» Eğitim Durumu

» Akademik Unvanlar

» Akademik ve İdari Görevler

» İş Tecrübesi

» Yayınlar

SCI-SSCI, SCI Expanded ve AHCI Kapsamındaki Yayınları

  • Gul U., Aydogdu M., Karacam F., "Dynamics of a functionally graded Timoshenko beam considering new spectrums", Composite Structures, 207, 273-291 (Ocak 2019)

Uluslararası Hakemli Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler

  • Karacam F., Yilmaz F.D., "Computer-aided engineering (CAE) approach in the bending analysis of a composite beam", Journal of the Technical University of Gabrovo, ISSN: 1310-6686, 59, 41-45 (Ekim 2019)
  • Karacam F., Timarci T., "Stacking sequence optimization with failure criteria", Journal of the Technical University of Gabrovo, ISSN: 1310-6686, 56, 66-69 (Ocak 2018)
  • Karacam F., Aydogdu M., "Wave propagation characteristics in functionally graded double-beams", Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal, DOI: 10.12913/22998624/76697, 11 (3), 143-149 (Eylül 2017)
  • Karacam F., Timarci T., "Bending analysis of symmetric laminated composite beams using stacking sequence optimization", Materials, Methods & Technologies, ISSN: 1314-7269, 11, 430-441 (Temmuz 2017)
  • Karaçam F., Timarcı T., "Stacking sequence optimization of composite beams with different layer thicknesses", Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal, DOI: 10.12913/22998624/2358, 9 (26), 7-11 (Temmuz 2015)
  • Karaçam F., Timarcı T., "Multi-objective optimization of stacking sequences for laminated composite beams by genetic algorithm", Applied Mechanics and Materials, DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.729.89, 729, 89-94 (Ocak 2015)
  • Karaçam F., Timarcı T., "Stacking sequence optimization of composite laminated beams for the minimization of maximum normal and shear stresses", Materials, Methods & Technologies, ISSN: 1313-2539, 7 (1), 195-203 (Mayıs 2013)

Uluslararası Bilimsel Toplantılarda Sunulan ve Bildiri Kitabında Basılan Bildiriler (Proceedings)

  • Karaçam F., "Influence of genetic operators on the optimization of stacking sequences for minimum bending stresses", International Scientific Conference Unitech 2016, ISSN 1313-230X, Proceedings, 3, 155-161, Gabrovo, BULGARIA (Kasım 2016)
  • Karaçam F., "Genetic operators effect on stacking sequence optimization", 6th International Conference on Trends in Agricultural Engineering, ISBN 978-80-213-2649-1, 1 (1), 277-285, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC (Eylül 2016)
  • Karaçam F., Timarcı T., "Minimization of the bending stresses of laminated composite beams by genetic algorithm", International Scientific Conference, UNITECH’12, ISSN 1313-230X, Proceedings, 2, 107-112, Gabrovo, BULGARIA (Kasım 2012)
  • Özel K., Ayer Ö., Karaçam F., "An investigation of equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) method for 5083 aluminum alloys", International Scientific Conference UNITECH’11, ISSN 1313-230X, Proceedings, 2, 269-275, Gabrovo, BULGARIA (Kasım 2011)
  • Ayer Ö., Özel K., Karaçam F., "Load analysis of upsetting on prismatic specimen with arbitrary profiles", International Scientific Conference UNITECH’11, ISSN 1313-230X, Proceedings, 2, 201-205, Gabrovo, BULGARIA (Kasım 2011)
  • Karaçam, F., Timarcı T., "Optimization of laminated composite beams by use of genetic algorithm", OAS 2011, International Conference of Optimization and Analysis of Structures, ISSN 2079-2093, Abstracts, 1, 16-17, Tartu, ESTONIA (Ağustos 2011)
  • Timarcı T., Karaçam F., "Bending of angle-ply laminated beams subjected to various boundary conditions", Finno-Ugric International Conference of Mechanics, Rackeve, HUNGARY (Temmuz 2009)
  • Karaçam F., Hüner Ü., "Comparative deflection analysis of multilayered orthotropic plates", 10th International Scientific Conference SMOLJAN, ISBN 1313-9061, 58-67, Smoljan, BULGARIA (Temmuz 2008)
  • Taşkın V., Karaçam F., Ürkmez N., Aydoğdu M., "Buckling of functionally graded plates", International Scientific Conference UNITECH’07, ISBN 978-954-683-383-9, Proceedings, 2, 151-156, Gabrovo, BULGARIA (Kasım 2007)
  • Meydanlık N., Karaçam F., Timarcı T., "Bending analysis of laminated composite beams by use of a finite element method package", International Scientific Conference UNITECH’07, ISBN 978-954-683-383-9, Proceedings, 2, 132-136, Gabrovo, BULGARIA (Kasım 2007)
  • Karaçam F., Timarcı T., "Bending of cross-ply beams with different boundary conditions", International Scientific Conference UNITECH’05, ISBN 954-683325-8, Proceedings, 2, 137-142, Gabrovo, BULGARIA (Kasım 2005)

Ulusal Bilimsel Toplantılarda Sunulan ve Bildiri Kitabında Basılan Bildiriler

  • Karaçam F., Timarcı T., "Katmanlı kompozit kirişlerin genetik algoritma ile optimizasyonu", XVII. Ulusal Mekanik Kongresi, ISBN: 978-975-6315-03-3, BİLDİRİLER, 432-441, Elazığ, TÜRKİYE (Eylül 2011)

Ulusal Konferans ve Sempozyumlar

  • Karaçam F., Timarcı T., "Kompozit ankastre kirişin doğrusal olmayan titreşim analizi" Düzensiz Sistemler V. Ulusal Simpozyumu, Karaburun-İzmir (Temmuz 2005)

Üye Olunan Kurum ve Kuruluşlar

  • TMMOB Makine Mühendisleri Odası


  • Finno-Ugric International Conference of Mechanics, Rackeve-Hungary, 2009, Doktora öğrencileri arasında yapılan sunum yarışmasında ikincilik ödülü (Temmuz 2009)

» Verdiği Dersler


Mechanical Vibrations


» Duyurular

11 Mart 2025 » 2024-2025 Bahar Dönemi "MMB3004/MAK3004 Mekanik Titreşimler" Ödevi

21 Ekim 2024 » 2024-2025_Fall_"MEC3004 Mechanical Vibrations"_Homework

06 Ağustos 2024 » "MEC3004 Mechanical Vibrations" Summer School Homework

06 Mayıs 2024 » "MMB124E/MEC124 Statics" Homework

02 Nisan 2024 » "MEC3004 Mechanical Vibrations" Homework