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![]() Personel CV`si Yazdır |
I. Kilic, Spectrometric Studies on Antioxidant Activity of Pinus Nigra Resin In Vitro and Its Total Phenolic and Flavonoid Content, 10.2174/1573412911666151022193432, CURRENT PHARMACEUTICAL ANALYSIS, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 146-151, 2016 |
I. Kilic, A. Moralar, The Effect of Problem-Based Learning Approach on Academic Success and Motivation in Science Education, 10.14527/pegegog.2015.034, PEGEM EGITIM VE OGRETIM DERGISI, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 625-636, 2015 |
I. Kilic, Y. Yesiloglu, Y. Bayrak, Investigation on the Antioxidant Activity of Roots and Stem of Colchicum turcicum L., ASIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 5-9, 2014 |
I. KILIÇ, Y. YESILOGLU, Y. BAYRAK, Spectroscopic studies on the antioxidant activity of ellagic acid, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, vol. 130, pp. 447-452, -AMERIKA BIRLESIK DEVLETLERI, 9, 2014 |
I. KILIÇ, Y. YESILOGLU, Y. BAYRAK, Investigation on the Antioxidant Activity of Roots and Stem of Colchicum turcicum L, Asian Journal of Chemistry, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 5-9, 1, 2014 |
Y. Yesiloglu, L. Sit, I. Kilic, in vitro Antioxidant Activity and Total Phenolic Content of Various Extracts of Satureja hortensis L. Collected from Turkey, ASIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, vol. 25, no. 15, pp. 8311-8316, 2013 |
Y. Yesiloglu, H. Aydin, I. Kilic, In Vitro Antioxidant Activity of Various Extracts of Ginger (Zingiber officinale L.) Seed, ASIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, vol. 25, no. 7, pp. 3573-3578, 2013 |
I. Kilic, Y. Yesiloglu, Y. Bayrak, S. Gulen, T. Bakkal, Antioxidant Activity of Rumex conglomeratus P. Collected from Turkey, ASIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, vol. 25, no. 17, pp. 9683-9687, 2013 |
Y. Bayrak, H. Topallar, B. Karagoz, I. Kilic, Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Cr(VI), Cu(II), and Ni(II) Adsorption on Activated Carbon Prepared from Rice Hulls, 10.1080/01932691.2012.743347, JOURNAL OF DISPERSION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 34, no. 9, pp. 1248-1256, 2013 |
I. Kilic, Y. Bayrak, H. Topallar, B. Karagoz, Preparation of Rice Hull-Based Activated Carbon with Ammonium Nitrate, ASIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, vol. 25, no. 9, pp. 4911-4916, 2013 |
I. Kilic, Y. Yesiloglu, Spectroscopic studies on the antioxidant activity of p-coumaric acid, 10.1016/j.saa.2013.06.110, SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, vol. 115, pp. 719-724, 2013 |
Y. Yesiloglu, I. Kilic, Lipase-catalyzed esterification of glycerol and oleic acid, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN OIL CHEMISTS SOCIETY, vol. 81, no. 3, pp. 281-284, 2004 |
Yesiloglu Y. and Kilic, İ. “ Polyvinyl Alcohol-Trypsin as Catalyst for Amino Acid Ester Synthesis in Organic Media” Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 34(4), 365-375, (2004). |
Yesiloglu, Y. and Kilic, İ. “Lipase-Catalyzed Esterification of Glycerol and Oleic Acid” JAOCS, 81(3), 281-284, (2004). |
KILIÇ ISMAIL,Gürbüz Özkan, The Effect of Science Instruction Supported by Educational Games on the Motivation of Secondary School Students within the Scope of Light Spread Unit, International Conference on Science, Mathematics, Entrepreneurship andTechnology Education, pp. 150-150, IZMIR-TÜRKIYE |
I. KILIÇ, Ö. GÜRBÜZ, “Isigin Yayilmasi” Ünitesi Kapsaminda Egitsel Oyunlar Ile Desteklenmis Fen Ögretiminin Ortaokul Ögrencilerinin Motivasyonu Üzerine Etkisi, Uluslararasi Fen, Matematik, Girisimcilik ve Teknoloji Egitimi Kongresi, pp. 458-463, IZMIR-TÜRKIYE |
I. KILIÇ, S. ERGÜN, The Effects of Computer Assisted Collaborative Learning Method in Science and Technology Classes on Students’ Attitudes, 13th International Balkan Education and Science Congress, pp. 151- |
I. KILIÇ, Y. YESILOGLU, Free radical scavenging activity of p coumaric acid, 10. Chemistry Conference, Plovdiv-BULGARISTAN |
Işık, O., Kılıç, İ., Acar, G. and Ilgaz, G.” Investıgatıon of Nutrıtıonal Habıts of Trakya Unıversıty Students. The VI.Balkan Congress for Education and Science:THE MODERN SOCIETY AND EDUCATION, Volume 2, p:971-974, Ohrid- Macedonia, 30 Eylül-01 Ekim 2011. |
Kılıç İ., Ünal T., Polat, S.S. “Sınıf Öğretmenlerinin Fen ve Teknoloji Dersi Öğretimindeki Öz Yeterlilik İnançlarının Arttırılabilmesine İlişkin Görüşlerinin İncelenmesi”. The 5th International Balkan Education and Science Congress, Edirne/Turkey, volume 1, pp. 287-291, 2009. |
Ilgaz, G. and Kilic, İ. “The relationship between exam grades and portfolio assessment grades of the students in science laboratory”, IV. International scientific conference”contemporary ıntentions in education”, Ohrid, Macedonia, Vol: 1, p: 203-208, 13-15 June, 2008, |
Kilic, İ., “Attitudes Towards Chemistry Laboratory of Science Student Teachers”. IV. Balkan Congress Education, The Balkans, Europe, , Stara Zagora-BULGARIA, Vol: 1, p: 228-232, 22-24 June, 2007 |
Kilic, İ. “The Mısconceptıons About Acıds And Bases”. Union Of Scientists in Bulgaria”. National Scientific Conference with International Participation under the heading,“20 Years Union of Scientists in Bulgaria – Branch Smolyan”, Bulgaria Scientific Papers, Smolyan-Bulgaria, p: 906-910. October, 20th–21st, 2006. |
Yesiloglu, Y. and Kilic, İ. “ Glycerolysis of Oleic Acid by Candida Rugosa Lipase in organic Solvents”. University Of plovdiv, “Paisii Hilendarski”-Bulgaria Scientific Papers, Vol.34, Book 5, p: 81-86, 2006. |
Kilic İ., Cakici Y., Celtek M. and Saka M. " LEARNING BY DOING: Matter and Its Features", 3 nd International Balkan Congress, Shtip-Macedonia, v:1, p. 479-482, ,(2005). |
Yesiloglu, Y. and Kilic, İ. “Glycerolysis is of Oleic Acid by a 1,3-Specific Lipase”, Balkan Conference Of Young Scientists, The Unİon Of Scientists In Bulgaria - Plovdiv, v:6, p:398-403, (2005). |
Kilic, İ, Sagiroglu, A. and Yesiloglu, Y. “Identification of Some Yeast Proteins By Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis”, Balkan Conference Of Young Scientists, The Union of Scientists In Bulgaria - Plovdiv, v: 5, p:339-344, (2005). |
Kilic, İ. and Saka M. “Students Views On Project Approach And Laboratory Application in Since Education” 2. International Balkan Educational Sciences Congres, Trakya Üniversitesi, Edirne, v:1, 82-86, (2004). |
KILIÇ ISMAIL, Atilkan Furkan, Research & Reviews in Educational Sciences, Gece Kitapligi, Ankara-TÜRKIYE |
KILIÇ ISMAIL, INSAC Social and Education Sciences, Duvar Kitabevi, ANKARA-TÜRKIYE |
KILIÇ ISMAIL, Gürbüz Özkan, INSAC Advances in Social and Education Sciences, Duvar Kitabevi, Izmir-TÜRKIYE |
KILIÇ ISMAIL, ÖZMEN ULU Melike, Examination of Teacher, Student and Parents’ Views in The Implementation of Project Based Learning Approach in Life Science Lesson, Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 449-470, 2021 |
I. KILIÇ, A. MORALAR, Fen egitiminde probleme dayali ögrenme yaklasiminin akademik basari ve motivasyona etkisi, Pegem Egitim ve Ögretim Dergisi, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 625-636, ANKARA-TÜRKIYE, 11, 2015 |
I. KILIÇ, Y. YESILOGLU, p Kumarik Asitin Antioksidan Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi, 27. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, pp. 166-, ÇANAKKALE-TÜRKIYE |
I. KILIÇ, A. SAGIROGLU, Düsük Molekül Agirlikli Polipeptidlerin Sodyum Dodesil Sülfat Poliakrilamid Jel Elektroforezi ile Ayrilmasi, XI. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi,, pp. 237-, VAN-TÜRKIYE |
I. KILIÇ, A. SAGIROGLU, Düsük Molekül Agirlikli Polipeptidlerin Sodyum Dodesil Sülfat Poliakrilamid Jel Elektroforezi ile Ayrilmasi, XI. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi,, pp. 237-, VAN-TÜRKIYE |
Serap AY. Fen ve Teknoloji Dersinde İşbirliğine Dayalı Bilgisayar Destekli Öğrenmenin (Öğrenci Takımları- Başarı Bölümleri Tekniği ile) Öğrencilerde Başarıya ve Tutuma Etkisi (Devam Ediyor). |
Mehtap ÖZEL. Proje Tabanlı Öğrenme Yönteminin İlköğretim 2. Kademe Fen ve Teknoloji Derslerindeki Uygulanmasının İncelenmesi (Devam Ediyor). |
Ayhan MORALAR. Fen Eğitiminde Probleme Dayalı Öğrenme Yaklaşımının Akademik Başarıya, Tutuma ve Motivasyona Etkisi. |
Tuğba ÜNAL. "Günlük Yaşamdaki Bazı Fen Olaylarına Bilgi Temelli Yaklaşım Düzeylerinin Toplumsal Bazı Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi". |
Ayhan MORALAR: Fen Eğitiminde Probleme Dayalı Öğrenme Yaklaşımının Akademik Başarıya, Tutuma ve Motivasyona Etkisi |
Tuğba ÜNAL: Günlük Yaşamdaki Bazı Fen Olaylarının Bilgi Temelli Yaklaşım Düzeylerinin Toplumsal Bazı Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi. |
İsmail KILIÇ: Batı Karadeniz Bölgesinde Yetiştirilen Fındık Tohumundan Lipaz Saflaştırılması ve Karakterizasyonu |