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![]() Personel CV`si Yazdır |
S. Çeken Güneş, On S-Semisecond and S-Semiprime Submodules, Communications in Algebra, yayına kabul edildi. (Şubat 2025) |
Çeken, S., Tekir, Ü. & Koç, S. On generalized morphic modules, Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius din Constanta, Math. Series, yayına kabul edildi. (Şubat 2024) |
On Normal Modules, C. Jayaram, Ü. Tekir, S. Koç, S. Çeken, Communications in Algebra (2023) 51(4), 1479–1491. (Şubat 2023) |
ÇEKEN, S., On S-Second Spectrum of a Module, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas, Yayına kabul edildi. (Ağustos 2022) |
Çeken S, Yüksel, C., Generalizations of Strongly Hollow Ideals and a Corresponding Topology, AIMS Mathematics, yayına kabul edildi. (Ağustos 2021) |
Çeken S., Dual Zariski Spaces of Modules, Algebra Colloquium, yayına kabul edildi. (Ağustos 2021) |
Çeken S., Tekir Ü., Koç S., Kelleqi A., Generalizations Of Second Submodules, Filomat, yayına kabul edildi. (Eylül 2020) |
S. Çeken, On M-Coidempotent Elements and Fully Coidempotent Modules, Communications in Algebra, 48 (11) (2020), 4638-4646. (Mayıs 2020) |
S. ÇEKEN, On the Upper Dual Zariski Topology, FILOMAT (Mart 2019) |
ÇEKEN, S. Comultiplication Modules Relative to a Hereditary Torsion Theory, Communications in Algebra, yayına kabul edildi. (Şubat 2019) |
Ceken S., Alkan M., A Sheaf On The Second Spectrum Of A Module, Communications in Algebra, https://doi.org/10.1080/00927872.2018.1472270 (Nisan 2018) |
Ceken, S. On The Interior of a Submodule With Respect to a Set Of Ideals, Quaestiones Mathematicae, https://doi.org/10.2989/16073606.2018.1457097 (Mart 2018) |
Khaldoun AL-ZOUBI, Rashid ABU-DAWWAS and Seçil ÇEKEN, On Graded 2-Absorbing and Graded Weakly 2-Absorbing Ideals, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 2018, Doi: 10.15672/HJMS.2018.543 |
Çeken, S., Alkan, M., ''Second Spectrum Of Modules And Spectral Spaces'', Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Society Series, DOI: 10.1007/s40840-017-0473-0, 2017 |
Çeken S., Alkan M., ''Singular and Nonsingular Modules Relative To a Torsion Theory", Communications in Algebra, 45 (8), 3377-3389 , 2017 |
Çeken S., Alkan M., On the Weakly Second Spectrum of a Module, Filomat, 30 (4), 1013-1020, 2016 |
Çeken S., Palmieri, J. H., Wang Y-H. and Zhang, J. J., The discriminant criterion and automorphism groups of quantized algebras, Advances in Mathematics, 286, 754-801, 2016 |
Çeken S., Palmieri J. H., Wang Y-H., Zhang J. J., "The Discriminant Controls Automorphism Groups of Noncommutative Algebras" Advances in Mathematics, 269, 551584, 2015 |
Çeken S., Alkan M., "On The Second Spectrum And The Second Classical Zariski Topology Of A Module" Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 14 (10), Article Number: 1550150, 2015 |
Çeken S., Alkan M., "On Graded Second And Coprimary Modules And Graded Secondary Representations", Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 38 (4), 1317-1330, 2015 |
Çeken S., Alkan M., Smith P.F., "Second Modules Over Noncommutative Rings", Communications in Algebra, 41 (1), 83-98, 2013. |
Çeken S., Alkan M., "On Prime Submodules And Primary Decompositions In Two-Generated Free Modules", Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 17 (1), 133-142, 2013, |
Çeken S., Alkan M., Smith P.F., "The Dual Notion Of The Prime Radical Of A Module", Journal of Algebra, 392, 265-275, 2013 |
Çeken S., Alkan M., "UC Modules With Respect To A Torsion Theory", Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 36 (3), 376-385, 2012 |
Çeken S., Alkan M., "On -Extending Modules", Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 9 (1), 129-142, 2012, |
Çeken, S., Koç, S. & Tekir, Ü. On (n− 1, n)-ϕ-second submodules, Palestine Journal of Mathematics, 12 (4)(2023) , 133–142. (Kasım 2023) |
S. ÇEKEN, 2-Absorbing coprimary submodules, Beitr Algebra Geom (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13366-020-00554-z (Ocak 2021) |
S. Çeken, M. Alkan, On Strongly 2-Absorbing Second Submodules, AIP Conference Proceedings (Nisan 2018) |
Ceken, S. and Alkan, M., Modules and the Second Classical Zariski Topology, Le Matematiche (Yayina kabul edildi) (Mart 2018) |
Çeken, S., On a subspace of dual Zariski topology, AIP Conference Proceedings 1863, 300007 (2017); doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4992456 |
Çeken S., Alkan M., "On The Classical Zariski Topology Over Prime Spectrum of a Module", Proceedings of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society, 20 (2017), No. 4. pp. 595 - 604. |
Çeken S., Palmieri J., Wang Y-H. and Zhang, J. J., Invariant Theory for Quantum Weyl Algebras Under Finite Group Actions, Proceeding of Symposia in Pure Mathematics book series of American Mathematical Society (AMS), 92, 119-134, 2016. |
Çeken S., Alkan M., "On Second Submodules", Contemporary Mathematics, 634, 67-77, 2015 |
Çeken, S., Alkan, M., ''Dual Of Zariski Topology For Modules'' Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings, 1389 (1), 357-360, 2011. (Eylül 2011) |
Çeken, S., Alkan, M., ''On Radical Formula Over Free Modules With Two Generators'', Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings, vol.1389 (1), 333-336, 2011 (Eylül 2011) |
S. Çeken, On the Upper Second Submodules, Proceedings Book of MICOPAM2018, ISBN 978-86-6016-036-4, 99-102. (Ekim 2018) |
"Discriminant Criterion and Automorphism Groups of Some Quantized Algebras", Joint International Meeting of the American, European and Portuguese Mathematical Societies, Porto, PORTEK·IZ, 10-13 June 2015. |
"On the Weakly Second Spectrum of a Module", The 28th International Conference of The Jangjeon Mathematical Society, Antalya, TÜRKİYE, 15-19 May 2015. |
Çeken S., Alkan M., Smith P., "On Second Submodules And The Second Radical Of Modules", International Conference on Algebra in Honour of Patrick Smith and John Clarks 70th Birthdays, TÜRKIYE, 12-15 Agustos 2013. |
Çeken S., Alkan M., Smith P., "On The Second Radical Of A Module Over A Noncommutative Ring", Classical Aspects of Ring Theory and Module Theory, POLONYA, 14-20 Temmuz 2013. |
Çeken S., Alkan M., "Dual Zariski Topology For Second Submodules", The 24th International Conference of Jangjeon Mathematical Society, TÜRKIYE, 20-23 Temmuz 2011. |
Çeken S., Alkan M., "Dual Of Zariski Topology For Modules", International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, YUNANISTAN, 19-25 Eylül 2011. |
Çeken S., Alkan M., "2 Üreteçli Serbest Modüllerin Asal Ve Asıl Altmodülleri", XXIII. Ulusal Matematik Sempozyumu, KAYSERI, TÜRKIYE, 4-7 Ağustos 2010. |
Çeken S., Alkan M., "T-Complemented Modüllerin T-Injektif Ve Cs Modüllerle İlişkilerkileri'' XXII. UlusalMatematik Sempozyumu, İZMİR, TÜRKİYE, 31 Ağustos-3 Eylül 2009 |
Yücel YILMAZ, Ders aşamasında |
Ajlin KELLEQI, φ-İkinci ve n-Yaklaşık İkinci Alt Modüller (Aralık 2021) |
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 1 adet (SCI-E) (Ocak 2023) |
International Electronic Journal of Algebra, 1 adet (Ocak 2023) |
Journal Of Mathematics, 1 adet (SCI-E) (Ağustos 2022) |
Gazi University Journal of Science Part A, 2 adet (Aralık 2021) |
Open Mathematics (SCI-E) (Eylül 2021) |
Filomat, 1 adet (SCI-E) (Haziran 2020) |
Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 1 adet (Ekim 2019) |
Heliyon, 1 adet (Ekim 2019) |
Journal of Algebraic Systems, 1 adet (Ekim 2019) |
International Electronic Journal of Algebra, 1 adet (Ekim 2019) |
Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1: Mathematics and Statistics, 1 adet (Eylül 2019) |
Filomat, 1 adet (SCI-E) (Ocak 2019) |
Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1: Mathematics and Statistics, 1 adet (Ağustos 2018) |
International Electronic Journal of Algebra, 1 adet (Haziran 2018) |
Proceedings of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society, 1 adet (Nisan 2018) |
Linear and Multilinear Algebra 1 adet (SCI-E) (Nisan 2018) |
Proceedings of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society, 1 adet (Şubat 2018) |
Filomat, 1 adet (SCI-E) (Ocak 2018) |
Miskolc Mathematical Notes, 1 adet (SCI-E) (Kasım 2017) |
Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics: 1 adet, Mayıs-2017 (SCI-E) (Mayıs 2017) |
Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 1 adet, Eylül 2016. (Eylül 2016) |
Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society, 1 adet, Agustos 2016 (Ağustos 2016) |
5th Symposium on Generating Functions of Special Numbers and Polynomials and their Applications within ICNAAM 2016 for Special issue in the Journal of American Institute of Physics: 4 adet, Mayıs-2016 (Mayıs 2016) |
Proceedings of Mathematical Sciences: 1 adet (SCI-E) (Şubat 2016) |
Filomat: 1 adet, Agustos 2015 (SCI-E) (Ağustos 2015) |
Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society: 1 adet, Temmuz-2015 (SCI-E) (Temmuz 2015) |
Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics: 1 adet, ¸Subat-2015 (SCI-E) (Şubat 2015) |
Walailak Journal of Science and Technology: 1 adet, ¸Subat-2015. (Şubat 2015) |
İkinci altmodüller için Zariski-benzeri topolojiler" TÜBITAK Projesi, MFAG/114F381, Doktora Sonrası Araştırmacı, 2015-2017 (Nisan 2017) |