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![]() Personel CV`si Yazdır |
H. Camoglu, G. Kacar, Dissipative particle dynamics simulations identify structural properties and molecular clustering of alcohol-water mixtures, Fluid Phase Equilibria, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fluid.2024.114296. (Kasım 2024) |
O. B. Mergen, U. Gul, G. Kacar, E. Arda, M. Aydogdu, CMC/SWCNT Biocomposites: A Combined Study on Experiments, Molecular Simulations and Continuum Models, Materials Today Communications, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtcomm.2024.108819. (Nisan 2024) |
G. Kacar, Structural and energetic properties of lecithin liposomes encapsulating coenzyme Q10 from coarse-grained simulations, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11696-024-03417-2. (Mart 2024) |
E. A. Dalgakiran, A. D. Ergin, G. Kacar, Properties of Pluronic F68 and F127 micelles interacting furosemide from coarse-grained molecular simulations as validated by experiments, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 131352. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfa.2023.131352 (Mart 2023) |
D. Kizilkaya, H. Ghermezchesme, S. Sabzevar, H. Makki, G. Kacar, Modeling surface segregation of smart PU coatings at hydrophilic and hydrophobic interfaces via coarse-grained molecular dynamics and mesoscopic simulations, Progress in Organic Coatings, 174, 107279. (Ocak 2023) |
H. Camoglu, T. Urbic, G. de With, G. Kacar, Computing dissipative particle dynamics interactions to render molecular structure and temperature-dependent properties of simple liquids, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 367, 120539. (Ekim 2022) |
M. M. Kuru, E. A. Dalgakiran, G. Kacar, Investigation of morphology, micelle properties, drug encapsulation and release behaviour of self-assembled PEG-PLA-PEG block copolymers: A coarse-grained molecular simulations study, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. Doi: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2021.127445. (Ağustos 2021) |
G. Kacar, Thermodynamic stability of ibuprofen loaded poloxamer micelles, Chemical Physics, 533, 110713 (Şubat 2020) |
G.Kacar, G. de With, Parametrizing hydrogen bond interactions in dissipative particle dynamics simulations: the case of water, methanol and their binary mixtures, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 302, 112581 (Ocak 2020) |
G. Kacar, Molecular understanding of interactions, structure, and drug encapsulation efficiency of Pluronic micelles from dissipative particle dynamics simulations, Colloid and Polymer Science, 7-8, 1037-1051. (Haziran 2019) |
G. Kacar, Characterizing the structure and properties of dry and wet polyethylene glycol using multi-scale simulations, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20, 12303-12311. (Nisan 2018) |
G. Kacar, P.T.M. Albers, C. Esteves, G. de With, Mesoscopic structure and swelling properties of crosslinked polyethylene glycol in water, J. Coat. Tech. Res., DOI: 10.1007/s11998-018-0065-4 (Şubat 2018) |
G. Kacar, Dissipative particle dynamics parameterization and simulations to predict negative volume excess and structure of PEG and water mixtures. Chemical Physics Letters, 690, 2017, 133–139. (Kasım 2017) |
G. Kacar, G. de With, Hydrogen bonding in DPD: Application to low molecular weight alcohol-water mixtures, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016, 18, 9554-9560. (Mart 2016) |
G. Kacar, E.A.J.F. Peters, G. de With, Multi-scale simulations for predicting material properties of a cross-linked polymer, Computational Materials Science 102, 68-77. (Mayıs 2015) |
G. Kacar, E.A.J.F. Peters, L.G.J. van der Ven, G. de With, Hierarchical multi-scale simulations of adhesion at polymer–metal interfaces: dry and wet conditions, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (14), 8935-8944. (Şubat 2015) |
G. Kacar, E.A.J.F. Peters, G. de With, Structure of a Thermoset Polymer near an Alumina Substrate as Studied by Dissipative Particle Dynamics, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (37), 19038–19047. (Ağustos 2013) |
G. Kacar, E.A.J.F. Peters, G. de With, A generalized method for parameterization of dissipative particle dynamics for variable bead volumes, EPL 102 (4), 40009. (Haziran 2013) |
G. Kacar, E.A.J.F. Peters, G. de With, Mesoscopic simulations for the molecular and network structure of a thermoset polymer, Soft Matter 9 (24), 5785-5793. (Mayıs 2013) |
G. Kacar, C. Atilgan, A.S. Ozen, Mapping and reverse-mapping of the morphologies for a molecular understanding of the self-assembly of fluorinated block copolymers, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (1), 370-382. (Kasım 2009) |
H. Can, G. Kacar, C. Atilgan, Surfactant formation efficiency of fluorocarbon-hydrocarbon oligomers in supercritical CO2, The Journal of Chemical Physics 131 (12), 124701. (Eylül 2009) |
M. Yıldız, G. Kacar, Investigation of ibuprofen loading in PEG–PLGA–PEG micelles by coarse‑grained DPD simulations, https://doi.org/10.1557/s43580-021-00073-6. (Mayıs 2021) |
G. Kacar, Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulation Parameters and Interactions of a Hydrogel, Journal of the Turkish Chemical Society, Section A: Chemistry, 19–28. (Ocak 2018) |
13. Kimyasal Fizik Kongresi, Elazığ, Türkiye. (Davetli Konuşmacı) (Ekim 2022) |
Molecular Simulation 2022: Past, Present and Future, Erice, Italy (Haziran 2022) |
7. Uluslararası BAU İlaç Tasarımı Kongresi, Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi, İstanbul (Konuşmacı) (Aralık 2019) |
CECAM Meeting - Dissipative particle dynamics: Where do we stand on predictive application? CECAM-UK-HARTREE (Davetli konuşmacı) (Nisan 2018) |
Coatings Science International (COSI), Noordwijk, The Netherlands (Konusmaci) (Haziran 2017) |
Istatistiksel Fizik Gunleri (IFG), Izmir (Davetli Konusmaci) (Haziran 2017) |
252. American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting, Philadelphia, A.B.D. (Konuşmacı) (Ağustos 2016) |
World Polymer Congress MACRO 2016, Istanbul (Konuşmacı) (Temmuz 2016) |
11th Chemical Physics Congress, Istanbul (Konuşmacı) (Ekim 2014) |
Molecular Chemistry Symposium, Istanbul (Çağrılı konuşmacı) (Mayıs 2014) |
Dutch Polymer Institute (DPI) Meetings, The Netherlands, (Konuşmacı) |
Dutch Polymer Days, Lunteren, The Netherlands (Poster) (Eylül 2013) |
Dutch Molecular Dynamics Day, Eindhoven, The Netherlands (Organizer) (Haziran 2013) |
International Materials Sci. and Applied Phys. Congress, Antalya, Turkey (Konuşmacı) (Mayıs 2012) |
Statistical Mechanics: Interplay of Theory and Computer Simulations, Mainz, Germany (Poster) (Nisan 2012) |
NWO Dutch Polymer Days, Veldhoven, The Netherlands (Poster) (Kasım 2011) |
SimBioMa Conference, Konstanz, Germany (Poster) (Eylül 2011) |
Dutch Molecular Dynamics Day, Groningen, The Netherlands (Konuşmacı) (Haziran 2011) |
CECAM Workshop Liquid/Solid interfaces, Lausanne, Switzerland (Poster) (Nisan 2011) |
Multi-scale Modeling Workshop, Leuven, Belgium (Poster) (Ekim 2010) |
Materials Research Society Meeting, Boston, U.S.A. (Konuşmacı) (Aralık 2008) |
8th Chemical Physics Congress, Istanbul (Poster) (Nisan 2008) |
Molecular Simulation 2022: Past, Present and Future |
21. Sıvıhal Fiziği Sempozyumu, İstanbul (Davetli konuşmacı) (Aralık 2017) |
Materials Research Society (MRS), 2008 |
Chemical Physics Letters |
RSC Advances |
The Journal of Physical Chemistry |
Macromolecular Theory and Simulations |
Journal of Computational Chemistry |
European Polymer Journal |
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science |
I2CAM Travel Award |
Coatings Science International Creativity Award |