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1977 yılında Edirne’ nin Uzunköprü ilçesinde doğdum. İlkokul ve orta okulu Kurtbey İlköğretim Okulun’ da (Edirne), lise öğrenimimi Edirne Lisesi’ nde tamamladım. Üniversite öğrenimime, Eylül 1996’ da Trakya Üniversitesi Fen- Edebiyat Fakültesi Fizik Bölümü’ nde başladım. Bu bölümden Temmuz 2000 tarihinde mezun oldum. Eylül 2000 tarihinde Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fizik Anabilim Dalı’ nda yüksek lisans öğrenimime başladım ve Temmuz 2003’ te mezun oldum. Eylül 2005 tarihinde Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fizik Anabilim Dalı’ nda doktora öğrenimime başladım ve Ekim 2011 tarihinde mezun oldum.
Halen, Aralık 2001 tarihinde atanmış olduğum Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Fizik Bölümünde Araştırma Görevlisi olarak görev yapmaktayım. Evli ve bir çocuk babasıyım.
orcid number : 0000-0003-1469-2602
Pressure dependent evolution of microstructures in Pd80Si20 bulk metallic glass V. Guder, S. Sengul, M. Celtek, U. Domekeli, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 576 (2022) 121290 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2021.121290 (Ocak 2022) |
Dynamical and structural properties of metallic liquid and glass Zr48Cu36Ag8Al8 alloy studied by molecular dynamics simulation; M.Celtek, S.Sengul, U.Domekeli, V.Guder; Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 566, 15 August 2021, 120890, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2021.120890 (Ağustos 2021) |
A molecular dynamic study of the effects of high pressure on the structure formation of liquid metallic Ti62Cu38 alloy during rapid solidification, Unal Domekeli, Computational Materials Science, Volume 187, 1 February 2021, 110089, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.commatsci.2020.110089 (Şubat 2021) |
Effects of Ag or Al addition to CuZr-based metallic alloys on glass formation and structural evolution: A molecular dynamics simulation study, M. Celtek , U.Domekeli, S.Sengul, C.Canan, Intermetallics, Volume 128, January 2021, 107023, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intermet.2020.107023 (Ocak 2021) |
The structural evolution and abnormal bonding ways of the Zr80Pt20 metallic liquid during rapid solidification under high pressure, Sengul, S.; Celtek, M.; Domekeli, U. COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE Volume: 172 Article Number: 109327 Published: FEB 1 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.commatsci.2019.109327 (Şubat 2020) |
The melting mechanism in binary Pd0.25Ni0.75 nanoparticles: molecular dynamics simulations, U. Domekeli, S. Sengul , M. Celtek and C. Canan, Philosophical Magazine, VOL . 98, NO . 5, 371–387 (2018). DOI: 10.1080/14786435.2017.1406671 (Şubat 2018) |
Glass formation and structural properties of Zr50Cu50-Al-x(x) bulk metallic glasses investigated by molecular dynamics simulations; M. Celtek, S. Sengul, U. Domekeli; INTERMETALLICS, Volume: 84, Pages: 62-73, DOI: 10.1016/j.intermet.2017.01.001 (Mayıs 2017) |
Molecular dynamics simulations of glass formation and atomic structures in Zr60Cu20Fe20 ternary bulk metallic alloy; S. Sengul, M. Celtek, U. Domekeli ; VACUUM, Volume: 136, Pages: 20-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.vacuum.2016.11.018 (Şubat 2017) |
Molecular dynamics study of structure and glass forming ability of Zr70Pd30 alloy; M. Celtek, S. Sengul, U. Domekeli, C. Canan; EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B, Volume: 89, Issue: 3, DOI: 10.1140/epjb/e2016-60694-5 (Mart 2016) |
Molecular dynamics simulation studies on melting of Sn nanowires, S. S. DALGIÇ, U. DOMEKELI, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS Volume: 13 Issue: 11-12 Pages: 1570-1576 (Aralık 2011) |
Melting properties of tin nanoparticles by molecular dynamics simulation, S. S. DALGIÇ, U. DOMEKELI, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS Volume: 11 Issue: 12 Pages: 2126-2132 (Aralık 2009) |
Static and dynamic structure of liquid GaSb using the modified embedded atom method (MAEAM) potentials, S. S. DALGIÇ, U. DOMEKELI, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS Volume: 9 Issue: 10 Pages: 3285-3292 (Ekim 2007) |
Static structure of liquid K-Sb alloys using the MAEAM potentials, S. S. DALGIÇ, U. DOMEKELI, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS Volume: 9 Issue: 6 Pages: 1705-1709 (Haziran 2007) |
Structural properties of liquid K-Te alloys, G. TEZGOR, S. S. DALGIÇ, U. DOMEKELI, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS Volume: 7 Issue: 4 Pages: 1983-1992 (Ağustos 2005) |
Structure properties of liquid FCC transition metals using the embedded atom method potential, S. S. DALGIÇ, S. DALGIÇ, U. DOMEKELI, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS Volume: 5 Issue: 5 Pages: 1263-1270 (Eylül 2003) |
EFFECT OF COOLING RATE ON THE ATOMIC STRUCTURE OF Al75Co25 METALLIC GLASS, Sedat SENGUL, Unal DOMEKELI, Murat CELTEK; Journal of the Technical University of Gabrovo 63, 76-80 (2021). (Kasım 2021) |
THE STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES OF LIQUID MOLYBDENUM UNDER HIGH PRESSURE: MOLECULAR DYNAMICS SIMULATIONS STUDY, Sedat SENGUL, Murat CELTEK, Unal DOMEKELI; International scientific conference UNITECH_2021; proceedings volume II, p. II-313; Gabrovo-Bulgaria, November 2021. (Kasım 2021) |
EFFECT OF EXTERNAL PRESSURE ON THE MELTING POINT AND ATOMIC STRUCTURE OF PURE ALUMINUM DURING THE HEATING PROCESS, Unal DOMEKELI, Murat CELTEK, Sedat SENGUL; International scientific conference UNITECH_2021; proceedings volume II, p. II-307; Gabrovo-Bulgaria, November 2021. (Kasım 2021) |
A MOLECULAR DYNAMICS SIMULATION STUDY OF THE SHAPE EFFECTS ON THE THERMAL STABILITY OF RHODIUM NANOPARTICLES, Unal DOMEKELI, Sedat SENGUL, Murat CELTEK; International scientific conference UNITECH_2021; proceedings volume II, p. II-287; Gabrovo-Bulgaria, November 2021. (Kasım 2021) |
A MOLECULAR DYNAMICS SIMULATION STUDY ON THE STRUCTURAL EVOLUTION OF LIQUID CALCIUM UNDER HIGH PRESSURE, Murat CELTEK, Sedat SENGUL, Unal DOMEKELI; International scientific conference UNITECH_2021; proceedings volume II, p. II-265; Gabrovo-Bulgaria, November 2021. (Kasım 2021) |
Melting behavior of Pb nanowires: molecular dynamics simulations; Sedat SENGUL, Unal DOMEKELI and Murat CELTEK; International scientific conference UNITECH_2020; proceedings volume II, p. II-381; Gabrovo-Bulgaria, November 2020 (Kasım 2020) |
Molecular dynamics simulations of the pressure effect on the melting point of HCP beryllium; Sedat Sengul, Murat Celtek, Unal Domekeli; International scientific conference UNITECH_2020; proceedings volume II, p. II-371; Gabrovo-Bulgaria, November 2020 (Kasım 2020) |
Investigation of the melting process of Ni3Al alloy by molecular dynamic simulations method; Murat Celtek, Sedat Sengul and Unal Domekeli; International scientific conference UNITECH_2020; proceedings volume II, p. II-366; Gabrovo-Bulgaria, November 2020 (Kasım 2020) |
The effect of cooling rate on the crystallization process of liquid rhodium: molecular dynamics simulations; Murat Celtek, Unal Domekeli, Sedat Sengul; International scientific conference UNITECH_2020; proceedings volume II, p. II-360; Gabrovo-Bulgaria, November 2020 (Kasım 2020) |
Static and dynamic structural properties of liquid copper under high pressure; Unal DOMEKELI, Sedat SENGUL and Murat CELTEK; International scientific conference UNITECH_2020; proceedings volume II, p. II-393; Gabrovo-Bulgaria, November 2020 (Kasım 2020) |
A molecular dynamics simulations study of dimension-dependent melting process of Pd nanostructures; Unal DOMEKELI, Murat CELTEK and Sedat SENGUL; International scientific conference UNITECH_2020; proceedings volume II, p. II-387; Gabrovo-Bulgaria, November 2020 (Kasım 2020) |
The structural properties of liquid iridium : the effect of cooling rate ; U. Dömekeli ; International scientific conference UNITECH_2019; proceedings volume III, p. III-325; Gabrovo-Bulgaria (Kasım 2019) |
A classical molecular dynamics simulation study on the structural evolution and dynamic properties of Al66.7Ag33.3 metallic liquid during rapid solidification ; S. Sengul, U. Dömekeli ; International scientific conference UNITECH_2019; proceedings volume III, p. III-351; Gabrovo-Bulgaria (Kasım 2019) |
The effects of the cooling rates on microstructure of Al60Cu40 metallic liquid: atomic simulations ; S. Sengul, U. Dömekeli ; International scientific conference UNITECH_2019; proceedings volume III, p. III-346; Gabrovo-Bulgaria (Kasım 2019) |
An investigation of the effects of pair potentials on the atomic development and melting point of magnesium metwl during the heating process ; M. Çeltek, U. Dömekeli ; International scientific conference UNITECH_2019; proceedings volume III, p. III-340; Gabrovo-Bulgaria (Kasım 2019) |
The structural evolution of liquid Pb nanoparticle during solidification process ; M. Çeltek, U. Dömekeli, S. Sengul ; International scientific conference UNITECH_2019; proceedings volume III, p. III-335; Gabrovo-Bulgaria (Kasım 2019) |
A Molecular dynamics simulations study of the thermal and structural properties of palladium nanfilms ; U. Dömekeli, M. Çeltek ; International scientific conference UNITECH_2019; proceedings volume III, p. III-330; Gabrovo-Bulgaria (Kasım 2019) |
THE STUDY OF MOLECULAR DYNAMICS SIMULATIONS OF MELTING BEHAVIOR OF BCC TANTALUM NANOCLUSTERS; ; M. Çeltek, U. Dömekeli ; International scientific conference UNITECH_2018; proceedings volume III, p. III-253; Gabrovo-Bulgaria (Kasım 2018) |
Molecular dynamic simulation study of melting point of L12-Cu3Au alloy ; M. Çeltek, U. Dömekeli ; International scientific conference UNITECH_2018; proceedings volume III, p. III-248; Gabrovo-Bulgaria (Kasım 2018) |
Molecular dynamic simulation of glass formation and crystallization in binary metallic alloys during cooling process ; Sedat Şengül, U. Dömekeli ; International scientific conference UNITECH_2018; proceedings volume III, p. III-243; Gabrovo-Bulgaria (Kasım 2018) |
Local Structure of Liquid Zirconium: Molecular dynamics Study ; Sedat Şengül, U. Dömekeli ; International scientific conference UNITECH_2018; proceedings volume III, p. III-239; Gabrovo-Bulgaria (Kasım 2018) |
Size dependent melting behavior of Rh nanoparticles by molecular dynamics ; U. Dömekeli, M. Çeltek, Sedat Şengül ; International scientific conference UNITECH_2018; proceedings volume III, p. III-261; Gabrovo-Bulgaria (Kasım 2018) |
The effect of the cooling rate on the solidification of the liquid Pd nanoparticle ; U. Dömekeli, Sedat Şengül, M. Çeltek ; International scientific conference UNITECH_2018; proceedings volume III, p. III-257; Gabrovo-Bulgaria (Kasım 2018) |
Structural evolution of liquid Si by molecular dynamics simulations; C. Canan, Sedat Şengül, M. Çeltek, U. Dömekeli ; International scientific conference UNITECH_2017; proceedings volume III, p. III-240; Gabrovo-Bulgaria (Kasım 2017) |
Size dependent thermodynamic properties of silicon nanowires by atomic simulation method; U. Dömekeli, M. Çeltek, C. Canan, S. Sengül ; International scientific conference UNITECH_2017; proceedings volume III, p. III-236; Gabrovo-Bulgaria (Kasım 2017) |
Effect of Pressure on microstructure evolution of bulk liquid hafnium during rapid solidification : a classical molecular dynamics simulations sdudy; M. Çeltek, C. Canan, U. Dömekeli, S. Sengül ; International scientific conference UNITECH_2017; proceedings volume III, p. III-230; Gabrovo-Bulgaria (Kasım 2017) |
Molecular dynamics simulations of glass formation in cu-based bulk metallic alloy; S. Sengül, U. Dömekeli, C. Canan, M. Çeltek; International scientific conference UNITECH_2017; proceedings volume III, p. III-225; Gabrovo-Bulgaria (Kasım 2017) |
The melting mechanism in lead nanoparticles; U. Domekeli ; International congress on fundamental and applied sciences ICFAS2018; Üsküp - Makedonya (Haziran 2018) |
The structure and glass forming ability of a Zr-Pd bulk glass; C. Canan, M. Celtek, S. Sengul, U. Domekeli ; Turkish Physical Society 33rd International Physics Congress; Book of Abstracts, p. 656; Bodrum-Turkey (Eylül 2017) |
Short range order in Zr-Cu-Fe bulk metallic alloy by common neighbor analysis; S. Sengul, M. Celtek, U. Domekeli ; Turkish Physical Society 33rd International Physics Congress; Book of Abstracts, p. 338; Bodrum-Turkey (Eylül 2017) |
Verification of the many body potentials for bulk metallic glasses by molecular dynamics simulations; M. Celtek, S. Sengul, U. Domekeli; Turkish Physical Society 33rd International Physics Congress; Book of Abstracts, p. 364; Bodrum-Turkey (Eylül 2017) |
Heating and cooling processes of bimetallic nanoparticles: a molecular dynamics study ; U. Domekeli, S. Sengul, M. Celtek, C. Canan; Turkish Physical Society 33rd International Physics Congress; Book of Abstracts, p. 310; Bodrum-Turkey (Eylül 2017) |
Static structure of NiTi alloy using the modified embedded atom method potentials, H. KES, S. SENTURK DALGIC, U. DOMEKELI and S. USLU, 6. International Conference on Amorphous and Nanostructured Chalcogenides ANC 6, Conference Book of Abstracts p. 32, Braşov-Romanya (Haziran 2013) |
Molecular dynamics simulations studies on melting of Sn nanowiers; S. SENTURK DALGIC and U. DOMEKELI 5. International Conference on Amorphous and Nanostructured Chalcogenides ANC 6, Conference Book of Abstracts p. 45, Bükreş-Romanya (Haziran 2011) |
Melting properties of tin nanoparticles by molecular dynamics simulation; S. SENTURK DALGIC and U. DOMEKELI; 4. International Conference on Amorphous and Nanostructured Chalcogenides ANC 4, Conference Book of Abstracts p. 41, Constanta-Romanya (Haziran 2009) |
A study of effective interactions and melting evolution of Vanadium nanoparticles, S. S. DALGIÇ, U. DOMEKELI, NATO Advanced Study Institute (CBP.EAP.ASI 982789) on Nanostructured Materials for Advanced Technological Applications, Sozopol-BULGARİSTAN (Haziran 2008) |
A molecular dynamics study of the MAEAM Potentials for liquid AgSe alloys, S. S. DALGIÇ, U. DOMEKELI, XVIth International Symposium on Non – Oxide and New Optical Glasses: ISNOG, Montpellier-FRANSA (Nisan 2008) |
Static and dynamic structure of liquid GaSb using the modified embedded atom method (MAEAM) potentials; S. S. DALGIC and U. DOMEKELI; 3. International Conference on Amorphous and Nanostructured Chalcogenides ANC 3, Conference Book of Abstracts p. 58, Brasov-Romanya (Temmuz 2007) |
Static structure of liquid K-Sb alloys using the MAEAM potentials; S. S. DALGIC and U. DOMEKELI; 5. International Conference on Romanian Conference on Advanced Materials ROCAM 2006, Conference Book of Abstracts p. 216, Bükreş-Romanya (Eylül 2006) |
Structural properties of liquid K-Te alloys; G. TEZGOR, S. S. DALGIC and U. DOMEKELI; 2. International Conference on Amorphous and Nanostructured Chalcogenides ANC 2, Conference Book of Abstracts p. 13, Sinaia-Romanya (Haziran 2005) |
Structure properties of liquid FCC transition metals using the embedded atom method potential; S. S. DALGIC, S. DALGIC and U. DOMEKELI; 4. International Conference on Romanian Conference on Advanced Materials ROCAM 2003, Conference Book of Abstracts p. 241, Constanta-Romanya (Eylül 2003) |
Sıvı Pd25Ni75 Nanoparçacıklarının Katılaşma Süreci Üzerine Soğutma Oranının Etkisinin Moleküler Dinamik Benzetişim Yöntemiyle İncelenmesi, Ünal DÖMEKELİ, Murat ÇELTEK, Sedat ŞENGÜL, BEÜ Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 8 (4), 1258-1268, 2019 (Aralık 2019) |
Hızlı Soğutma Sürecinde Dörtlü Zr48Cu36Ag8Al8 İri Hacimli Metalik Camının Atomik Yapısının Gelişimi, Murat ÇELTEK, Sedat ŞENGÜL, Ünal DÖMEKELİ, Süleyman Demirel Üniversites Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, Cilt 23, Sayı 3, 954-962, 2019 (Aralık 2019) |
Moleküler Dinamik BenzetimYöntemiile Isıtma İşlemi Sırasında Platin Metalinin Yapısal Gelişimi ve Erime Noktası Üzerine Atomlar-arası Potansiyel Etkisinin Araştırılması, Murat CELTEK, Unal DOMEKELI, Sedat SENGUL, BEÜ Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 8 (2),413-427,2019, doi.org/10.17798/bitlisfen.479447. (Haziran 2019) |
Size and Shape Effects on Melting Behavior of Au Nanocrystals by Molecular Dynamics Simulation, S. S. DALGIÇ, U. DOMEKELI, 14. Sıvıhal Fiziği Sempozyumu, Edirne-TÜRKİYE (Aralık 2010) |
Melting evolution and diffusion behavior of bimetallic CuAu nanoparticles studied molecular dynamics simulations, S. S. DALGIÇ, U. DOMEKELI, (NanoTR6) 6. Ulusal Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, Çeşme-İZMİR - TÜRKİYE (Haziran 2010) |
Melting of Truncated-Octohedral Au Nanoparticles, S. S. DALGIÇ, U. DOMEKELI, (NanoTR5) 5. Ulusal Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, Eskişehir - TÜRKİYE (Haziran 2009) |
Static And Dynamic Propertıes Of Liquid Nickel Using Embedded Atom Method Potentials, S. S. DALGIÇ, U. DOMEKELI, VIII. Ulusal Sıvıhal Fiziği Sempozyumlar, İstanbul - TÜRKİYE (Eylül 2004) |
Modified Equation of State Calculations for Liquid Fcc Transition Metals in the Embedded Atom Method, S. S. DALGIÇ, U. DOMEKELI, 10. İstatistik Fizik Günleri, İstanbul - TÜRKİYE (Temmuz 2003) |
Sıvı Fcc Metalleri için Gömülü Atom Potansiyelleri, S. S. DALGIÇ, U. DOMEKELI, 21. Fizik Kongresi, Isparta - TÜRKİYE (Eylül 2002) |
A New Embedded Atom Method Potential for Liquid Metal, S. S. DALGIÇ, U. DOMEKELI, 9. İstatistik Fizik Günleri, İstanbul - TÜRKİYE (Temmuz 2002) |
Inter-atomic Potentials for Monatomic Metals Using The Embedded Atom Method, S. S. DALGIÇ, S. DALGIÇ, U. DOMEKELI, VI. Ulusal Sıvıhal Fiziği Sempozyumu, İstanbul - TÜRKİYE (Haziran 2002) |
Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology (ULAKBİM-TR DİZİN) (Haziran 2021) |
Communications Chemistry (SCI-EXP) (Nature Publishing Group) (Ocak 2021) |
Sakarya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi (ULAKBİM-TR DİZİN) (Eylül 2020) |
Fırat Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi (ULAKBİM-TR DİZİN) (Eylül 2020) |
VACUUM (SCI-EXP) (Elsevier Group) (Ekim 2019) |
Nano Materyallerin Erime Sürecindeki Fiziksel Özelliklerinin Moleküler Dinamik Simülasyonu İle İncelenmesi, Trakya Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Fonu, TÜBAP-2011/102 (Yardımcı Araştırmacı) (Ekim 2011) |
Kalgojen Sistemlerin Moleküler Yapıları, Termodinamik ve Atomik Taşıma Özellikleri, Trakya Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Fonu TÜBAP-780, (Yardımcı Araştırmacı) (Haziran 2010) |
Advanced School and International Conference on DFT and its Applications in Nanosciences, International Advanced Research School (IARS) at Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics (ITAP), 19-29 Ekim 2009 Turunç-Marmaris - TÜRKİYE (Ekim 2009) |
Winter School on Application of Computer Simulation and Modelling in Contemporary Solid State Physics and Nanotechnology”, International Advanced Research School (IARS) at Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics (ITAP), 29 Ocak-5 Şubat 2008, Turunç-Marmaris - TÜRKİYE (Ocak 2008) |