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![]() Personel CV`si Yazdır |
BAGCI, P.O., GUNASEKARAN, S. Iron-encapsulated cold-set whey protein isolate gel powder. Part 1: Optimization of preparation conditions and in vitro evaluation, International Dairy Journal, In press (Aralık 2015) |
BAGCI, P.O., GUNASEKARAN, S., Iron-encapsulated cold-set whey protein isolate gel powder. Part 2: Effect of Iron Fortification on Sensory and Storage Qualities of Yogurt, International Dairy Journal, In press. (Kasım 2015) |
ONSEKIZOGLU, P., WANG, Y.C., GUNASEKARAN, S. A simple and green route for room temperature synthesis of gold nanoparticles and selective colorimetric detection of cysteine, Journal of Food Science, 80 (9), N2071-N2078. (Eylül 2015) |
ONSEKIZOGLU, P. Potential of membrane distillation for production of high quality fruit juice concentrate- A comprehensive review, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 55(8), 1098-1113. (Ocak 2015) |
BAGCI, P.O. Effective clarification of pomegranate juice: A comparative study of pretreatment methods and their influence on ultrafiltration flux, Journal of Food Engineering 141, 58-64 (Mayıs 2014) |
BAGCI, P.O. Production of high quality clarified pomegranate juice concentrate by membrane processes, Journal of Membrane Science, 442, 264-221. (Nisan 2013) |
ALPER, N., ONSEKIZOGLU, P. , ACAR, J. 2011. Effects of various clarification treatments on phenolic compounds and organic acid compositions of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) juice, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 35(3), 313-319. |
ONSEKIZOGLU, P., BAHCECI, K. S., ACAR, J. 2010. The use of factorial design for modelling membrane distillation, Journal of Membrane Science, 349, 225-230. (Şubat 2010) |
ONSEKIZOGLU, P., BAHCECI, K.S., ACAR, J. 2010. Clarification and concentration of apple juice using membrane processes: A comparative quality assesment, Journal of Membrane Science, 352, 160-165. (Şubat 2010) |
ONSEKIZOGLU, P., ACAR, J., GOKMEN, V. 2005. Degradation of β-carotene with the effects of light and sulphur dioxide may be responsible for the formation of white spots in dried apricots, European Food Research and Technology, 221, 357-360. (Mart 2005) |
BAGCI, U., GULEC, H. A., BAGCI, P.O. "Decontamination of minimally processed parsley by plasma treatment: effect on product quality." EuroFoodChem XVIII, Madrid-Spain, Poster bildiri (Kasım 2015) |
BAGCI, P.O., GUNASEKARAN, S. " Iron-encapsulated cold-set whey protein isolate gel powder for targeted delivery of iron: optimization of process parameters" EuroFoodChem XVIII, Madrid-Spain, Poster bildiri (Kasım 2015) |
BAGCI, P.O., WANG, Y. C, GUNASEKARAN, S. "One step green synthesis of gold nanoparticles using fuji apple juice." EuroFoodChem XVIII, Madrid-Spain, Poster bildiri (Kasım 2015) |
YILMAZ, E., BAGCI, P.O., "Concentration of Hardaliye by osmotic distillation process." 3rd International Symposium on "Traditional Foods from Adriatic to Caucasus, Bosna Herzegiova, Poster bildiri (Ekim 2015) |
BAGCI, P.O., GULEC, H.A. Production of high quality pomegranate juice concentrate by coupled operation of osmotic distillation and membrane distillation: ımprovement of process performance by an effective pre-clarification treatment, EuroMembrane, Aachen-Germany, Poster bildiri (Eylül 2015) |
BAGCI, P.O., GULEC, H.A. Effects of various pre-clarification treatments on ultrafiltration performance and quality attributes of pomegranate juice. EuroMembrane, Aachen-Germany, Poster bildiri (Eylül 2015) |
BAGCI, U., GULEC, H. A., BAGCI, P.O. Improving ultrafiltration process performance during apple juice clarification by low pressure oxygen plasma treatment: Membrane characterization. EuroMembrane, Aachen-Germany, Poster bildiri (Eylül 2015) |
GULEC, H. A., DAMAR, H. I., BAGCI, U., BAGCI, P.O. Improving ultrafiltration process performance during whey treatment by atmospheric pressure argon plasma technology: membrane characterization. EuroMembrane, Aachen-Germany, Poster bildiri. (Eylül 2015) |
ONSEKIZOGLU, P. "Approach for a Combined Application of Membrane Distillation-Osmotic Distillation Concept for Athermal Concentration of Fruit Juices" EuroFoodChem XVII, Istanbul, Turkey, Sözlü sunum. (Mayıs 2013) |
ONSEKIZOGLU, P. “Concentration of pomegranate juice by coupled operation of osmotic distillation and membrane distillation: an alternative approach for flux enhancement” International Workshop on Membrane Distillation and Related Technologies, Ravello, Italya, Poster sunum. (Ekim 2011) |
ONSEKIZOGLU, P. “A novel integrated membrane process for pomegranate juice concentration” International Food Congress - Novel Approaches in Food Industry, İzmir, Türkiye, Poster sunum. (Mayıs 2011) |
UZUNER S.,ONSEKİZOGLU P.,ACAR, J. "Effects of cold storage on the total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of pomegranate juice." 6th International CIGR Technical Symposium - Towards a Sustainable Food Chain: Food Process, Bioprocessing and Food Quality Management, Nantes-France, Poster bildiri (Nisan 2011) |
ONSEKIZOGLU, P., BAHCECI, K. S., ACAR, J. “Comparative evaluation of membrane processes for the concentration of apple juice” 16th IFU Congress, İstanbul, Türkiye, Sözlü sunum. (Mayıs 2010) |
ONSEKIZOGLU, P., BAHCECI, K. S., ACAR, J. “Investigation of coupled operation of osmotic distillation and membrane distillation for flux enhancement in fruit juice concentration” EFFOST Anuual Conference: New Challenges in Food Preservation, Budapeşte, Macaristan, Poster sunum (Kasım 2009) |
ONSEKIZOGLU, P., ACAR, J., GOKMEN, V. “In Depth Mechanistic Study on the Formation of White Spots in Dried Apricots”, EuroFoodChem XV, Copenhagen, Denmark, Sözlü sunum. (Temmuz 2009) |
ONSEKIZOGLU, P., BAHCECI, K. S., ACAR, J. “The Evaluation of Full Factorial Design for the Concentration of Apple Juice by Osmotic Membrane Distillation Process” Second SAFE Consortium International Congress on Food Safety, Girona, Spain, Poster sunum. (Nisan 2009) |
ONSEKIZOGLU, P., 2012. Membrane Distillation: Principle, Advances, Limitations and Future Prospects in Food Industry, in Distillation - Advances from Modeling to Applications, ed. Zereshki S., ISBN: 978-953-51-0428-5, InTech Press, Croatia, pp. 233-266. |
ONSEKIZOGLU, P. 2012. Membran distilasyon ve ozmotik distilasyon ile meyve suyu konsantrasyonu, GIDA, 37 (2): 103-110. |
UZUNER, S., ONSEKIZOGLU, P., ACAR, J. 2011. Effects of processing techniques and cold storage on ellagic acid concentration and some quality parameters of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) juice, GIDA, 36(5), 263-269. |
ONSEKIZOGLU, P., ACAR, J. 2003, İzotiyosiyanatlar ve insan beslenmesindeki önemi, Gıda Mühendisliği Dergisi, 15, 37-42 |
ONSEKIZOGLU, P., ACAR, J., GOKMEN, V. “Kuru Kayısılarda Akçil Sorunu: Oluşum şekli ve Mekanizmasına Kinetik bir Yaklaşım”, II. Geleneksel Gıdalar Sempozyumu, Van, Poster sunum. (Mayıs 2009) |
ONSEKIZOGLU, P., ACAR, J., GOKMEN, V. “Kuru Kayısılarda Akçil Sorununun nedenleri üzerine bir araştırma” Türkiye 10. Gıda Kongresi, Erzurum, Poster sunum. (Mayıs 2008) |
BAGCI, P.O., Membran Ayırma, Taner Baysal, Filiz İçier (Ed.), Gıda Mühendsiliğine Giriş, 645-674, Nobel Yayıncılık, İzmir (Eylül 2015) |
Journal of Food Engineering |
Food Reviews International (Mart 2014) |
Journal of Food Processing and Preservation (Ocak 2013) |
Journal of Membrane Science (Mayıs 2012) |
The Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly (Mart 2012) |
Food and Bioprocess Technology (Ekim 2010) |
Chemical Engineering and Processing (Ağustos 2010) |
Chemical Engineering Journal (Ağustos 2010) |
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (Temmuz 2010) |
Process Biochemistry (Ekim 2009) |
Yürütücü, TUBAP 2015/160 (Devam ediyor) (Ekim 2015) |
Yürütücü, TUBITAK TOVAG 115O591 (Devam ediyor) (Ekim 2015) |
Yardımcı Araştırmacı, TUBAP 2013/93 (Tamamlandı) (Nisan 2015) |
Yardımcı Araştırmacı, TUBİTAK 3501 Kariyer Geliştirme Projesi, Proje No: TOVAG 112O836 (Tamamlandi) (Nisan 2015) |
Yürütücü, TUBAP 2015/21 (Devam ediyor) (Şubat 2015) |
Yardımcı Araştırmacı, TUBAP 2015/114 (Devam ediyor) |
Yürütücü-Bursiyer, TUBITAK BIDEB 1059B191300127 (Tamamlandı) (Aralık 2014) |
Yardımcı Araştırmacı, TUBITAK MAG 113O636 (Tamamlandı) (Ağustos 2014) |
Yardımcı Araştırmacı, TÜBAP 2011/142 (Tamamlandı) (Ocak 2013) |
Yardımcı Araştırmacı, COST TS 1208 (Devam ediyor) |
Yardımcı Araştırmacı, TUBAP-2012/213 (Tamamlandi) |
Proje Yürütücüsü, TÜBAP 2011/141 (Tamamlandı) (Aralık 2012) |
Yardimci Araştirmaci, H.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırmalar Birimi 0701602003 (Tamamlandı) (Ekim 2009) |
Yardımcı Araştırmacı, TÜBİTAK TOVAG 107O096 (Tamamlandı) (Temmuz 2009) |
TÜBİTAK 2219 Yurt Dısı Doktora Sonrası Arastırma Bursu (Aralık 2014) |
Socrates/Erasmus Exchange Fellowship sponsored by the European Union: Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary (Mayıs 2006) |
Hacettepe Üniversitesi Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü 2001 / 2002 Akademik Yılı Bölüm İkinciliği (Şubat 2002) |