 2012)
  • Erdogan, Z., Erdogan, S., Aslantas, O., Celik, S. Effects of dietary supplementation of synbiotics and phytobiotics on performance, caecal coliform population and some oxidant/antioxidant parameters of broilers. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl). 94, 40-48. (Kasım 2010)
  • Erdogan, S., Tosyali, E., Duzguner, V., Kucukgul, A., Aslantas, O., Celik, S. Cisplatin reduces B. melitensis-infected cell number by inducing apoptosis, oxidant and proinflammatory cytokine production, Research in Veterinary Science, 88: 218-226. (Eylül 2010)
  • Duzguner, V., Erdogan, S., Acute oxidant and inflammatory effects of imidacloprid on the mammalian central nervous system and liver in rats. Pestic. Biochem. Physiol. 97, 13-18. (Eylül 2010)
  • Bal, R., Erdogan, S., Theophilidis, G., Baydas, G., Naziroglu, M. Assessing the effects of the neonicotinoid insecticide Imidacloprid in the cholinergic synapses of the stellate cells of the mouse cochlear nucleus using whole-cell patch-clamp recording. Neurotoxicology. 31: 113-120. (Ocak 2010)
  • Celik, S., Erdogan, S., Tuzcu, M. Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) exhibits significant potential as an antidiabetic and liver-protective agent in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats, Pharmacological Research, 60, 270-276. (Kasım 2009)
  • Celik, S., Erdogan, S. Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) protects brain against oxidative stress and inflammation induced by diabetes in rats. Mol Cell Biochem 312:39-46. (Eylül 2008)
  • Duzguner, V., Kucukgul, A., Erdogan, S., Celik, S., Sahin, K. Effect of lycopene administration on plasma glucose, oxidative stress and body weight in streptozotocin diabetic rats, J Applied Animal Research, 33, 17-20. (Nisan 2008)
  • Erdogan, S., Aslantas, O., Celik, S., Atik, E. The effects of increased cAMP content on inflammation, oxidative stress and PDE4 transcripts during Brucella melitensis infection. Res in Vet Sci. 84, 18-25. (Şubat 2008)
  • Gorur, S., Celik, S., Hakverdi, S., Aslantas, O., Erdogan, S., Aydin, M., Ocak, S., Kiperi, AN. Preventive Effect of Rolipram, A Phosphodiesterase 4 Enzyme Inhibitor, on Oxidative Renal Injury in Acute Ascending Pyelonephritis Model in Rats. Urology. 72 (4): 743-748. 2008.
  • Ocak, S., Gorur, S., Hakverdi, S., Celik, S., Erdogan, S. Protective effects of caffeic acid phenethyl ester, vitamin C, vitamin E and N-acetylcysteine on vancomycine-induced nephrotoxicity in rats. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 100, 328–333. (Ekim 2007)
  • Rencuzogullari, N., Erdogan, S. Oral administration of lycopene reverses cadmium-suppressed body weight loss and lipid peroxidation in rats. Biol. Trac. Elem. Res,118, 175-183. (Haziran 2007)
  • Erdogan, S., Celik, S., Aslantas, O., Kontas, T., Ocak, S. Elevated cAMP levels reverse Brucella melitensis-induced lipid peroxidation and stimulate IL-10 transcription in rats. Res Vet Sci, 82, 181-186. (Mayıs 2007)
  • Celik S., Gorur S., Aslantas, O., Erdogan, S., Ocak S., Hakverdi, S. Caffeic acid phenethyl ester suppresses the oxidative stress in E. coli-induced pyelonephritis in rats. Mol Cell Biochem, 297, 131-138. (Nisan 2007)
  • Melek, IM, Erdogan, S., Celik, S., Aslantas, O., Duman, T. Evaluation of oxidative stress and inflammation in long term Brucella melitensis infection. Mol Cell Biochem 293, 203-209. (Haziran 2006)
  • Aslantas, O., Erdogan, S., Cantekin, Z., Gulacti, I., Evrendilek, GA. Isolation and chareterization of verocytotoxin producing Escherichia coli O157 from Turkish cattle. Int J Food Microbiol, 106, 338-342. (Mart 2006)
  • Sarica, S., Erdogan, S., Koc, A., Erdogan, Z. Addition of avilamycin, mannanoligosaccharide and organic acids mixture to corn-soybean meal based broiler diets, Indian J. of Anim. Sci. 75, 961-964. (Haziran 2005)
  • Erdogan, Z., Erdogan, S., Aksu, T, Baytok, E. The effects of dietary lead exposure and ascorbic acid on performance, lipid peroxidation status and biochemical parameters of broilers, Turkish J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 29, 1053-1059. (Mayıs 2005)
  • Erdogan Z., Erdogan, S., Celik, S, Unlu, A. Effects of ascorbic acid on cadmium-induced oxidative stress and performance of broilers, Biol. Trace Elem. Res. 104, 19-31. (Mart 2005)
  • Çelik S., Erdoğan, Z., Erdogan, S., Bal, R. Efficacy of Tribasic Copper Chloride (TBCC) to Reduce the Harmful Effects of Aflatoxin in Broilers, Turkish J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 29, 909-916, 2005
  • Erdogan, S., Celik, S., Erdogan, Z. Seasonal and Locational effects on serum, milk, liver and kidney chromium, manganese, copper, zinc and iron concentrations of dairy cows, Biol. Trac. Elem. Res, 98, 51-61, 2004
  • Johnston, LA., Erdogan, S., Cheung, Y.F., Sullivan, M., Barber, R., Lynch, MJ., Baillie, G.S., Van Heeke, G., Adams, D.R., Huston, E., Houslay, MD., Expression, intracellular distribution and basis for lack of catalytic activity of the PDE4A7 isoform encoded by the human PDE4A cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase gene, Biochem J. 380, 371-384, 2004
  • Erdogan S., Celik, S., Erdogan, Z. Comparison of selected toxic elements in cow serum and milk samples from industrial and rural regions, Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 72, 931–936, 2004
  • Kaya, S., Erdogan, Z., Erdogan, S. Effect of dietary levels of Yucca schidegera powder on the performance, blood parameters and egg yolk cholesterol of laying quails, J. Vet. Med. A. 50, 14-17, 2003
  • Beard, MB., Olsen, AE. Jones, RE. Erdogan, S., Houslay, MD., Bolger, GB. UCR1 and UCR2 domains unique to the cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase family form a discrete module via electrostatic interactions, J. Biol. Chem. 275, (14) 10349-10358, 2000
  • Scotland, G., Beard, M. Erdogan, S., Huston, E., McCallum, F., MacKenzie, S., Peden, AH., Pooley, L., Rena NG., Ross, AH., Yarwood, SJ., Houslay, MD. Intracellular compartmentalization of PDE4 cyclic AMP-specific phosphodiesterases, Methods 14, 65-79, 1998
  • Kostic, MM., Erdogan, S., Rena, G., Borchert, G., Hoch, B., Bartel, S., Scotland, G., Huston, E., Houslay, MD., Krause, EG. Altered expression of PDE1 and PDE4 cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase isoforms in 7-oxo-prostacyclin-preconditioned rat heart J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 29, 3135-3146, 1997
  • Bolger, GB., Erdogan, S., Jones, RE., Loughney, K., Scotland, G., Offmann, R., Wilkinson, I., Farrell, C., Houslay, MD. Characterization of five different proteins produced by alternatively spliced mRNAs from the human cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase PDE4D gene, Biochem. J. 328, 539-548, 1997
  • Spence, S., Rena, G., Sullivan, M., Erdogan, S., Houslay, MD. Receptor-mediated stimulation of lipid signalling pathways in CHO cells elicits the rapid transient induction of the PDE1B isoform of Ca2+/calmodulin-stimulated cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase, Biochem. J. 321, 157-163, 1997
  • Erdogan, S., Houslay, MD. Challenge of human Jurkat T-cells with the adenylate cyclase activator forskolin elicits major changes in cAMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) expression by up-regulating PDE3 and inducing PDE4D1 and PDE4D2 splice variants as well as down-regulating a novel PDE4A splice variant, Biochem. J. 321, 165-175, 1997
  • Houslay, MD., Scotland, G., Erdogan, S., Huston, E., Mackenzie, S., McCallum, JF., McPhee, I., Pooley, L., Rena, G., Ross, A., Beard, M., Peder, A., Begg, F., Wilkinson, I., Yarwood, SC., Ackerman, I., Houslay, ES., Hoffman, R., Engels, P., Sullivan, M. Bolger, G. Intracellular targeting, interaction with Src Homology 3 (SH3) domains and rolipram-detected conformational switches in cAMP-specific PDE4A phosphodiesterase, Biochem. Soc. T. 25, 374–381, 1997

Uluslararası Hakemli Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler

  • Kücükgül, A. and Erdogan, S. Inhibition of cigarette smoke induced-inflammation and oxidative damage by caffeic acid phenethyl ester in A549 cells. Asian J. Pharmaceutics, 10 (4), 711-712. (Aralık 2016)
  • Kucukgul A., Erdogan S. Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) protects lung epithelial cells against H2O2 induced inflammation and oxidative stress. HealthMED, 8, 329-338. (Ocak 2014)
  • Aydin M., Gilmore DF., Erdogan S., Duzguner V., Ahn S. The role of cellular prion proteins (PRPC) on neuronal Brucella infections. AFAB J, 3, 268-280. (Temmuz 2013)

Uluslararası Bilimsel Toplantılarda Sunulan ve Bildiri Kitabında Basılan Bildiriler (Proceedings)

  • Dicle Çevik, Suat Erdogan, Riza Serttas, Yüksel Kan, Hasan Kırmızıbekmez. "Bioassay-guided isolation of cytotoxic retrochalcones from Glycyrrhiza echinata L. roots and elucidation of their cell death mechanisms" Planta Medica, 15(88): 70th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (GA), August 28–31 2022, Thessaloniki, Greece (Mayıs 2022)
  • Erdogan Z., Turkekul K., Erdogan S., “Neferine induces apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in human prostate cancer stem cells.” The 43rd FEBS Congress, 6th-13th July 2018, Prague, Czech Republic. (Temmuz 2018)
  • Downregulation of midkine enhances the efficacy of quercetin on androgen-sensitive prostate cancer stem cell survival through arresting cell cycle and inducing apoptosis. Erdogan, S. Turkekul, K., Serttas, R. Doganlar, ZB., Doganlar, O., Dibirdik, I., Bilir, A. 43th FEBS Congress Prag, 7-12 July, 2018. (Temmuz 2018)
  • Erdogan, Z., Canogullari, S., Erdogan, S. Flavonoids as bioactive components, 1st International Veterinary Biochemistry and Clinical Biochemistry Congress, 12-15 April 2018, Hatay, Turkey. (Nisan 2018)
  • Erdogan, S. Role of cancer stem cells in cancer biology and therapy, 1st International Veterinary Biochemistry and Clinical Biochemistry Congress, oral presentation, 12-15 April 2018, Hatay, Turkey. (Nisan 2018)
  • Erdogan, S. Turkekul, K., Doganlar, ZB., Doğanlar, O. Dibirdik, I., Bilir, A. Effect of apigenin on midkine-downregulated prostate cancer stem cell survival. Fifth Midkine Symposium, 3-5.03.2018, Oral presentation, München, Germany. (Mart 2018)
  • Erdogan, Z., Erdogan, S., Doganlar, Z., Doganlar, O. Canogullari, S. Anticancer Activity of Glycyrrhiza glabra Against Liver Cancer Cell Line HepG2 Involves Apoptosis. Association of Thrace Universities 1st International Health Sciences Congress, 23-25.11.2017, Edirne, Turkey. (Kasım 2017)
  • Turkekul, K, Baykul, T., Colpan, D., Ozdemir, M., Erdogan, S. Esculetin Inhibits Human Prostate Cancer Cells Trough Inducing Apoptosis And Cell Cycle Arrest. Association of Thrace Universities 1st International Health Sciences Congress, 23-25.11.2017, Edirne, Turkey. (Kasım 2017)
  • Erdogan, S., Doganlar, O., Doganlar, ZB., Turkekul, K., Dibirdik, I., Bilir, A. Silencing of midkine potentiates naringin-induced antiproliferative effects through apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in CD133+/44+ prostate cancer stem cells. I. International Congress on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Konya, Turkey, 10-12 May 2017. (Mayıs 2017)
  • Erdogan, S., Doganlar, O., Doganlar, ZB., Turkekul, K., Dibirdik, I., Bilir, A. The role of midkine and myricetin in CD133+/44+ prostate cancer stem cells survival. I. International Congress on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Konya, Turkey, 10-12 May 2017. (Mayıs 2017)
  • Serttas, R., Erdogan, S. Triapine induces apoptosis of Docetaxel-resistant prostate cancer cells through endoplasmic reticulum stress. VI. International Congress of Molecular Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey, 22-25 May 2017. (Mayıs 2017)
  • Geçgel, K.K., Müdüroğlu, M., Erdogan, S. Inhibition of telomerase enhances enzalutamide therapy in androgen-sensitive prostate cancer cells. VI. International Congress of Molecular Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey, 22-25 May 2017. (Mayıs 2017)
  • Erdogan, S., Turkekul, K., Serttas, R., Doganlar, O., Doganlar, ZB., Dibirdik, I., Bilir, B. Inhibition of growth factor midkine by siRNA enhances the effects of quercetin on CD133+/44+ prostate cancer stem cells. VI. International Congress of Molecular Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey, 22-25 May 2017. (Mayıs 2017)
  • BE Eser, S Uslu Kuzudisli, N Oztas, S Erdogan, E Dogantekin, T Demiryurek, A Koc. Effect of fasudil on the expression of apoptotic proteins in amyloid-beta induced PC12 cells. FEBS JOURNAL. 283. 104. (Eylül 2016)
  • K. Tabakçıoğlu, Z.B. Doğanlar, O. Doğanlar, S. Erdoğan, G. Öngören. Myricetin induces apoptosis in HeLa cells: A time and dose dependent study. The 52nd Congress of EUROTOX, 04th-07th September 2016, Seville, Spain. P16-016. (Eylül 2016)
  • Erdogan, Z., Erdogan, S., Doganlar, ZB., Doganlar, O., Canogullari, S. Glycyrrhiza glabra protects the hepatocytes from the volatile organic compounds. The 52nd Congress of EUROTOX, Seville, Spain. 4-7 September, 2016. (Eylül 2016)
  • Erdogan, S., Doganlar O., Doganlar, ZB, Serttas, R., Turkekul, K., Dibirdik, I., Bilir, A. The flavonoid apigenin reduces survival and migration of CD44+ prostate cancer stem cells. FEBS J, 283: P-05.03.3-006. doi:10.1111/febs.13806, 2016. (Eylül 2016)
  • Naringin protects chemotherapy efficacy of paclitaxel in human prostate cancer cells (Kasım 2015)
  • Kan dokusunda polisiklik aromatik hidrokarbonların potansiyel karsinojen etkisi (Nisan 2015)

Uluslararası Konferans ve Sempozyumlar

  • Çevik D., Erdogan S., Serttas R., Kan Y., Kırmızıbekmez H. (2022) Bioassay-guided isolation of cytotoxic retrochalcones from Glycyrrhiza echinata L. roots and elucidation of their cell death mechanisms. Planta Med. 88 (15): 1480-1481 doi: 10.1055/s-0042-1759113 (Ağustos 2022)
  • Küpeli Çınar, A., Özal, S.A., Serttaş R., Çınar, A.C., Erdoğan S. (2021). Eupatilin attenuates TGF-β2-induced proliferation and epithelial-mesenchymal transition of retinal pigment epithelial cells. EURETINA 2021 Virtual, 9-12 September 2021, County Dublin, Ireland. (Eylül 2021)
  • Erdogan S., I. International Congress of The Turkic World on Health and Natural Sciences (ITRCHSNSC). Molecular mechanisms of drug resistance in cancer, 21-24 April, 2019, Osh, Kırgızistan (Nisan 2019)
  • Demirci, K., Turkekul, K., Erdogan, S. Apigenin and metformin synergistically inhibit human prostate cancer cell proliferation through inducing apoptosis. EUROPEAN STUDENTS’ CONFERENCE, 27-30.09.2017, Berlin, Germany. (Eylül 2017)

Ulusal Bilimsel Toplantılarda Sunulan ve Bildiri Kitabında Basılan Bildiriler

  • Erdogan, S. Cancer stem cells in drug resistance, tumor recurrence and their therapeutic implications in cancer treatment, XVI. Tıbbi Biyoloji ve Genetik Kongresi, 27-30 October, 2019, Bodrum, Türkiye. (Ekim 2019)

Ulusal Konferans ve Sempozyumlar

  • Erdogan S., Valorisation des Bio ressources : Application et Impact sur les Développement Durable, CIVBAIDD. The role of dietary polyphenolic compounds on cancer prevention and therapy, 26-27 November, Boumerdes, Algeria (Kasım 2019)

Yazılan Ulusal Kitaplar veya Kitaplarda Bölümler

  • Lehninger Biyokimyanın İlkeleri, Sekizinci baskıdan çeviri, Palme Yayınevi, 978-625-6672-01-7 (Haziran 2024)

Üye Olunan Kurum ve Kuruluşlar

  • Hayvan Deneyleri Yerel Etik Kurul Üyesi (Ocak 2024)

Editörlük / Yayınlama

  • Turkish Journal of Biochemistry (Editorial Kurul Üyesi) (Haziran 2024)
  • Balkan Medical Journal (Editorial Kurul Üyesi) (Ocak 2024)
  • Turkish Journal of Biochemistry (Ocak 2023)
  • Balkan Medical Journal (Ocak 2023)
  • Balkan Medical Journal (Nisan 2022)
  • Turkish Journal of Biochemistry (Ocak 2022)
  • Balkan Medical Journal (Ocak 2022)
  • Turkish Journal of Biochemistry (Ocak 2022)
  • Turkish Journal of Biochemistry (Ekim 2021)
  • Balkan Medical Journal (Ocak 2021)
  • Turkish Journal of Biochemistry (Ocak 2021)
  • Turkish Journal of Biochemistry (Ocak 2020)
  • Balkan Medical Journal (Ocak 2020)
  • Balkan Medical Journal (Ocak 2019)
  • International Journal of Cancer Biology (Editorial Board) (Haziran 2017)
  • Histology, Cytology and Embryology (HCE) Editör Kurulu Üyesi (Kasım 2016)
  • International Journal of Biological and Medical Science (IJBIMES) (Ocak 2016)
  • Adana Veteriner Kontrol Enstitüsü Dergisi Yayın Kurulu Üyesi (Ocak 2016)
  • Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences Danışma Kurulu Üyesi (Ocak 2016)
  • Adana Veteriner Kontrol Enstitüsü Dergisi Yayın Kurulu Üyesi (Mart 2015)
  • Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences Danışma Kurulu Üyesi (Ocak 2015)

Yapılan Hakemlikler

  • BalkanMedJ-2024-6-56 (Temmuz 2024)
  • BalkanMedJ-2024-5-50 (Mayıs 2024)
  • BalkanMedJ-2024-3-92 (Mart 2024)
  • BalkanMedJ-2024-3-38 (Mart 2024)
  • BalkanMedJ-2023-12-74 (Ocak 2024)
  • TJB.2024.0046
  • TJB.2024.0262
  • BalkanMedJ-2024-10-76
  • BalkanMedJ-2024-10-36
  • BalkanMedJ-2024-7-101
  • BalkanMedJ-2024-7-47
  • BalkanMedJ-2024-7-9
  • BalkanMedJ-2024-6-95
  • BalkanMedJ-2024-6-25
  • BalkanMedJ-2024-1-96
  • Balkan Medical Journal 11 (Kasım 2023)
  • Turkish Journal of Biochemistry (Ekim 2023)
  • Balkan Medical Journal 10 (Eylül 2023)
  • Turkish Journal of Biochemistry (Ağustos 2023)
  • Balkan Medical Journal 9 (Ağustos 2023)
  • Balkan Medical Journal 8 (Temmuz 2023)
  • Balkan Medical Journal 7 (Temmuz 2023)
  • Balkan Medical Journal 5 (Temmuz 2023)
  • Balkan Medical Journal 6 (Haziran 2023)
  • Turkish Journal of Biochemistry (Mayıs 2023)
  • Balkan Medical Journal 4 (Mayıs 2023)
  • Turkish Journal of Biochemistry (Nisan 2023)
  • Balkan Medical Journal 1 (Nisan 2023)
  • Turkish Journal of Biochemistry (Mart 2023)
  • Balkan Medical Journal 3 (Mart 2023)
  • Balkan Medical Journal 2 (Şubat 2023)
  • Turkish Journal of Biochemistry (Ocak 2023)
  • BMS-CPD-2022-346 (Kasım 2022)
  • Turkish Jourmal of Biochemistry, TJB.2021.0113 (Eylül 2022)
  • Turkish Jourmal of Biochemistry, TJB.2021.0096 (Ağustos 2022)
  • Turkish Journal of Biochemistry, TJB.2021.0290 (Temmuz 2022)
  • BalkanMedJ-2022-6-51 (Temmuz 2022)
  • Turkish Jourmal of Biochemistry, TJB.2021.0290 (Haziran 2022)
  • BalkanMedJ-2021-11-1 (Haziran 2022)
  • Cellular signalling (Haziran 2022)
  • Turkish Journal of Biochemistry, TJB.2022.0269 (Nisan 2022)
  • BalkanMedJ-2022-6-16 (Nisan 2022)
  • Journal of Biology and Medicine (Nisan 2022)
  • Cellular Signalling (Nisan 2022)
  • BMS-CPD-2021-665 (Mart 2022)
  • Balkan Medical Journal (Mart 2022)
  • Current Pharmaceutical Design (Mart 2022)
  • BalkanMedJ-2021-12-148 (Şubat 2022)
  • Turkish Journal of Biochemistry (Şubat 2022)
  • Phytotherapy Research (Şubat 2022)
  • Doçentlik Unvanı Dosya İnceleme (Ocak 2022)
  • Turkish Journal of Biochemistry, TJB.2022.0141
  • Balkan Medical Journal (Aralık 2021)
  • Medicinal Chemistry (Kasım 2021)
  • Arabian Journal of Chemistry (Ekim 2021)
  • Turkish Journal of Biochemistry (Temmuz 2021)
  • Kırşehir Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Profesör atama jüri üyeliği (Mart 2021)
  • Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi (Mart 2021)
  • Journal for Phytotherapy Research (Şubat 2021)
  • H2020-MSCA-IF 2019 (Ekim 2019)
  • Turkish Journal of Biochemistry (Ekim 2019)
  • Medical Hypotheses (Eylül 2019)
  • Cancer Letters (Ağustos 2019)
  • BioMed Research International (Temmuz 2019)
  • Balkan Medical Journal (Temmuz 2019)
  • H2020-MSCA-ITN-2019 (Şubat 2019)
  • Phytotherapy Research (Şubat 2019)
  • Namık Kemal Üniversitesi Yardımcı Doçent atama jüri üyeliği (Şubat 2018)
  • Neuroscience Letters (Temmuz 2017)
  • Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (Nisan 2017)
  • H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 proje değerlendirici hakem (Mart 2017)
  • Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease. (Mart 2017)
  • Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment (Ocak 2017)
  • High Fluence Low Intensity Laser Irradiation Bioinhibits Viability and Proliferation of Lung Cancer Stem Cells. Journal of Stem Cell Research & Therapy. (Aralık 2016)
  • Pyruvate dehydrogenase A1 gene function negatively governs cell stemness in vitro and reduced pyruvate dehydrogenase A1 protien exprerssion is closely associated with worse clinical outcome in prostate cancer. Oncotarget (Aralık 2016)
  • Endocannabinoid sistem ve biyolojik etkileri. Journal of Food and Health Science (Kasım 2016)
  • BAF155 inhabits proliferation and migration by upregulation p16 and inactivation of PI3K/AKT and Wnt/β­catenin pathways in PC3 cells. Molecular Medicine Reports. (Ekim 2016)
  • Hepatoprotectif effect of tofu processed from germinated soybean on carbon tetrachloride induced chronic liver injury in mice. Journal of Food and Health Science (Eylül 2016)
  • Cell reprogramming: mirage or reality? Journal of Stem Cell Research & Therapy (Eylül 2016)
  • Protective role of desumoylation on α-synuclein-induced cytotoxicity. Neuroscience Letters. (Eylül 2016)
  • Determination of Sunset Yellow level in some Iranian food products in domestic markets. Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences. (Haziran 2016)
  • Effect of imidacloprid on reproduction of female albino rats in three generation study. Journal of Veterinary Science & Technology. (Mayıs 2016)
  • LGR5 as gastric cancer stem cell marker is associated with stemness and EMT signature genes NANOG, NANOGP8, PRRX1, TWIST1, and BMI1. Journal of Stem Cell Research & Therapy (Mayıs 2016)
  • Trakya Üniversitesi Profesörlük atama jüri üyeliği (Ocak 2016)
  • Marmara Üniversitesi Profesörlük atama jüri üyeliği (Ocak 2016)
  • Beraprost Sodium Improve Insulin Sensitivity in non-diabetic CAPD patients. Renal Failure (Ocak 2016)
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  • Synergistic effect of selenium and ....... (Ekim 2015)
  • Kafkas Üniversitesi Profesör atama jüri üyeliği-2 (Ağustos 2015)
  • Kafkas Üniversitesi Profesör atama jüri üyeliği-1 (Ağustos 2015)
  • Erciyes Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Sınavı Jüri Üyeliği-2 (Ağustos 2015)
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  • Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Doçentlik atama jüri üyeliği (Temmuz 2015)
  • Erciyes Üniversitesi Doçentlik atama jüri üyeliği (Haziran 2015)
  • Fistule edilen sicanlarda taurodehidroksikolik ..... (Haziran 2015)
  • İstanbul Medipol Üniversitesi Profesör atama jüri üyeliği yeni (Nisan 2015)
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  • İstanbul Medipol Üniversitesi, Doçentlik atama jüri üyeliği (Mart 2015)
  • Adıyaman Üniversitesi, Yrd. Doç. atama jüri üyeliği (Şubat 2015)
  • Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi, Prof. atama jüri üyeliği (Mayıs 2014)
  • 2014 Yılı Doçentlik Sınavı Dosya İnceleme-3 (Mayıs 2014)
  • Trakya Üniversitesi, Doçentlik atama jüri üyeliği (Şubat 2014)
  • Trakya Üniversitesi, Yrd. Doç. atama dosyası jüri üyeliği (Ocak 2014)
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  • Water, Air and Soil Pollution
  • Turk J Med Sci
  • Food and Chemical Toxicology
  • Environmental Toxicology
  • BTER Liver Iron and Copper Assessment in Bioptic Material from .....
  • Biological Trace Element Research (BTER) Comparative study of elemental concentrations in...
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  • BalkanMedJ-2024-1-36


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  • Astrositlerde lipopolisakkarit uyarımlı enflamasyon ve oksidatif hasar .......TÜBİTAK, Araştırmacı (2014-2016). (Ocak 2015)


  • Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi (TÜBA), Üstün Başarılı Genç Bilim İnsanlarını Ödüllendirme Programı, Seçkin Genç Bilimci Ödülü (GEBİP-2005). (Mart 2005)
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» Projeler

Ulusal » Diğer » Diğer (TÜBAP)

Kasa İnvaze Mesane Kanserinde Sigara Kullanım Miktarının Kanser Kök Hücre Özelliklerine Etkisi
Proje Türü : Akademik     Görev : Araştırmacı     Kurum : Trakya Üniversitesi

Ulusal » Diğer » Diğer (TÜBAP)

Konvansiyonel prostat kanser kemoterapisinde kanser kök hücre seçici tedavi modalite geliştirilmesinde salinomisinin in vitro değerlendirilmesi
Proje Türü : Akademik     Görev : Yürütücü     Kurum : Trakya Üniversitesi

» Verdiği Dersler

Kök Hücre ve Yenileyici Tıp

Moleküler Kanser Biyolojisi