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Prof. Dr. Mümin ŞAHİN
Doğum Tarihi: 04 Eylül 1970
M Sahin, C Guler, C Misirli, CS Cetinarslan, H Eisazadeh, (2018), “Properties of Al/SiC metal matrix composites”, Materials Testing 60 (6), 647-652 |
E Turkes, S Orak, S Neşeli, M Sahin, S Selvi, (2017), “Modelling of dynamic cutting force coefficients and chatter stability dependent on shear angle oscillation”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 91 (1-4), 679-686 |
AT Ertürk, M Şahin, M Aras, (2017), “Tribological Behavior of SiC Particulate Reinforced AA5754 Matrix Composite Under Dry and Lubricated Conditions”, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 70 (5), 1233-1240 |
K Ozel, CS Cetinarslan, M Sahin, (2017), “Mechanical properties of friction stir welded 5083 aluminum alloys” Materials Testing 59 (1), 64-68 |
M Sahin, C Misirli, M Aras, (2016), “Characteristic and magnetic properties of Ni1–xZnxFe2O4 ferrites: Charakteristiken und magnetische Eigenschaften von Ni1–xZnxFe2O4‐Ferriten”, Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 47 (1), 53-63 |
Sahin Mumin, (2016), “Optimizing The Parameters For Friction Welding Stainless Steel To Copper Parts”, Materialı in Technologije, Volume:50 Issue: 1 Pages: 109-115 |
Misirli, C.; Sahin, M.; Yildirim, B., (2015), “Properties Analysis of The Spray Nozzles in Drying Plant”, Journal of The Balkan Tribological Association, Volume: 21 Issue: 3 Pages: 469-484 |
Sahin, Mumin; Misirli, Cenk; Ozkan, Dervis, (2015) “Characteristic properties of AlTiN and TiN coated HSS materials”, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Volume: 67 Issue: 2 Pages: 172-180 |
Cenk MISIRLI, Nilgün BECENEN, Mümin ŞAHİN, (2014), “An Investigation on Plastic Matrix Composite Materials”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 555, pp 406-412 (2014), Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.555-406 |
Mumin Sahin, (2014) “Characterization of Properties In Friction Welded Austenitic-Stainless Steel and Aluminium Joints”, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Volume: 66 Issue: 2 Pages: 260-271 |
Mumin Sahin, Cem Çetinarslan, Cenk Mısırlı, (2013) "Materials Flow For Different Lubricants During Cold Forming", Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Volume: 65 Issue: 5 Pages: 287-296 |
Mumin Sahin, Murat Dinç, Cenk Misirli, (2013) "Mechanical and metallurgical properties of AlTiN-coated HSS materials", Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol. 65 Iss: 6, pp.418 - 424 |
M. Sahin, E. Çil and C. Mısırlı, (2013) “Characterization of Properties in Friction Welded Stainless Steel and Copper Materials”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Volume: 22 Issue: 3 Pages: 840-847 . |
Cenk Mısırlı, Mumin Sahin, Hilmi Kuscu, (2012), “Temperature Determination of St-Al Joints During Friction Welding”, Advanced Materials Research, vols. 463-464, pp 1538-1542, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.463-464.1538 |
Mumin Sahin, N. Balasubramanian, Cenk Misirli, H. Erol Akata, Yilmaz Can, Kaan Ozel, (2012) “On properties at interfaces of friction welded near-nanostructured Al 5083 alloys”, Int J Adv Manuf Technol, DOI 10.1007/s00170-011-3775-7, 61:935-943. |
Cenk Mısırlı, Mumin Sahin, Hilmi Kuscu, (2012), “Temperature Determination of St-Al Joints During Friction Welding”, Advanced Materials Research, vols. 463-464, pp 1538-1542, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.463-464.1538 |
Cetinarslan, C. S; Sahin, M., Genc, S. Karaman; Sevil, C., (2012) “Mechanical and metallurgical properties of ion-nitrided austenitic-stainless steel welds”, Materıals Scıence-Poland, Volume: 30 Issue: 4, 2012, pp. 303-312 |
Mumin Sahin, Cenk Mısırlı, (2012), “Properties of Cold Pressure Welded Aluminium and Copper Sheets”, Advanced Materials Research, vols. 463-464, pp 244-248, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.463-464.244 |
Cenk MISIRLI, Mumin SAHIN, Murat DINÇ, (2011) “Fatigue properties of ALTiN and TiN-coated high speed steels (HSS) steels”, Scientific Research and Essays Vol. 6(15), pp. 3200-3204. |
Mumin Sahin, Ceyhun Sevil, (2011) "Investigation of properties of ion-nitrided AISI 304 austenitic-stainless steel", Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol. 63 Iss: 5, pp.359 – 366. |
Cetinarslan CS, Sahin M., (2010), “Determining the influence of surface roughness on materials flow of various materials using grid lines during cold forming”, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Volume: 62, Issue: 1, pp: 4-11. |
Sahin, M., (2010), “Joining of aluminium and copper materials with friction welding”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume: 49, Issue 5-8, pp: 527-534. |
Becenen, N., Eker, B., Sahin ,M., (2010), “Mechanical Properties of Plastic Matrix Composite Materials Used in Tractor Bonnets”, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Volume 29, Number 24, pp: 3637-3644. |
Kuscu, H., Sahin, M., Becenen, I., (2009), “Experimental Determination of Temperature by the Friction Welding Method”, Heat Transfer Research, Volume 40, Issue 2, pp: 103-110. |
Sahin, M., (2009), “Characterization of properties in plastically deformed austenitic-stainless steels joined by friction welding”, Materials & Design, Volume 30, Issue 1, pp: 135-144. |
Sahin, M., (2009), “Joining of stainless-steel and aluminium materials by friction welding”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume 41, Issue 5, pp: 487-497. |
Sunay TY, Sahin M, Altintas S, (2009), “The effects of casting and forging processes on joint properties in friction-welded AISI 1050 and AISI 304 steels”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume: 44, Issue 1-2, pp: 68-79. |
Can, A., Sahin, M., Küçük, M., (2009), “Thermically evaluation and modelling of friction welding”, Strojarstvo, Volume: 51, Issue: 1, pp: 5-13. |
Sahin, M., (2009), “Joining of stainless steel and copper materials with friction welding”, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Volume: 61, Issue: 6, pp: 319-324. |
Sahin, M., Akata HE., Özel, K., (2008), “An experimental study on joining of severe plastic deformed aluminium materials with friction welding method”, Materials & Design, Volume 29,Issue1, 2008, pp:265-274. |
Sahin, M., (2008), “Effect of Surface Roughness on Weldability in Aluminium Sheets Joined by Cold Pressure Welding”, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Volume 60, Issue: 5, 2008, pp: 249-254. |
Kuscu, H., Becenen, I., Sahin, M., (2008), “Evaluation of Temperature and Properties at Interface of AISI 1040 Steels Joined by Friction Welding”, Assembly Automation, Volume 28, Issue 4, 2008, pp: 308-316. |
Ozel, K., Sahin, M., Akdogan, A., (2008), “Mechanical and Metallurgical Properties of Aluminium and Copper Sheets Joined by Cold Pressure Welding”, Strojniski Vestnik-Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Volume 54, Issue 11, pp: 796-806. |
Şahin, M., Çetinarslan, C. S., Akata, H. E., (2007), “Effect of Surface Roughness on Friction Coefficients during Upsetting Processes for Different Materials”, Materials & Design, Materials & Design, Volume 28, Issue 2, 2007, Pages 633-640. |
Sahin, M., (2007), “Evaluation of The joint-interface Properties of Austenitic-Stainless Steels (AISI 304) Joined by Friction Welding” Materials & Design, Volume 28, Issue 7, 2007, pp: 2244-2250. |
Akata, HE., Sahin, M., Ipekci, MT., (2007), “An Investigation into Reutilizing of Waste Materials using Friction Welding and Upset Manufacturing Methods”, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2007, Volume 59, Issue 5, pp: 230-235. |
Sahin, M., Akata HE., Gulmez T., (2007), “Characterization of Mechanical Properties in AISI 1040 Parts Welded By Friction Welding”, Materials Characterization, Volume 58, Issue 10, 2007, pp: 1033-1038. |
Şahin, M., (2005), “An Investigation into Joining of Austenitic-Stainless Steels (AISI 304) with Friction Welding”, Assembly Automation, Volume 25, Number 2, 2005, pp: 140-145. |
Şahin M., (2005), “Joining with Friction Welding of High-Speed Steel and Medium-Carbon Steel”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 168, Issue 2, 2005, pp: 202-210. |
Sahin, M., Akata, H. E., (2004), “An Experimental Study on Friction Welding of Medium Carbon and Austenitic Stainless Steel components”, Industial Lubrication & Tribology, Volume 56, Number 2, 2004, pp:122-129. |
Şahin, M., (2004), “Simulation of Friction Welding Using A Developed Computer Program”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, , 2004, Vol 153-154, pp: 1011-1018. |
Şahin, M., Akata, H. E., (2003), “An Investigation on Strength Differences of Friction Welded Components Using Heat Flow Examination”, Journal of The Technical University of Gabrovo, Bulgaria, Volume 28’ 2003, pp. 10-15. |
Akata, E. H., Şahin, M., (2003), “An Investigation on The Effect of Dimensional Differences in Friction Welding of AISI 1040 Specimens”, Industial Lubrication & Tribology, Volume 55, Number 5, 2003, pp:223-232. |
Şahin, M., Akata, H. E., (2003), “Joining with Friction Welding of Plastically Deformed Steel”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 142, Issue 1 , 2003, pp:239-246. |
M. SAHIN, C. MISIRLI, M. ARAS, (2015), "On Production of Magnetic Materials Having NiO1 xZnOxFe2O4", International Journal of Advancements in Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering– IJAMAE, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 136-140 |
Erol TÜRKEŞ, Mümin ŞAHİN, Selçuk SELVİ, (2018), “Chatter Vibration and Stability Analysis For Orthogonal Cutting In Turning” , 3rd International Conference on Organic Electronic Material Technologies (OEMT2018), 20-22 September 2018, Kırklareli, TURKEY |
Mümin ŞAHİN, Cenk MISIRLI, Selçuk SELVİ, (2018), “ Demir Dışı Alaşımlarda Yüzey Kaplamanın Etkileri” 3. International Congress On Engineering, Architecture and Design, 04-05 May 2018, Kocaeli, TURKEY |
Mümin ŞAHİN, Cenk MISIRLI, Selçuk SELVİ, (2018), “Yüzey Kaplama İşlemlerinin Yüksek Hız Çeliklerinde Mekanik Özelliklere Etkileri” 3. International Congress On Engineering, Architecture and Design, 04-05 May 2018, Kocaeli, TURKEY |
Mustafa ARAS, Mümin ŞAHİN, (2017) “Ni0,15Zn0,85Fe2O4 Numunelerin Toz Metalurjisi Yöntemiyle Üretimi ve 1200°C Sinterleme Sonrası Mikroyapısal İncelenmesi” 2. International Congress on Engineering Architecture and Design, 12-13 May 2017, Kocaeli, TURKEY. |
Mümin ŞAHİN, Cenk MISIRLI, Selçuk SELVİ, Işık ÇETİNTAV, (2017), “AlTiN Kaplamalı Kesici Takımların Kesme Performanslarının İncelenmesi” 2. International Congress on Engineering Architecture and Design, 12-13 May 2017, Kocaeli, TURKEY. |
Mümin ŞAHİN, Cenk MISIRLI, Selçuk SELVİ, Işık ÇETİNTAV, (2017), “Kesici Takımların AlTiN Yüzey Kaplama İşlemi Sonrası Kesme Ömrü ve Maliyet Açısından Karşılaştırılması” 2. International Congress on Engineering Architecture and Design, 12-13 May 2017, Kocaeli, TURKEY. |
Mümin ŞAHİN, Cenk MISIRLI, Selçuk SELVİ, Işık ÇETİNTAV, (2017), “Yığma Projesinde Kullanılan Farklı Yağlayıcıların Bimetalik Malzemelerin Malzeme Akışına Etkisi” 2. International Congress on Engineering Architecture and Design, 12-13 May 2017, Kocaeli, TURKEY. |
Mumin SAHIN, Cenk MISIRLI, Selcuk SELVI, (2017), “Friction Weld of AISI 304 Stainless Steel and Pure Copper Materials” UNITECH International Scientific Conference, 17-18 November 2017, Gabrovo, BULGARIA |
Erol TÜRKEŞ, Süleyman NEŞELİ, Mümin ŞAHİN, Selçuk SELVİ, (2017), “Effects On The Surface Quality In The Machining Processes of The Tool Vibrations”, ICENTE 2017 International Conference on Engineering Technologies, 07-09 December 2017, Konya, TURKEY |
Selcuk SELVI, Mumin SAHIN, Cenk MISIRLI, (2016), “Comparison of Coated and Uncoated Drill Bits In Terms of Tool Life and Cost” UNITECH International Scientific Conference, 18-19 November 2016, Gabrovo, BULGARIA |
Mumin SAHIN, Cenk MISIRLI, Selcuk SELVI, (2016), “Cutting Performances of Vapor Coated and Uncoated Drill Bits” UNITECH International Scientific Conference, 18-19 November 2016, Gabrovo, BULGARIA |
Mumin SAHIN, Selcuk SELVI, (2015), “Comparison of AlTiN and TiN Coated HSS Materials”, I. International Engineering and Architecture Conference, 13-14 November 2015, Kocaeli, TURKEY. |
Mumin SAHIN, Cenk MISIRLI, Mustafa ARAS, "On Production Of Magnetic Materials Having NiO1-xZnOxFe2O4", “Proc. of the Second Intl. Conf. on Advances In Mechanical and Robotics Engineering- AMRE 2014”, 25-26 October 2014, Zurich, Switzerland, 24-28. |
Mümin Şahin, Cenk Mısırlı, Ceyhun Sevil, “Investigation on Fatigue Properties of Ion-Nitriding Peocessed Parts Joined with Friction Welding”, 13th International Materials Symposium (IMSP’2010), 13-15th October 2010-Pamukkale University-Denizli-Turkey, pp. 769-777. |
Cenk MISIRLI, Mümin ŞAHİN, Hilmi KUŞÇU, “Temperature Determination of St-Al Joints During Friction Welding”, International Conference on Mechanical Enginering and Aerospace (ICMERA 2010), December 2-4, 2010, Bucharest, Romania, ISBN: 978-1-4244-88668-1, pp. 125-129. |
Mümin ŞAHİN, Cenk MISIRLI, “Properties of Cold Pressure Welded Aluminium and Copper Sheets”, International Conference on Mechanical Enginering and Aerospace (ICMERA 2010), December 2-4, 2010, Bucharest, Romania, ISBN: 978-1-4244-88668-1, pp. 130-134. |
Mümin ŞAHİN, Cenk MISIRLI, Murat DİNÇ, “Physical Vapour Decomposition Method” 10th Anniversary International Scientific Conference (UNITECH’10), 19-20 November 2010, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, vol. II, pp. 143-147. |
Ahmet CAN, Mümin ŞAHİN, Mahmut KÜÇÜK, “ Modelling of Friction Welding”, 10th Anniversary International Scientific Conference (UNITECH’10), 19-20 November 2010, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, vol. II, pp. 135-142. |
Mümin ŞAHİN, “Friction Welding of Different Materials”, 10th Anniversary International Scientific Conference (UNITECH’10), 19-20 November 2010, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, vol. II, pp. 131-134. |
Şahin, M., Özel, K., Sevil, C., Ion Nitriding Method and its Applications, UNITECH 2008, International Scientific Conference, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, Vol. 2, November 21-22, 2008, pp. 205-208. |
Özel, K., Şahin, M., Friction Stir Welding and its Application to Aluminum Materials, UNITECH 2008, International Scientific Conference, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, Vol. 2, November 21-22, 2008, pp. 158-164. |
Özel, K., Şahin, M., “Cold Pressure Welding and its Application to Aluminium Sheets”, Metal 2007 – 16th International Metallurgical & Materials Conference, Hradec nad Moravici, Czech Republic, May 22-24, 2007. |
Özel, K., Şahin, M., Akata, H. E., “Cold Pressure Welding of Steels and Non-Ferrous Materials”, Smolyan 2007 – 9th International Scientific Conference, Smolyan, Bulgaria, June 23-24, 2007. |
Şahin, M., Özel, K., Akata, H. E., “Evaluation of Properties in Friction Welded Near-Nanostructured AL 5083 Alloys”, ICCE-15 – The Fifteenth International Conference on Composites / Nano Engineering, Haikou, Hainan Island, China, Hawaii of the Orient, July 15-21, 2007, pp. 821-822. |
Kuşçu, H., Sahin, M., Becenen, I. "Experimentally Temperature Establishing In Friction Welding Method", Advances in Heat Transfer Proceedings of the Baltic Heat Transfer Conference, Volume 1, ISBN 5-7422-1591-6, September 19–21, 2007, RUSSIA, pp. 183-190. |
Özel, K., Şahin, M., “A New Die Design for Equal Channel Angular Pressing Methods”, Amtech 2007 –International Scientific Conference, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, November 23-24, 2007. |
Eker, B., Akata, H. E., Şahin, M., Özel, K., “Experimentally Investigation of Strengths of Stainless Steels Exposed to Corrosion after Welding”, 11th International Materials Symposium, Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey, April 19-21, 2006, pp. 907-911. |
Şahin, M., Akata, H. E., Özel, K., “An Investigation on Determining of Optimum Parameters in Joining of HSS and AISI 1040 Steels with Friction Welding”, 4th International Advanced Technologies Symposium, Selçuk University, Konya-Turkey, September 28-30, 2005, pp. 924-929. |
Çetinarslan, C., Şahin, M., Akata, H. E., “An Experimental Investigation of Effects of Surface Roughness on Friction Coefficients in Upsetting”, International Scientific Conference, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, 18-19 November 2004, pp. II-153-155. B7. Şahin, M., “Friction Stir Welding Method”, Poceedings of the Conference, Yambol, Bulgaria, 30.09-02.10 2004, pp. 73-79. |
Şahin, M., Akata, H. E., “Friction Welding Method”, International Scientific Conference, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, 20-21 November 2003, pp. I-465-468. |
Şahin, M., “Simulation of Friction Welding Using A Developed Computer Program”, Advanced in Materials and Processing Technologies-AMPT 2003, Ireland, 8-11 July 2003, Volume-I, pp. 573-576. |
Şahin, M., Akata, H. E. “An Investigation on Friction Welding of AISI 1040 and AISI 304 Steels”, Proceedings of ESDA2002, 6th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, Istanbul, Turkey, July 8-11, 2002. |
Şahin, M., Akata, H. E., “A Study on The Relationship Between The Indentation Pressure and Yield Stress in Open Die Indentation”, International Scientific Conference, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, 21-22 November 2002, pp. 338-341. |
Akata, E., Şahin, M. ve Becenen, İ., “Application of Some Automatic Control Circuits to an Experimental Friction Welding Set up” , 2nd Annual Conference with International Participation on Rapid Technologies One More Line Allowed End, 14-15 November 2001, Stellenbosch, South Africa. |
Şahin, M. ve H. E. Akata, “An Experimental Study On Application Of Friction Welding For Parts With Different Diameters And Width”, The Third International Congress Mechanical Engineering Technologies’ 01, Sofya-Bulgaristan, 24-26 Haziran 2001. |
Mumin SAHIN and Cenk Misirli, PROPERTIES OF ALUMINIUM AND COPPER MATERIALS WELDED BY COLD PRESSURE WELDING, Advances in Enginnering Science Research, Volume 8, 2014 Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, pp. 237-254. |
Mumin SAHIN and Cenk Misirli, MECHANICAL AND METALURGICAL PROPERTIES OF FRICTION WELDED ALUMINIUM JOINTS, Chapter 11, Book title: Aluminium Alloys - New Trends in Fabrication and Applications (ISBN 978-953-51-0861-0), 2012 Intech, pp. 277-300. |
Cenk Misirli and Mumin SAHIN, EFFECT OF MICRO ARC OXIDATION COATINGS ON THE PROPERTIES OF ALUMINIUM ALLOYS, Chapter 4, Book title: Aluminium Alloys - New Trends in Fabrication and Applications (ISBN 978-953-51-0861-0), 2012 Intech, pp. 107-120. |
Şahin, M., MECHANICAL AND METALURGICAL PROPERTIES OF FRICTION WELDED AUSTENITIC-STAINLESS STEELS, Advances in Materials Science Research. Volume 10, 2011 Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Maryann C. Wythers, pp. 377-393. |
Şahin, M., Mısırlı, C., Özkan, D., “AŞIRI PLASTİK DEFORMASYONUN ALÜMİNYUM ALAŞIMLARININ KAYNAĞI ÜZERİNE ETKİSİ”, Geleceğin Teknolojileri Sempozyumu ve Sergisi, İstanbul, 20-21 Ekim 2011, sa: 225-236. |
Özel, K., Şahin, M. “Sürtünme Karıştırma Kaynağı ve Yeni Uygulama Alanları”, IV. Demir-Çelik Kongresi ve Sergisi, Karabük, 01-03 Kasım 2007, sa: 225-230 |
Şahin, M., Özel, K., “Soğuk Basınç Kaynağının Alüminyum ve Bakır Saçlara Kullanılabilirliğinin Araştırılması”, Kaynak Teknolojisi VI. Ulusal Kongresi, Ankara, 09-10 Kasım 2007, sa: 219-225. |
Şahin, M., Akata, H. E., Özel, K., Çelikler ve Demir-dışı Malzemelere Soğuk Basınç Kaynağının Uygulanması, III. Demir-Çelik Kongresi ve Sergisi, sa: 217-221, 22-23-24 Eylül 2005, Karadeniz-Ereğli, Zonguldak. |
Şahin, M., Akata, H. E., Özel, K., “Soğuk Şekil Verilmiş Alüminyum Malzemelerinin Sürtünme Kaynak Yöntemiyle Birleştirilmesi Üzerine Deneysel Bir Çalışma”, Kaynak Teknolojisi V. Ulusal Kongresi, Kocaeli, 11-12 Kasım 2005, sa: 3-12. |
Akata, H.E., Şahin, M., Ipekçi, M.T., “Atık Parçaların Değerlendirilmesinde Sürtünme Kaynak Yönteminin Kullanılması Üzerine Bir Çalışma”, Kaynak Teknolojisi IV. Ulusal Kongresi, Kocaeli, 24-25 Ekim 2003, sa: 117-126. |
Şahin, M., Akata, H.E., Erdoğan, S. “Plastik Şekil Değiştirmiş Çeliklerin Sürtünme Kaynağıyla Birleştirilmesi Üzerine Bir Çalışma”, 9.Denizli Malzeme Sempozyumu, 12-13-14 Mayıs, 2002. |
Akata, E. ve Şahin, M., “Paslanmaz Çeliklerin Sürtünme Kaynağıyla Birleştirilmesi İle İlgili Bir Çalışma”, IV. Mühendislik Mimarlık Sempozyumu, 11-13 Eylül 2002, Balıkesir. |
Şahin, M., Akata, H. E., “Sürtünme Kaynağı Yöntemiyle İlgili Bir Araştırma”, IV. Mühendislik Mimarlık Sempozyumu, 11-13 Eylül 2002, Balıkesir. |
Şahin, M., Akata, H. E. ve Bodur, O, “Sürtünme Kaynak Yöntemi ve Ülkemizdeki Durumu”, I. Demir-Çelik Sempozyumu, sa: 801-808, 3-4-5 Ekim 2001, Karadeniz-Ereğli, Zonguldak. |
Akata, E. ve Şahin, M., “304 Paslanmaz Çeliklerin Sürtünme Kaynağinda Optimum Parametrelerin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Çalişma”, Kaynak Teknolojisi III. Ulusal Kongresi, sa: 195-200, 19-20 Ekim 2001, İstanbul. |
Akata, E. ve Şahin, M., “Farklı Çeliklerin Sürtünme Kaynağı”, II: Makina Malzemesi ve İmalat Teknolojisi Sempozyumu, sa: 595-602, 7-9 Kasım 2001, Manisa. |
Akata, H. E. ve Şahin, M., “ Sürtünme Kaynak Yönteminin Dişli Pompa Taslaklarına Uygulanması ”, 8. Denizli Malzeme Sempozyumu, sa: 161-165, 26-27-28 Nisan 2000, Denizli. |
Akata, H.E., Şahin, M., Taşkin, V., “Açık Kalıplarla Delmede Akma Gerilmesinin Delme Basıncı ve Malzeme Akışına Etkisi”, 6. Denizli Malzeme Sempozyumu, 12-13-14 Nisan 1995., sa: 346-352. |
Şahin, M., “MECHANICAL AND METALURGICAL PROPERTIES OF FRICTION WELDED AUSTENITIC-STAINLESS STEELS”, Advances in Materials Science Research. Volume 10, 2011 Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Maryann C. Wythers, pp. 377-393. |
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