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Uluslararası Hakemli Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler

  • Ögeyik, M.C & E. Akyay. “Investigating Reading Habits And Preferences Of Student Teachers At Foreign Language Departments” The International Journal of Language, Society and Culture, 28, (2009).

Uluslararası Bilimsel Toplantılarda Sunulan ve Bildiri Kitabında Basılan Bildiriler (Proceedings)

  • TEXT TYPES, TEXT AWARENESS and TRANSLATION, VIII. International Istanbul ScientificResearch Congress, March, 12-13, 2022. (Mart 2022)
  • TRANSLATION and LANGUAGE TEACHING, VIII. International Istanbul Scientific Research Congress, March, 12-13, 2022. (Mart 2022)
  • The Importance of Translation Theories in Applied Linguistics, 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON LIFE, SOCIAL, AND HEALTH SCIENCES IN A CHANGING WORLD, February 12-13, 2022. (Şubat 2022)
  • Coursebook Evaluation of the ESP: Medical English for English Language Learners Course, 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON LIFE, SOCIAL, AND HEALTH SCIENCES IN A CHANGING WORLD, February 12-13, 2022. (Şubat 2022)
  • "A Comparison of Language Awareness for the First and the Second Year ELT Students’ Academic Needs", GlobELT 2020 Conference, 28-31 October 2020. (Ekim 2020)
  • Culture and Language Teaching: ELT Students’ Perspectives; 14th International Balkan Congress for Education and Science, 5-7 September, 2019 in Ohrid, Macedonia. (Eylül 2019)
  • Developing Academic Speaking Skills: A Sample Lesson Plan; 14th International Balkan Congress for Education and Science, 5-7 September, 2019 in Ohrid, Macedonia. (Eylül 2019)
  • AKYAY ENGİN, E. (2019). “Effective Foreign Language Teaching: ELT Students’ and Instructors’ Beliefs”. ILTERG Conference. 8-10 Nisan 2019, Antalya – Turkey. (Nisan 2019)
  • Yıldız, I. G. & Akyay E. E. (2016). Designing a Sample Lesson Plan for the Young Learners of English as a Foreign Language through the Use of Short stories as a Part of Literature. 1st International Balkan Child and Youth Literature Congress, 4-7 May, Edirne, Turkey. (Mayıs 2016)
  • Akyay, E. “THE ROLE OF CULTURE IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE EDUCATION ”, “The 5th International Conference on Research in Education-ICRE” 8-10 October 2015 Edirne, TURKEY (2015). (Ekim 2015)
  • Doğruer, S. Akyay, E. “Integrating Geography into Foreign Language Lessons”, University of Zagreb, “The 3rd International Conference on Advances and Systems Research ECNSI-2009” Conference 12-14 November 2009 Zadar, Croatia. (2009). (Kasım 2009)
  • Akyay, E. Doğruer, S. “How to Teach English by Integrating History”, University of Zagreb, “The 3rd International Conference on Advances and Systems Research ECNSI-2009” Conference 12-14 November 2009 Zadar, Croatia. (2009) (Kasım 2009)
  • Doğruer, S. Akyay, E. "The Importance And Role Of School Experience And Teaching Practice Courses In Faculties Of Education", University of Kragujevac, "Promoting Teacher Education- From Intake System to Teaching Practice." Conference 19-21 May 2009 Jagodina Serbia. (2009). (Mayıs 2009)
  • Akyay, E. Doğruer, S. "Assessment Of Instructors Working At Teacher Training Institutions", University of Kragujevac, "Promoting Teacher Education- From Intake System to Teaching Practice." Conference 19-21 May 2009 Jagodina Serbia. (2009). (Mayıs 2009)
  • Cengizhan, L. Akyay, E. “Learners’ Attitudes of the Use of Media in ELT Classes”, IV International Conference "Modern Tendencies in Education",13th-15th June 2008, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Ohrid, MACEDONIA. (2008). (Haziran 2008)
  • Akyay, E. Yıldız, I. G. “Determining the reasons for choosing ELT Departments ", 5th International ELT Research Conference, 23rd-25th May 2008, 18 Mart University, Çanakkale, TURKEY. (2008). (Mayıs 2008)

Uluslararası Konferans ve Sempozyumlar

  • Akyay Engin, E. (2016). An Investigation Of ELT Freshman Students' Beliefs About Foreign Language Learning.2016 International Education Conference Orlando, FL.USA, January 2016. (Ocak 2016)

Yazılan Uluslararası Kitaplar veya Kitaplarda Bölümler

  • AN INVESTIGATION of ELT FRESHMAN STUDENTS’ BELIEFS ABOUT FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING; "Eğitimde Yeni Yönelimler- New Trends in Education" Trakya Üniversitesi Yayın No: 217, ISBN: 978-975-374-245-0, s.81-89. (Eylül 2019)
  • Ögeyik, M.C., Cebeci, N., Doğruer, S., & Akyay, E. “The Categories of Learning Theories in a Holistic Perspective and Foreign Language Education” In Le, T, Le, Q and Short, M. (eds.) Language And Lıteracy Educatıon In A Challengıng World - ISBN: 978-1-61761-198-1- New York: Nova Publishing. 2010


  • “ULEAD 2015 Annual Congress: 5th International Conference on Research in Education- ICRE, Meeting the Opportunities and Challenges of Educational Research: Multidisciplinary Approach to Educational Research” Kongre Düzenleme Kurulu Üyeliği ve Kongre Sekreteryası, Edirne, Turkey-8-10 October 2015. (Ekim 2015)
  • “ULEAD 2013 Annual Congress: ICRE, Multi-paradigmatic Transformative Research in Education: Challenges and Opportunities” Özet ve Program Kitapçığı Yayın Kurulu Üyeliği, Ürgüp/Nevşehir- 31 Mayıs 2013- 2 Haziran 2013. (Mayıs 2013)
  • “ULEAD 2013 Annual Congress: ICRE, Multi-paradigmatic Transformative Research in Education: Challenges and Opportunities” Kongre Düzenleme Kurulu Üyeliği, Ürgüp/Nevşehir- 31 Mayıs 2013- 2 Haziran 2013. (Mayıs 2013)
  • “5. Uluslar arası Balkan Eğitim ve Bilim Kongresi” Kongre Kitabı (Özet Kitabı, 1., 2. ve 3. Cilt) Yayın Kurulu Üyeliği, Edirne- 1-3 Ekim 2009 (Ekim 2009)
  • “5. Uluslar arası Balkan Eğitim ve Bilim Kongresi” Yürütme Kurulu Üyeliği, Edirne- 1-3 Ekim 2009 (Ekim 2009)

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