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![]() Personel CV`si Yazdır |
Özkişi H.,Kırağası A. & Dalgıç S. (2011). "An interface study of c-BP/c-GaN heterostructure", Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 1507-1509. (Yayın No: 4168826) (Kasım 2011) |
Ozkisi, H., & Topaloglu, M. (2018). Application for sentiment and demographic analysis processes on social media. Global Journal of Computer Sciences: Theory and Research, 8(3), 143-148. (Aralık 2018) |
Özkişi H.,Özkapı B., Güler Ö. S., Dalgıç S. (2017). "Elektronic bant structure of Te-doped GAN nanowires". Materials Today: Proceedings (Yayın No: 3967715) (Temmuz 2017) |
Güler Ö. S.,Özkapı B.,Özkişi H.,Dalgıç S. (2017). "First principle study on the electronic properties of BN nanowires". Materials Today: Proceedings (Yayın No: 3967695) (Temmuz 2017) |
Topaloglu, M., & Ozkisi, H. (2016). “Identifying the Collage Student’s Perception Level of Mobile Learning” New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences. (Şubat 2016) |
Ozkisi, H., & Topaloglu, M. (2016). “Identifying College Students’ Feelings and Thoughts about Online Shopping” Procedia Economics and Finance, 39, 17-23 |
Ozkisi, H., & Topaloglu, M. (2015). “The University Students’ Knowledge of Internet Applications and Usage Habits” Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 182, 584-589. (Mayıs 2015) |
Özkişi H. ,Topaloğlu M. (2017). "Data Mining Applications in Diagnosis of Symptoms-Related Diabetes". 5th International Conference on Advanced Technology Sciences (ICAT’ 2017), 188-191. (Haziran 2017) |
Özkapı B., Güler Ö. S., Özkişi H., Dalgıç S. (2017). "A Comparison Study on Potential Structures of InAs/GaAs Nanowire and Bulk Heterostructues". 6th International Conference on Nanostructures, Nanomaterials and Nanoengineering |
Özkişi H., Dalgıç S. (2017). "Density Functional Calculation for BP/GaN heterostructures". 2017 6th International Conference on Nanostructuresi nanomaterials and nanoengineering (ICNNN2017) |
Güler Ö. S., Özkapı B., Özkişi H., Dalgıç S. (2016). First principles study on the electronic properties of BN nanowires. international conference on advanced nanomaterial (Haziran 2016) |
Özkişi H.,Özkapı B., Güler Ö. S., Dalgıç S. (2016). "Electronic band structures of Te doped GaN nanowires". international conference on advanced nanomaterial (Haziran 2016) |
Özkişi H.,Topaloğlu M.,Akin S. (2016) “Computer use of the nurses and nursing informatics” 8th World Conference on Educational Sciences, 04-04 February 2016, Madrid-Spain (Şubat 2016) |
Topaloğlu M.,Özkişi H. (2015) "Classifying the Data at the Information Retrieval Systems by Using Genetic Algorithm", 5th World Conference on Innovation and Computer Sciences, 14-16 May 2015, Antalya-Türkiye (Mayıs 2015) |
Özkişi H.,Topaloğlu M. (2015) “Application for Sentiment and Demographic Analysis Processes on Social Media”, 5th World Conference on Innovation and Computer Sciences, 14-16 May 2015, Antalya-Türkiye (Mayıs 2015) |
Topaloğlu M. & Özkişi H. (2015) "Identifying the College Students Perception Levels of Mobile Learning", 4th Cyprus İnternational Conference on Educational Research, 19-21 March 2015, Girne-KüzeyKıbrız. (Mart 2015) |
Özkişi H. & Topaloğlu M. (2015)“Identifying College Students’ Feelings And Thoughts About Online Shopping” 4th Cyprus İnternational Conference on Educational Research, 19-21 March 2015, Girne-KüzeyKıbrız. (Mart 2015) |
Özkişi H. & Topaloğlu M.(2014) “The University Students’ Knowledge of Internet Applications and Usage Habits” 4th World Conference on Educational Technology Reserches, 28-29 November 2014 Barcelona-Spain. (Kasım 2014) |
Özkişi H.,Kıragası A. & Dalgıç S. (2011). "An interface study of c-BP/c-GaN heterostructure". 5th International Conference on Amorphous and Nanostructured Chalcogenis (Haziran 2011) |
Özkişi H.,Topaloğlu M. (2017). "Fotovoltaik Hücrenin Verimliliğinin Yapay Sinir Ağı İle Tahmini". Bilişim Teknolojileri Dergisi, 247-253. (Temmuz 2017) |
Bulut Bilişim (2017)., Topaloğlu M., Özkişi H., Tekkanat E., Seçkin Yayınevi, Basım sayısı:1, ISBN:9789750242984, Türkçe(Bilimsel Kitap), (Yayın No: 3483460) (Ağustos 2017) |