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![]() Personel CV`si Yazdır |
Sami Bulut, Kimon A.G. Karatzas. Inactivation of Escherichia coli K12 in phosphate buffer saline and orange juice by high hydrostatic pressure processing combined with freezing, LWT Food Science & Technology, 2020, 110313, ISSN 0023-6438, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2020.110313. (Ekim 2020) |
S.I.Ekonomou, S.Bulut, K.A.G.Karatzas, I.S.Boziaris. Inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes in raw and hot smoked trout fillets by high hydrostatic pressure processing combined with liquid smoke and freezing. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies Volume 64, August 2020, 102427. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ifset.2020.102427 (Haziran 2020) |
Serpil Aday, Çiğdem Uysal Pala, Belgizar Ayana Çam, Sami Bulut. Storage quality and microbiological safety of high pressure pasteurized liquorice root sherbet. LWT - Food Science and Technology, Volume 90, 2018, Pages 613-619, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2018.01.013 (Ocak 2018) |
Sami Bulut. Inactivation of Escherichia coli in milk by high pressure processing at low and subzero temperatures. High Pressure Research. 34(4):439-446. Doi: 10.1080/08957959.2014.981262 (Ekim 2014) |
Sami Bulut. The Effects of High-Pressure Processing at Low and Subzero Temperatures on Inactivation of Microorganisms in Frozen and Unfrozen Beef Mince Inoculated with Escherichia coli Strain ATCC 25922. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 7(10), 3033-3044., Doi: 10.1007/s11947-014-1339-1 (Ekim 2014) |
Sami Bulut, Christoph Schick (2012). Devitrification of the amorphous fractions of starch during gelatinisation, Carbohydrate Polymers, 90, 140-146. (Eylül 2012) |
Sami Bulut (2012). Survival of microorganisms in high pressure treated minced meat during chilled storage and at pH and temperature mimicking gastrointestinal tract. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 6(36), 6558-6564. (Eylül 2012) |
Zhu S., Bulut S., Le Bail A., Ramaswamy H.S. (2005). High Pressure differantial scanning calorimetry (DSC): Equipment and technique validation using water-ice phase transformation data. Journal of Food Process Engineering 27, 359–376. (Ocak 2005) |
Bulut, S., Waites, W.M. and Mitchell, J.R. (1999). Effects of combined shear and thermal forces on destruction of Microbacterium lacticum. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 65, 4464-4469. (Ocak 1999) |
Bulut S., Chapleau N., de Lambalerie M. Le Bail A. High Pressure Processing of Chicken Meat: Change in Total Aerobic Counts after Pressure Treatment and During Chilled Storage. British Microbiology Research Journal, 4(5), 540-549., Doi: 10.9734/BMRJ/2014/8214. (Ocak 2014) |
High pressure pasteurization of liquids in frozen state. IFT-EFFOST 2018 Nonthermal Processing Workshop and Short Course, 25-27 Eylül 2018 / Sorrento-Salerno, İtalya (Eylül 2018) |
Sami Bulut, Abdullah Akgün. Preparation of Food Nano-Emulsions by High Pressure Homogenization: Production of Low-Calorie Mayonnaise. Proceedings of 2nd Congress on Food Structure Design - Innovation in Food Structure Properties and Relations. 26-28 Oct, 2016, Antalya, Turkey (Ekim 2016) |
Evci, G., I. B. B. Bilgen, V. Pekcan, M. Yilmaz, S. Daneshvar, C. Colak, S. Bulut, Y. Kaya. MAS selection on oleic type sunflower breeding. Proceedings of 19th International Sunflower Conference, 29 May - 3rd June, 2016, Edirne, Turkey. (Haziran 2016) |
Bulut S. Inactivation of Escherichia coli and Salmonella Typhimurium in milk by High Pressure Processing at subzero temperatures. 12th International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF12), Québec City, Canada, June 14-18, 2015. (Haziran 2015) |
Bulut S, Pekgirtine C. Use of low and moderate high hydrostatic pressure at subzero temperatures for inactivation of Escherichia coli in milk. 12th Asian Congress of Nutrition. 14 - 18 May, 2015 / Yokohama, Japan. (Mayıs 2015) |
Bulut S., Pekgirtine C. High Pressure Processing of Milk at Subzero Temperatures. Balkan Agriculture Congress. 8-10 September 2014, Edirne, Turkey. (Eylül 2014) |
Bulut S., Pekgirtine C. Could High Pressure Processing at Subzero Temperatures Be a Pathway to Pasteurize Low Acid Foods? 8th International Conference on High Pressure Bioscience and Biotechnology, Nantes, France, 15-18 July 2014. (Temmuz 2014) |
Bulut S., Sert T. S., Coşkun F. The effect of high pressure processing at subzero temperatures on quality parameters of beef mince. Novel Approaches in Food Industry, Kuşadası, Turkey (Mayıs 2014) |
Bulut S. Effect of High Pressure Processing at Subzero Temperatures on Inactivation of Microorganisms in Beef Mince. 8th International CIGR Technical Symposium, Guangzhou, China. (Kasım 2013) |
Bulut S., Öner N. Fate of high hydrostatic pressure injured microorganism in minced meat during storage and in gastrointestinal tract. Advanced Nonthermal Processing in Food Technology: Effects on Quality and Shelf life of Food and Beverages (ANPFT2012) WORKSHOP Kusadasi, TURKEY. 07-10 Mayıs, 2012. (Mayıs 2012) |
Bulut S., Oğraşıcı E. Use of organic acids on their own and in combination for decontamination of fresh vegetables and herbs as an alternative to chlorine. ICEF 11 International Congress on Engineering and Food, 22-26 May, 2011, Athens, Greece. (Mayıs 2011) |
Bulut S. Decontamination of fresh produce by sequential wash in organic acid solutions. Novel Approaches in Food Industry 2011, 26-29 May 2011, Çeşme, İzmir. (Mayıs 2011) |
Bulut S. Decontamination of Fresh Produce By Sequential Wash In Weak Organic Acid Solutions, Euro-Mediterranean Symposium for Fruit & Vegetable Processing, Avignon France, April 18-21, 2011. (Nisan 2011) |
Bulut S., James C, Herbert B, James S. Continuous steam surface pasteurisation of fresh herbs. Food Factory of the Future, July 6-9, 2006, Gothenburg, Sweden. (Temmuz 2006) |
Songming Z., Bulut S., Chapleau N., Anton M., Le Bail A. High Pressure Calorimetry applied to phase transitions in foods: applications to water and protein denaturation. Joint XIX AIRAPT International Conference & XLI EHPRG Meeting on High Pressure Science and Technology. Bordeaux, France, July 7-11, 2003 (Temmuz 2003) |
Bulut S., Mitchell J.R, Waites W. M. Destruction of Vegetative cells and spores by combined shear and thermal forces. Annual Meeting of Institute of Food Technologists, June 23-27, 2001, New Orleans, USA. (Haziran 2001) |
Bulut S., Mitchell J.R, Waites W. M. Effect of combined shear and thermal forces on destruction of microorganisms. 10th World Food Science and Technology Congress, October 4-8, 1999, Sydney, Australia. (Ekim 1999) |
Bulut S., Mitchell J.R, Waites W. M. Destruction of microorganisms by combined shear and thermal forces. Food Micro’99, September 13-17, Veldhoven, Netherlands. (Eylül 1999) |
Pressurization of frozen foods at near zero temperatures could reduce the cost of high pressure processing. 31st EFFoST International Conference, 13-16 Kasım 2017, Sitges, İspanya. (Kasım 2017) |
ADAY SERPİL, UYSAL PALA Çiğdem, AYANA ÇAM Belgizar, BULUT SAMİ, Combined effects of acidification and high-pressure processing on microbial inactivation, bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity of liquorice root sherbet, International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Food Sciences, no. 3, pp. 374-384, 2021 (Eylül 2021) |
Bulut S. Küçük işletmlerde gıda güvenliği işletim sisteminin oluşturulması: İngiltere örneğinin Türkiye’ye uyarlanması. 3.Gıda Güvenliği Kongresi, İstanbul. 3-4 Mayıs 2012. (Mayıs 2012) |
Yüksek basınçla etlerin pastörizasyonu, ikinci Danışman. (Şubat 2012) |
Yüksek Hidrostatik Basınç ile Gün Kurusu Kayısıların Pastörizasyonu, ikinci danışman. (Mart 2013) |
Institute of Food Technologistst, Üye , 2000-2004 |
Institute of Food Science and Technology, UK, Üye , 2004-2007 |
The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, UK, Üye , 2008-2013 |
Journal of Food Engineering, Hakemlik sayısı:10 |
LWT - Food Science and Technology, Hakemlik sayısı:4 |
Meat Science, Hakemlik sayısı:2 |
High Pressure Research, Hakemlik Sayısı:1 |
Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, Hakemlik Sayısı:2 |
Food Research International, Hakemlik Sayısı:15 |
British Microbiology Research Journal, Hakemlik Sayısı:1 |
Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, Hakemlik Sayısı:1 |
Thermochimia Acta, Hakemlik Sayısı:4 |
Yüksek hidrostatik basınç ile geleneksle badem ezmesinin raf ömrünün uzatılması. Trakya Universitesi Fen Blimleri Enstitüsü. 2019. (Ocak 2019) |
Taze etlerin yüksek hidrostatik basınç ile düsük sıcaklıklarda basınç degisimi ile dondurularak ve dondurulmadan pastörize edilmesi, BAP, Yürütücü. (Kasım 2013) |
Yüksek basınç ile gıdaların pastörizasyonu - KOSGEB, Yürütücü. (Haziran 2013) |
Klorlamaya alternatif olarak organik asitlerle taze sebze ve meyvelerin yüzey dekontaminasyonu, BAP, Yürütücü. (Aralık 2011) |
Edirne ili genelinde faaliyet gösteren yemek firmalarının fiziksel, kimyasal ve mikrobiyolojik açılardan güvenli gıda üretimlerinin kontrolü, Arastırmacı. (Eylül 2011) |
Yüksek basınç Homojenizasyonu ile düsük kalorili mayonez ve sosların hazırlanması. - Yurt dışı (İngiltere) çalısma, Arastırmacı, 2007-2009 (Haziran 2009) |
Taze sebze ve baharatların superısıtılmıs buhar ile yüzey dekontaminasyonu - Yurt dışı (İngiltere) çalısma, Arastırmacı. (Ekim 2006) |
Yüksek Hidrostatik Basınç Teknolojisi ile Meyan Kökü (Glycyrrhiza Glabra L.) Serbetinin Raf Ömrünün Arttırılması, TÜBITAK PROJESI, Danısman, Devam ediyor |
Yüksek basınç homojenizasyonuyla gıda nano emülsiyonlarının hazırlanması: düsük kalorili mayonez üretimi, BAP, Yürütücü, Devam ediyor. |
Yurt dısı arastırma bursu (Oversees research scholarship), Ingiltere Egitim ve Bilim Bakanlıgı (Secretary of State for Education and Science), INGILTERE, 1999 |
Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) registered trainer for Level 2 Award in Food Safety for Manufacturing, retail and catering. Trainer no: 026652. |
BRC Third Party Auditor to the BRC Global Standard – Food (Certificate no: BRC/ATP012/TPA/291) |
Advanced Diploma in Applied HACCP Principles from Royal Institute of Public Health, UK. Accreditation no: 100/1583/8). |
Üniversite Sanayi İşbirliği Proje Yönetimi: Universty of Bristol & Red Deer Herbs Ltd., Ingiltere, 2004-2006. |
Üniversite Dışı Endüstri Deneyimi: Bakkavor Group, Ingiltere, Arastırmacı, 2007-2010. |
Üniversite Dışı Deneyim: NSF - CMi, İngiltere - Yarı Zamanlı, Küçük gıda isletmelerinde gıda güvenliği isletim sisteminin kurulması ve denetlenmesi için eşitim seminerleri ve denetimlerin gerçekleştirilmesi, 2007-2010. |
Üniversite Dısı Deneyim: GıdaTech Ar-Ge Egitim ve Danısmanlık Hizmetleri - Trakya Üniversitesi Teknoparkı, kurucu ve Yönetici, 2011-1014 |