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Abelian and consta-Abelian polyadic codes over affine algebras with a finite commutative chain coefficient ring, Yilmazgüç, GG; de la Cruz, J and Martínez-Moro, E, CRYPTOGRAPHY AND COMMUNICATIONS-DISCRETE-STRUCTURES BOOLEAN FUNCTIONS AND SEQUENCES 16 (4) , pp.889-907 (Temmuz 2024) |
On the structure of repeated-root polycyclic codes over local rings, Maryam Bajalan, Edgar Martínez-Moro, Reza Sobhani, Steve Szabo, Gülsüm Gözde Yılmazgüç, Discr. Math. , Volume 347, Issue 1, January 2024, 113715 (Ocak 2024) |
A new hybrid method combining search and direct based construction ideas to generate all 4× 4 involutory maximum distance separable (MDS) matrices over binary field extensions, Gökhan Tuncay, Fatma Büyüksaraçoğlu Sakallı, Meltem Kurt Pehlivanoğlu, Gülsüm Gözde Yılmazgüç, Sedat Akleylek, Muharrem Tolga Sakallı, PeerJ Computer Science 9, e1577 (Eylül 2023) |
Gülsüm Gözde Güzel, Muharrem Tolga Sakalli, Sedat Akleylek, Vincent Rijmen, Yasemin Cengellenmis "A New Matrix Form to Generate All 3x3 Involutory MDS Matrices over F_{2^m}", Information Processing Letters (IPL), Elsevier, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipl.2019.02.013 (Mart 2019) |
Fatma BÜYÜKSARAÇOĞLU SAKALLI , Özlem AYDIN , Gökhan TUNCAY , Meltem KURT PEHLİVANOĞLU , Gülsüm Gözde GÜZEL , Muharrem Tolga SAKALLI, "On Lightweight 4 × 4 MDS Matrices over Binary Field Extensions", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SECURITY SCIENCE Yıl: 2020 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2 Sayfa Aralığı: 94 - 103 (Haziran 2020) |
G. Gözde Güzel, Abdullah Dertli, Yasemin Çengellenmis, "Constacyclic and Cyclic Codes over the Finite Ring F_2 + uF_2 + u^2F_2 + vF_2", International Conference on Applied Analysis and Mathematical Modelling (ICAAMM2019), İstanbul. (Mart 2019) |
G. Gözde Güzel, Abdullah Dertli, Yasemin Çengellenmiş, "On the Constacyclic and Cyclic Codes over the Class of Finite Rings F_{2^k}+uF_{2^k}+u^2 F_{2^k}+v F_{2^k}", ACA conference series 2018, Santiago de Compostela June 18-22, 2018, Spain. (Haziran 2018) |
G. Gözde Güzel, Abdullah Dertli, Yasemin Çengellenmiş, "On the (1+u^2+u^3)-Constacyclic and Cyclic Codes over the Finite Ring F_2+uF_2+u^2F_2+u^3F_2+vF_2", Notes from International Autumn School on Computational Number Theory, Birkhauser, Springer, 2019. (Nisan 2019) |
G. Gözde GÜZEL, "Reed-Muller Kodlar”, Öğrenci Matematik Çalıştayı, İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul, 2015 (Nisan 2015) |
Gülsüm Gözde Güzel, Muharrem Tolga Sakalli, Sedat Akleylek, Vincent Rijmen, Yasemin Cengellenmis "A New Matrix Form to Generate All 3x3 Involutory MDS Matrices over F_{2^m}", Information Processing Letters (IPL), Elsevier, 2019. Başvuru no: 387056 (TÜBİTAK, ULAKBİM) (Ağustos 2019) |
2019-2020 Güz Cebire Giriş Dersi Bütünleme Soru ve Cevapları.pdf |
2019-2020 Güz Cebire Giriş Dersi Final Soru ve Cevapları.pdf |
2019-2020 Güz Cebire Giriş Dersi Vize Soru ve Cevapları.pdf |
Notes on Introduction to Algebra 1 .pdf |
Notes on Introduction to Algebra 2 .pdf |
Notes on Introduction to Algebra 3 .pdf |
Notes on Introduction to Algebra 3- completed .pdf |
Notes on Introduction to Algebra 4.pdf |
Notes on Introduction to Algebra 5.pdf |
Notes on Introduction to Algebra 6.pdf |
Notes on Introduction to Algebra 7.pdf |
Notes on Introduction to Algebra 8.pdf |
2019-2020 Elemanter Sayı Kuramı Final Soru ve Cevapları.pdf |
2019-2020 Güz Elemanter Sayı Kuramı Dersi Bütünleme Soru ve Cevapları.pdf |
2019-2020 Güz Elemanter Sayı Kuramı Dersi Vize Soru ve Cevapları.pdf |
Lecture Notes 1.pdf |
Lecture Notes 2.pdf |
Lecture Notes 3.pdf |
Lecture Notes 4.pdf |
Lecture Notes 5.pdf |
Lecture Notes 6.pdf |
Lecture Notes 7.pdf |
Lecture Notes 8.pdf |