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![]() Personel CV`si Yazdır |
Akyol, E., Hacıhafızoglu, O., Susantez Ç., Kahveci, K., Akyol, U. "Experimental and numerical investigation of heat transfer in a channel with multiple phase change materials (PCMs)", Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 45 (Mart 2022) |
Akyol U, Karakoca A , Shaliyev R, Kahveci K, Cihan A, "A mathematical model for through-air drying process of yarn bobbins", The Journal of The Textile Institute, p. 1-10, 2021. (Nisan 2021) |
Kemerli, U. and Kahveci, K. "Forced convection in finned metal foams: The effects of porosity and effective thermal conductivity", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 161. (March 2021). (Mart 2021) |
Kemerli, U., Kahveci, K., “Conjugate forced convective heat transfer in a sandwich panel with a kagome truss core: The effects of strut length and diameter”, Applied Thermal Enginnering, 23(2), 1203-1216, 2020. (Şubat 2020) |
Hacıhafızoğlu, O., Susantez, Ç., Kahveci, K., Yılmaz, S., “Numerical investigation of intermittent drying of a corn for different drying conditions”, Thermal Science, 23(2), 801-812, 2019. |
Susantez, Ç., Hacıhafızoğlu, O., Kahveci, K., “Investigation of Models of Yarn-Bobbin Drying Process by Determination of Their Parameters using Genetic Algorithm, Textile Research Journal, 87(10), 1203-1216, 2017. |
Kahveci, K., “Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Simultaneous Heat and Mass Transfer during Convective Drying of Porous Materials,” Textile Research Journal, 87(5), 617-630, 2017. |
Akal, D., Kahveci, K., Akyol, U., Cihan, A., “Drying Kinetics of Cotton based Yarn Bobbins in a Pressurized Hot-Air Convective Dryer,” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 231(2), 294-308, 2017. |
Öğüt, E.B. and Kahveci, K., “Mixed convection heat transfer of ethylene glycol and water mixture based Al2O3 nanofluids: Effect of thermal conductivity models,” Journal of Molecular Liquids, 224, 338-345, (2016). |
Öztürk, A., Kahveci, K., “Slip Flow of Nanofluids between Parallel Plates Heated with a Constant Heat Flux,” Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 62(9), 511-520, (2016). |
Kahveci, K., “Stability of Unsteady Mixed Convection in a Horizontal Concentric Annulus,” Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 9(5), 2141-2147, (2016). |
Kahveci, K., Becker, B.R., “A Numerical Model of Pulsatile Blood Flow in Compliant Arteries of a Truncated Vascular System,” International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 67, 51-58, (2015). |
Akyol, U., Tufekci, P., Kahveci, K., Cihan A., “A Model for Predicting Drying Time Period of Wool Yarn Bobbins Using Computational Intelligence Techniques,” Textile Research Journal, 85(13), 1367-1380), (2015) |
Öğüt, E.B. and Kahveci, K., “Mixed Convection of Water-Based Nanofluids in a Square Enclosure Heated and Cooled on Adjacent Walls,” Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, 14(5), 328-340, (2014). |
Çelen, S. and Kahveci, K., “Microwave Drying Behavior of Tomato Slices,” Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 31(2), 132-138, (2013). |
Akyol, U., Kahveci, K. and Cihan A, "Determination of Optimum Operating Conditions and Simulation of Drying in a Textile Drying Process," The Journal of the Textile Institute, 104(2), 170-177, (2013). |
Çelen, S. and Kahveci, K., “Microwave Drying Behavior of Apple Slices,” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E, Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 227(4), 264-272, (2012). |
Kahveci, K. and Öğüt, E.B., “Mixed Convection of Water-Based Nanofluids in a Lid Driven Square Enclosure with a Heat Source,” Heat Transfer Research, 42(8), 711-735, (2011). |
Çelen, S., K. Kahveci, U. Akyol and A. Haksever, “Drying Behavior of Cultured Mushrooms,” Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 34(1), 27-42, (2010). (Ocak 2010) |
Kahveci, K., “Buoyancy Driven Heat Transfer of Nanofluids in a Tilted Enclosure,” ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 132(1), 062501(1-12), (2010). |
Çan, Y., K. Kahveci and Cihan, A., "Numerical Investigation of Heat Transfer in Friction Welding of Cylindrical Tubes," Heat Transfer Research, 40(4), 281-291, (2009). (Şubat 2009) |
Cihan, A., O. Hacıhafızoğlu, K. Kahveci and C. Korkmaz, “Diffusion Model for Thin Layer Drying Process of Corn,” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 223(4), 233-241, (2009). (Şubat 2009) |
Kahveci, K. and S. Öztuna, “MHD Natural Convection Flow and Heat Transfer in a Laterally Heated Partitioned Enclosure,” European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids, 28(6), 744-752 (2009). (Ocak 2009) |
Hacıhafızoğlu, O., A. Cihan and K. Kahveci, “Mathematical Modelling of Drying of Thin Layer Rough Rice,” Foods and Bioproducts Processing, 86, 268-275 (2008). (Nisan 2008) |
Cihan, A, K. Kahveci, O. Hacıhafızoğlu and A. G. B. de Lima, “A Liquid Diffusion Based Model for Intermittent Drying of Rough Rice,” Heat and Mass Transfer, 44, 905-911, (2008). (Mart 2008) |
Kahveci, K. and S. Öztuna, “A Differential Quadrature Solution of MHD Natural Convection in an Inclined Enclosure with a Partition,” ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 130(2), (2008). (Şubat 2008) |
Hacıhafızoğlu O., A. Cihan, K. Kahveci and A. G. B. de Lima, “A Liquid Diffusion Model for Thin-Layer Drying of Rough Rice,” European Journal of Food Research and Technology, 226, 787-793 (2008). (Ocak 2008) |
Akal, D., K. Kahveci and A. Cihan, “Mathematical Modelling of Drying a Stack of Rough Rice”, Food Science and Technology International, 13(6), 437-445, (2007). (Mayıs 2007) |
Kahveci, K. “A Differential Quadrature Solution of Natural Convection in an Enclosure with a Finite Thickness Partition," Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, 51(10), 979-1002 (2007). (Nisan 2007) |
Kahveci, K. "Numerical Simulations of Natural Convection in a Partitioned Enclosure," Int. J. Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, 17(4), 439-456 (2007). (Mart 2007) |
Kahveci, K. "Natural Convection in a Partitioned Vertical Enclosure Heated with a Uniform Heat Flux," ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 129, 717-726 (2007). (Şubat 2007) |
Cihan, A., K. Kahveci and O. Hacıhafızoğlu, "Modelling of Intermittent Drying of Thin Layer Rough Rice," Journal of Food Engineering, 79, 293-298 (2007). (Ocak 2007) |
Kahveci, K., Y. Çan and A. Cihan, “Heat Transfer in Continuous Drive Friction Welding of Different Diameters,” Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, 48, 1035-1050 (2005). (Şubat 2005) |
Cihan, A., O. Hacıhafızoğlu and K. Kahveci, “Energy-Exergy Analysis and Modernization Suggestions for a Combined-Cycle Power Plant,” International Journal of Energy Research, 30, 115-126 (2005). (Ocak 2005) |
Kahveci, K. and M. C. Ece, “Centrifugally Driven Flow and Heat Transfer in a Rotating Cylinder Uniformly Heated from Bottom,” CSME Transactions, 28(1), 7-13 (2004). (Ocak 2004) |
Kahveci, K., A. Cihan and M. C. Ece, “Liquid Diffusion Model for Drying a Stack of Rough Rice,” International Journal of Energy Research, 27, 1133-1145 (2003). (Ocak 2003) |
Kuşçu, H. Kahveci, K., Akyol, U., Cihan, A., “A software for calculation of optimum conditions for cotton, viscose, polyester and wool based yarn bobbins in a hot-air bobbin dryer,” International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 6(1), pp. 83-90, 2012. (Ocak 2012) |
Hacıhafızoglu, O., A. Cihan, K., Kahveci, “Finite Element Simulation of Drying of Rough Rice,” Defect and Diffusion Forum, Vols. 312-315, pp. 860-864, (2011). (Ocak 2011) |
Cihan, A, K., Kahveci, U. Akyol and D. Akal, “Drying Behavior of Polyester Bobbins in a Hot-Air Bobbin Dryer,” Defect and Diffusion Forum, Vols. 312-315, pp. 848-853, (2011). (Ocak 2011) |
Akyol, U, K., Kahveci, A. Cihan and D. Akal, “Simulation of Drying Behavior of Cotton Bobbins by a Simultaneous Heat and Mass Transfer Model,” Defect and Diffusion Forum, Vols. 312-315, pp. 854-859, (2011). (Ocak 2011) |
Kahveci, K. and M. C. Ece, “The Combined Effect of Body Spin and Surface Blowing or Suction on Unsteady Laminar Boundary Layer Separation,” J. Theoretical and Applied Fluid Mechanics, 1, 53-64 (1995). (Ocak 1995) |
Kemerli, U., Kahveci, K., “Numerical Investigation of Air-Side Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in a Microchannel Heat Exchanger, Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering (MCM'16), August 22 – 23, 2016, Budapest, Hungary. |
Kuşçu, H., Kahveci, K., “Experimental Study of Heat Transfer in a Container Filled with Water and Cooled by a Peltier Device”, Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering (MCM'16), August 22 – 23, 2016, Budapest, Hungary. |
Kahveci, K., Öğüt, E. B., “ A Numerical Study on Mixed Convection of Water–Based Cuo Nanofluids in A Lid-Driven Square Enclosure: Effects of Viscosity Models”, Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering (MCM'16), August 22 – 23, 2016, Budapest, Hungary. |
Öğüt, E. B., Kahveci, K., “ Mixed Convection Characteristics of Ethylene Glycol and Water Mixture Based Al2O3 Nanofluids”, Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering (MCM'16), August 22 – 23, 2016, Budapest, Hungary |
Akal, D., Kahveci, K., “Investigation of Microwave Drying Characteristics of Carrot Slices”, Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering (MCM'16), August 22 – 23, 2016, Budapest, Hungary. |
Susantez, Ç., Öztürk, A., Kahveci, K., “Simulation and investigation of two dimensional MHD laminar flow in parallel plate channels for different structures”, International Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences (ICENS 2016), May 24-28, 2016, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. |
Hacıhafızoğlu, O., Susantez, Ç., Kahveci, K., “Drying model of rough rice based on genetic algorithm”, International Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences (ICENS 2016), May 24-28, 2016, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. |
Kahveci, K., Akal, D., “Numerical Investigation of Free Cooling by a PCM-Heat Exchanger, 6th International Conference Thermal Systems and Environmental Engineering (METIME 2016), May 12-13, 2016, Bucherest, Romania. |
Kemerli, U., Özgür, D., Öztürk, A., Kahveci, K., “Effect of High-Prandtl Number on Microscale Flow and Heat Transfer”, Proceedings of the World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering (MCM 2015), July 20-21, 2015, Barcelona, Spain. (Temmuz 2015) |
Cihan, A., Kahveci, K., Tezcan, A., Hacıhafızoğlu, O., “Flow and Heat Transfer Around an Air-Cooled Coil Condenser”, Proceedings of the World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering (MCM 2015), July 20-21, 2015, Barcelona, Spain. (Temmuz 2015) |
Kuşçu, H., Kahveci, K., Tanju, B.T., “Natural Convection in a Square Enclosure Cooled by Peltier Effect”, Proceedings of the World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering (MCM 2015), July 20-21, 2015, Barcelona, Spain. (Temmuz 2015) |
Hacıhafızoğlu, O., Susantez, Ç., Kahveci, K., Akyol, E., “Simulation of Intermittent Drying of Corn”, Proceedings of the World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering (MCM 2015), July 20-21, 2015, Barcelona, Spain. |
Akyol, E., Susantez, Ç., Kahveci, K., Hacıhafızoğlu, O., Kaya, Y., “Drying Simulation of Pumpkin Seed”, Proceedings of the World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering (MCM 2015), July 20-21, 2015, Barcelona, Spain. |
Kahveci, K., Becker, B., “Three Dimensional Simulation of Blood Flow in the Small Arteries of a Truncated Vascular System with Three Levels of Bifurcation", ASME 2014 4th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting and 11th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, FEDSM2014, August 3-7, 2014, Chicago, İllinois, USA. (Ağustos 2014) |
Hacıhafızoğlu, O., Kahveci, K., Akyol, E., “Finite Element Simulation of Thin Layer Drying of Corn", HTE’11, Proceedings of the 9th IASME/WSEAS International Conference on Heat Transfer, Thermal Engineering and Environment, pp.288-293, August 23-25, 2011, Florence/Italy. (Ağustos 2011) |
Öztuna, S., Kahveci, K., “Natural Convection of Water-Based CuO Nanofluid Between Concentric Cylinders", HTE’11, Proceedings of the 9th IASME/WSEAS International Conference on Heat Transfer, Thermal Engineering and Environment, pp.164-169, August 23-25, 2011, Florence/Italy. (Ağustos 2011) |
Tanju, B. T., Kahveci, K., “Natural Convection of Silicone Oil-Based Al2O3 Nanofluid in a Cylindrical Enclosure", , HTE’11, Proceedings of the 9th IASME/WSEAS International Conference on Heat Transfer, Thermal Engineering and Environment, pp.158-163, August 23-25, 2011, Florence/Italy. (Ağustos 2011) |
Akyol, E., Akyol, U., Hacıhafızoğlu, O., Kahveci, K., Cihan, A., “Effect of Drying Air Pressure on Wool Bobbin Drying Process”, HTE’11, Proceedings of the 9th IASME/WSEAS International Conference on Heat Transfer, Thermal Engineering and Environment, pp.144-147, August 23-25, 2011, Florence/Italy. (Ağustos 2011) |
Cihan, A., Kahveci, K., Akyol, U., Akal, D., “Optimum Operating Conditions in Drying of Polyester Based Bobbins with a Pressurized Hot Air Dryer”, HTE’11, Proceedings of the 9th IASME/WSEAS International Conference on Heat Transfer, Thermal Engineering and Environment, pp.176-179, August 23-25, 2011, Florence/Italy. (Ağustos 2011) |
Kuşçu, H., Kahveci, K., Akyol, U., Cihan, A., “A Software for Calculation of Optimum Conditions for Viscose Based Bobbin Drying in a Hot-Air Bobbin Dryer”, HTE’11, Proceedings of the 9th IASME/WSEAS International Conference on Heat Transfer, Thermal Engineering and Environment, pp.141-145, August 23-25, 2011, Florence/Italy. (Ağustos 2011) |
Akyol, U., Kahveci, K., Cihan, A., “A Study of Optimum Operating Conditions in A Convective Drying Process”, HTE’11, Proceedings of the 9th IASME/WSEAS International Conference on Heat Transfer, Thermal Engineering and Environment, pp.180-183, August 23-25, 2011, Florence/Italy. (Ağustos 2011) |
Kahveci, K., Cihan, A., Akyol, U., Akal, D, “Modelling of Hot-Air Drying Behavior of Polyester Based Yarn Bobbins, 7th International Conference - Textile Science 2010 TEXSCI 2010,September 6-8, Liberec, Czech Republic, 2010. (Eylül 2010) |
Akyol, E., U., Akyol, K., Kahveci, A., Cihan, “Investigation of Drying Behavior of Wool Based Yarn Bobbins,” 7th International Conference - Textile Science 2010 TEXSCI 2010,September 6-8, Liberec, Czech Republic, 2010. (Eylül 2010) |
Akyol, U., A., Cihan, K., Kahveci, K., “Experimental And Theoretical Investigation of Drying Kinetics Of Cotton Bobbins,” 7th International Conference - Textile Science 2010 TEXSCI 2010,September 6-8, Liberec, Czech Republic, 2010. (Eylül 2010) |
Hacıhafızoğlu O., Cihan A., Kahveci K., and Yılmaz S. “Continuous and Intermittent Drying Behavior of Thin Layer Corn” 5th International Ege Energy Symposium and Exhibition (IEESE-5), 27-30 June 2010, pp. 75, Denizli, Turkey. (Haziran 2010) |
Cihan, A., O. Hacıhafızoğlu, and K. Kahveci, “Modernization Suggestions for a Combined-Cycle Power Plant,” Proc. 2nd Int. Conference on Applied Thermodynamics, İstanbul, Turkey, 419-424, 2005. (Ocak 2005) |
Cihan, A., O. Hacıhafızoğlu, and K. Kahveci, “Exergy Analysis for a Combined-Cycle Power Plant”, International Scientific Conference, Technical University of Gabrovo, Vol. 1, pp. 88-89, Gabrovo, BULGARIA, 2004. (Ocak 2004) |
Kahveci, K. and M. C. Ece, “Thermal Convection in a Closed Vertical Rotating Cylinder Heated from the Top,” Proc. IMECE’03 2003 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, Washington, D.C., USA, 2003. (Ocak 2003) |
Kahveci, K. and M. C. Ece, “Flow and Heat Transfer in a Closed Circular Cylinder Heated from Top,” Proc. 2003 ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2003. (Ocak 2003) |
Kahveci, K. and A. Cihan, “An Investigation of Multi-Layer Rough Rice Drying,” Proc. 3rd Int. Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer, Banff, Canada, 252-257, 2003. (Ocak 2003) |
Kahveci, K. and M. C. Ece, “Effect of Mixed Convection on Heat Transfer Rate in a Closed Rotating Circular Cylinder Heated From Bottom,” Proc. 3rd Int. Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer, Banff, Canada, 654-661, 2003. (Ocak 2003) |
Kahveci, K. and M. C. Ece, “Steady Mixed Convection in a Rotating Cylinder with Heated Bottom Surface,” Proc. 13th Int. Symposium on Transport Phenomena (ISTP-13), Victoria, Canada, 2002. (Ocak 2002) |
Kahveci, K. and M. C. Ece, ”A Numerical Study of Steady Mixed Convection in a Rotating Cylinder with a Uniform Heat Flux on Bottom Wall,” Proc. 6th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, Istanbul, Turkey, 2002. (Ocak 2002) |
Ece, M. C., K. Kahveci, and A. Öztürk, “Characteristics of Unsteady Separated Laminar Boundary Layer Flows over Spinning Bodies,” Proc. Fourth GAP Engineering Congress, Şanlıurfa, Turkey, Vol. I, 25-30, 2002. (Ocak 2002) |
Kahveci, K. and A. Cihan, “Effect of Column Height on Drying Characteristics of Multi-Layer Rough Rice”, 2001 ASAE International Meeting, Sacramento, California, USA, Paper No: 016021, 2001. (Ocak 2001) |
Kahveci, K. and M. C. Ece, ”Unsteady Laminar Thermal Boundary Layer on a Spinning Permeable Isothermal Body,” Proc. ASME Int. Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Dallas, Texas, USA, Vol. III, 293-299, 1997. (Ocak 1997) |
Cihan, A., M. C. Ece and K. Kahveci, “Bulk Drying Kinetics of Multi-Layer Rough Rice,” Proc. Food Processing Automation Conference IV, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 440-444, 1995. (Ocak 1995) |
Kemerli, U., & Kahveci, K. Local Thermal Non-Equlibrium Modelling of Convective Heat Transfer in High Porosity Metal Foams. WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, 120, 293-301. (Temmuz 2018) |
Özgür D., Öztürk, A., Kahveci, K., "Natural Convection Heat Transfer of Water-Based CuO and Water-Based Al2O3 Nanofluids Through a Horizontal Plate" in "Exergy for a Better Environment and Improved Sustainability 1 - Fundamentals", ed. Feti Aloui and İbrahim Dinçer, SPRINGER, 2018, p.139. |
Kahveci, K. and A. Cihan, Drying of Food Materials: Transport Phenomena, Nova Science, New York, 2008. |
TÜBİTAK 1001 - Bobin Kurutma Makinesinin Modellenmesi, Optimizasyonu ve Otomasyonu, 2008-2010. |
SANTEZ 01618.STZ.2012–2 - Ankastre Buzdolaplarında Kullanılan Çift Çevrimli Kompakt Kondanserin Modellenmesi ve Optimizasyonu, 2012-2015 |
Peer Review Award - Publons, 2018, 2019. |
Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing - Elsevier, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018. |
Ludwig Mond Prize - Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, England, 2009. |
Lifetime Honorary Fellow - Australian Institute of High Energetic Materials, Melbourne, Australia |
Total Times Cited (SCI) : 720 |
Reviews : 382 (verified by Publons) |