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Şenel E., Öke F.: On the automorphisms of generalized algebraic geometry codes. Designs, Codes and Cryptography 90(6), 1369–1379 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10623-022-01043-1 (Nisan 2022) (Nisan 2022) |
Mustafa ÖZKAN and Figen ÖKE "About quasi-cyclic codes over finite fields" AIP Conf. Proc. ,Volume: 1926, pp : 020034-1–020034-3. doi : 10.1063/1.5020483 (web of science) (Ocak 2018) |
Mustafa ÖZKAN and Figen ÖKE "On Codes written by matrices Lexicographically ordered" AIP Conf. Proc. Volume: 1926, pp : 020035-1–020035-3. doi : 10.1063/1.5020484 (web of science) (Ocak 2018) |
Öke F, On extensions of valuations with given residue field and value group, Mathematika, Vol. 55 ( 2009) 191-197 |
Öke F, On the residual algebraic free extension of a valuation on K to K(x), Filomat, 30:4 (2016) 1077-1080 |
Özkan M, Öke F, A relation between Hadamard codes and some special codes over F2+uF2, Appl. Math. Inf. Sci. 10(2) (2016) 700-704 |
Öke F, On residual algebraic torsion extensions of a valuation of a field K to K(x1,...xn). Fixed Point Theory and Applications 46 (2013) |
Öke F, A Residual Transcendental Extension of a Valuation on K to K(x1,....xn). Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218 (2011) 956-958 |
Mustafa ÖZKAN and Figen ÖKE "On Gray Images of Constacyclic Codes" ITM Web of Conf. (CPCI), Volume: 22, pp: 01047-1-6, doi : 10.1051/itmconf/20182201047 (Ekim 2018) (Ekim 2018) |
Mustafa ÖZKAN and Figen ÖKE "Extensions of Hadamard Codes Defined on Rings" ITM Web of Conf. (CPCI), Volume: 22, pp: 01046-1-5, doi : 10.1051/itmconf/20182201046 (Ekim 2018) (Ekim 2018) |
Mustafa ÖZKAN and Figen ÖKE "Quasi-Cyclic Codes over the Field Fp" Journal of New Results in Engineering and Natural Science, 2018 S.I. , No :8, pp : 31-37. (Mart 2018) |
Mustafa ÖZKAN "Equivalence of Codes over Finite Chain Ring" Journal of New Results in Engineering and Natural Science, 2018 S.I. , No :8, pp : 48-53. (Mart 2018) |
Mustafa ÖZKAN and Figen ÖKE "Codes Generated by Special Matrices on F2[u] / < u^3 >" Konuralp Journal of Mathematics, Volume 6, No :1, pp : 54-56. Corpus ID : 125864264 (Nisan 2018) |
Mustafa ÖZKAN and Figen ÖKE "Repeat codes, Even codes, Odd codes and Their equivalence" General Letters in Mathematics (GLM), Volume 2, No :1, pp : 110-118. (Ağustos 2017) |
Mustafa ÖZKAN and Figen ÖKE, " Gray images of (1 + v)-constacyclic codes over a particular ring "Palestine Journal of Mathematics. (2017)Vol. 6, S. I. 2, pp. 241-245. (Haziran 2017) |
Mustafa ÖZKAN and Figen ÖKE "Codes defined via especial matrices over the ring and Hadamard codes" Mathematical Sciences and Applications E-Notes, (2017)Volume 5, No :1, pp : 93-98. (Nisan 2017) |
Burcu ÖZTÜRK, Figen ÖKE, On certain extensions of valued fields, Proceedings of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society 20 (2017), No. 1. pp. 73 – 79 |
Mustafa ÖZKAN and Figen ÖKE " Some Special Codes Over F3+vF3+uF3+u^2F3" Mathematical Sciences and Applications E-Notes, Volume 4, No :1, pp : 40-44. (Nisan 2016) |
Burcu Öztürk, Figen Öke, Some Constants and Tame Extensions According to a Valuation of a Field with rankv=2, Proc. Jangjeon Math. Soc., 15, No. 4, 477- 482, 2012 |
Öke F, On Existence of Residual Transcendental Extensions of Valuations on K to K(x1,...xn), The Indian Journal of Mathematics, 80(3-4) (2013) 121-125. |
Öke F, On Residual transcendental extensions of valuation with rank 2. Selçuk Journal of Applied Mathematics, 12(2) (2011) 111-117 |
Öke F, Extensions of a Valuation on K to K(x_1,…,x_n) Defined by Distinguished Pairs, International Mathematical Forum, 5 (37) (2010) 1805-1812 |
Öke F, On Residual Transcendental Extensions of a Valuation on K to K(x_1,…,x_n), International Journal of Algebra, 4 (5) ( 2010) 247-252 |
Öke F, On residual transcendental extensions of to , International Journal of Algebra, 3 No.9-12 (2009) 483-488 |
Çengellenmiş Y, Öke F, On -cyclic codes over , Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics, 4, No.1 (2009) 11-16 |
Öke F, Çengellenmiş Y, On maximally completions of , International Journal of Algebra, 3 No.1-4 (2009) 149-155 |
Öke F, On residue fields of elliptic and hyperelliptic function fields, International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences 4, No.5-8, ( 2009) 247-252 |
Öztürk B, Öke F, Some results on tame extensions and constants, Pasific-Asian Journal of Mathematics, 2, No.1-2, (2008) 107-110 |
Öke F, İşcan H, Some Results on reduction, Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics, 10 (2005), No. 2, 197-204 |
Öke F, İşcan H, An inroduction to extensions of valuations on K to K(x,y), Journal of the Indian Math. Soc. 69, (1-4)2002, 33-44 |
Mustafa ÖZKAN and Figen ÖKE "Quasi-Cyclic Codes over the Field Fp" International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies, Tokat -TURKEY 02 - 04.11.2017 (sözlü bildiri) (Kasım 2017) |
Mustafa ÖZKAN and Figen ÖKE " On Codes written by Matrices Lexicographically Ordered " 6th International Eurasian Conference On Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Budapest - HUNGARY, 15 - 18.08.2017 (Sözlü Bildiri) (Ağustos 2017) |
Mustafa ÖZKAN and Figen ÖKE " About Quasi-Cyclic Codes over the Field " 6th International Eurasian Conference On Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Budapest - HUNGARY, 15 - 18.08.2017 (Sözlü Bildiri) (Ağustos 2017) |
Figen ÖKE, On Residual Algebraic Free Extensions of Valuations,4th International Conference On Recent Advances In Pure and Applied Mathematics, Kuşadası-Aydın-TURKEY 11-15.05.2017 (sözlü bildiri) (Mayıs 2017) |
Burcu ÖZTÜRK, Figen ÖKE, On Lifting Polynomials and Distinguished Pairs, 4th International Conference On Recent Advances In Pure and Applied Mathematics, Kuşadası-Aydın-TURKEY 11-15.05.2017 (sözlü bildiri) (Mayıs 2017) |
Mustafa ÖZKAN and Figen ÖKE "Repeat codes, Even codes, Odd codes and Their equivalence"4th International Conference On Recent Advances In Pure and Applied Mathematics, Kuşadası-Aydın-TURKEY 11-15.05.2017 (sözlü bildiri) (Mayıs 2017) |
Mustafa ÖZKAN and Figen ÖKE "Construction of Hadamard Codes with Rings " International Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Engineering 2017 , Ankara-TURKEY 27 - 29.04.2017 (Sözlü Bildiri) (Nisan 2017) |
Mustafa ÖZKAN and Figen ÖKE " Linear Codes over non-chain Ring " International Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Engineering 2017 , Ankara-TURKEY 27 - 29.04.2017 (Sözlü Bildiri) (Nisan 2017) |
M. ÖZKAN, F. ÖKE " Cyclic codes over the new ring " 5th International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications Belgrade-SERBIA 16-19 August 2016 (sözlü bildiri). |
M. ÖZKAN, F. ÖKE " Codes defined via especial matrices over the ring and Hadamard codes " 5th International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and applications Belgrade-SERBIA 16-19 August 2016 (sözlü bildiri). |
Figen ÖKE An extension of valuation v on on a field K with rankv=2 to K(x) 3rd International Conference On Recent Advances ın Pure and Applied Mathematics Bodrum-Muğla-TURKEY 19 - 23 May 2016 (sözlü bildiri). |
B. ÖZTÜRK, F. ÖKE, VALUE GROUPS AND RESIDUE FIELDS WRITING VIA DISTINGUISHED CHAINS, 3rd International Conference On Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics Bodrum-Muğla-TURKEY 19 - 23 May 2016 (sözlü bildiri). |
M. ÖZKAN, F. ÖKE " Reasults On Hadamard Codes and Codes Over Rings " 3rd International Conference On Recent Advances İn Pure and Applied Mathematics Bodrum-Muğla-TURKEY 19 - 23 May 2016 (sözlü bildiri). |
M. ÖZKAN, F. ÖKE " Some Special Codes Over " 4th International eurasian conference on mathematical sciences and applications Athens-GREECE 31 August - 3 September 2015 |
- M. ÖZKAN, F. ÖKE " On the Codes Over the Ring " 4th International eurasian conference on mathematical sciences and applications Athens-GREECE 31 August - 3 September 2015 |
F. ÖKE "On the residual algebraic free extensions of a valuation on to (x)" The 28th Internatıonal conference of jangjeon mathematıcal society Antalya-TURKEY 15 - 19 May 2015 |
B. ÖZTÜRK, F. ÖKE "On Certain Extensions of Valued Fields" The 28th Internatıonal conference of jangjeon mathematıcal society Antalya-TURKEY 15 - 19 May 2015 |
B. ÖZTÜRK, F. ÖKE "On Certain Extensions of Valued Fields" The 28th Internatıonal conference of jangjeon mathematıcal society Antalya-TURKEY 15 - 19 May 2015 |
M. ÖZKAN, F. ÖKE "On Hadamard codes constructed over " The 28th Internatıonal conference of jangjeon mathematıcal society Antalya-TURKEY 15 - 19 May 2015 |
M. Özkan, F. Öke, A relation between Hadamard codes and some special codes over F2+uF2, 3rd International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 25-28 August, Vienna-AUSTRIA, |
M. Özkan, F. Öke, Certain quasi cyclic codes which are Hadamard codes, International Congress in Honour of Prof. Dr. Ravi P. Agarwall, 23-26 Haziran 2014 Bursa/TÜRKİYE |
B. Öztürk, F. Öke, On tame extensions and residual transcendental extensions of a valuation with rankv=2 International Congress in Honour of Prof. Dr. Ravi P. Agarwall, 23-26 Haziran 2014 Bursa/TÜRKİYE |
F. Öke, On residual algebraic torsion extensions of a valuation on a field K to K(x1,…xn), International Congress in Honour of Prof. Dr. Ravi P. Agarwall, 23-26 Haziran 2014 Bursa/TÜRKİYE |
F.Öke, On extensions of a valuation on to , XII. Antalya Algebra Days, 19-22 May 2010, Antalya, Turkey |
Y. Çengellenmiş, H. İşcan, F. Öke, The relation between the generalized quasi-cyclic codes with 1-generator and the linear codes, Engineering, Technology and Education, 3-4 July 2008, Yambol, BULGARIA Proceedings of the Conterence, 210-215. |
Öke F, Değerlendirmelerin rezidül transandant genişlemeleri hakkında, II. Türk Dünyası Matematik Sempozyumu, Temmuz 2007, Sakarya Sakarya Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Dergisi, Cilt 9, 92-99 |
ÇENGELLENMİŞ YASEMİN, İŞCAN HÜLYA, ÖKE FİGEN . Some Quasi-Cyclic Codes Over GF(3) and GF(7). Trakya University Journal of Science, 9(2),(2008) 87-96. |
ÖKE FİGEN . On the valued function fields with given value group and residue field or with given residue field and genus. Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences(3),(2006) 128-136. |
ÖKE FİGEN . On value groups and residue fields of valued function fields. Trakya University Journal of Science, 5(1),(2004) 71-78. |
Mustafa ÖZKAN, Figen ÖKE "Yeni Bir Halka Üzerinde Constacyclic Kodların Yapısı" Öğr. Matematik Çalıştayı İstanbul- TÜRKİYE 17.04.2015 (Poster Bildiri) (Nisan 2015) |
. B.Öztürk, F.Öke, Bir cisminin olan bir değerlendirmesine göre sabitler ve tame genişlemeleri hakkında, 6. Ankara Matematik Günleri, 2-3 Haziran 2011, Ankara |
F. Bayaz, H. İşcan, Değerlendirmelerin rezidül transandant genişlemeleri hakkında, V. Ulusal Matematik Sempozyumu Bildiri Kitabı, 23-29, 1992, Sakarya |
MUSTAFA ÖZKAN, Hadamard Kodları ve Halkalar Üzerindeki Kodlar (2016) |
ÖZTÜRK BURCU, Değerlendirilmiş Cisimlerin Genişlemeleri, (2015) |
ENGİN ŞENEL, Fonksiyon Cisimleri ve Kodlar Hakkında (Temmuz 2017) |
ÖZENİR YUSUF, (2011). Gröbner tabanları, Trakya Üniversitesi |
ARICI AHMET, (2010). Değerlendirmeler ve rezidü cisimleri, Trakya Üniversitesi, Fen Bil. Ens. |
KILIÇ BURCU, (2004). Değerlendirmeler ve değerlendirmelerin genişlemeleri, Trakya Üniversitesi, Fen Bil. Ens. |
CAN GÜLŞAH, (2008). Değerlendirmeler ve değer grupları, Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Ens. |
Editöre Mektup Yazarlığı : Figen ÖKE (SCI Kapsamındaki dergide -Advances in Mathematics of Communications Makale Eleştirmenliği) - AIMS (Aralık 2017) (Aralık 2017) |
Editöre Mektup Yazarlığı : Figen ÖKE (SCI Kapsamındaki dergide Advances in Mathematics of Communications Makale Eleştirmenliği) - AIMS (Aralık 2016) (Aralık 2016) |
Gröbner Tabanları 2010-2011 |
DİĞER:Değerlendirilmiş cisimlerin genişlemeleri 2008-2011 |