» Eğitim Durumu

» Akademik Unvanlar

» Yayınlar

SCI-SSCI, SCI Expanded ve AHCI Kapsamındaki Yayınları

  • Autonomic and Diastolic Dysfunction Association With Quality of Life Impairment in Cirrhotic Patients. (Mart 2020)
  • Investigation of IL23R, JAK2, and STAT3 Gene Polymorphisms and Gene-Gene Interactions in Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis in a Turkish Population (Kasım 2016)
  • Tyrosine kinase-2 gene polymorphisms are associated with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease in Turkish Population. (Ekim 2015)
  • Soylu AR, Tuğlu C, Arikan E, Yetişyiğit T, Kunduracılar H, Köker İH, Ünsal G, Tezel AT, Ümit H, berkarda Ş. The Role of Serum Cytokines in the Pathogenesis of Hepatic Osteodystrophy in Male Cirrhotic Patients. Gastroenterol Res Pract. 2012;2012:425079. doi: 10.1155/2012/425079. Epub 2012 Oct 14. (Kasım 2012)
  • Ümit H, Ünsal G, Tezel A, Soylu AR. Helicobacter Pylori Infection and Benign Gastroduodenal Diseases, Data from the Trakya Region. Trakya Univ Tıp Fak Derg 2010;27(4):400-403. (Ocak 2010)
  • Ümit H, Ünsal G, Tezel A, Soylu AR, Pamuk GE, Turgut B, Demir M, Tuce D, Ermantaş N, Çevikbaş U. Vanishing bile duct syndrome in a patient with Hodgkin’s lymphoma andasymptomatic hepatitis B virus infection. Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica 2009:72;1-2 (Ocak 2009)
  • Umit H, Tezel A, Bukavaz S, Unsal G, Otkun M, Soylu AR, Tucer D, OtkunM, Bilgi S. The Relationship Between Virulence Factors ofHelicobacter pylori and Severity of Gastritis in Infected Patients. Dig Dis Sci (2009) 54:103–110 (Ocak 2009)
  • Atug O, Giral A, Kalaycı C, on behalf of the Turkish HEMANEX Study Group. Esomeprazole in Acute and Maintenance Treatment of Reflux Oesophagitis: a Multicentre Prospective Study. Adv Ther. 2008;25(6):552–566. (Ocak 2008)
  • Soylu AR, Altaner S, Aydogdu N, Basaran UN, Tarcin O, Gedik N, Umit H, Tezel A, Ture M, Kutlu K, Kaymak K. “Effects of vitamins E and C supplementation on hepatic glutathione peroxidase activity and tissue injury associated with ethanol ingestion in malnourished rats,” Current Therapeutic Research-Clinical And Experimental, 67, 118-137 (2006). (Mayıs 2006)
  • Soylu AR, Aydogdu N, Basaran UN, Altaner S, Tarcin O, Gedik N, Umit H, Tezel A, Dokmeci G, Baloglu H, Ture M, Kutlu K, Kaymak K. “Antioxidants vitamin E and C attenuate hepatic fibrosis in biliary-obstructed rats,” World Journal Of Gastroenterology, 12, 6835-6841 (2006). (Ocak 2006)
  • Umit H, Asil T, Celik Y, Tezel A, Dokmeci G, Tuncbilek N, Utku U, Soylu AR. “Cerebral sinus thrombosis in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: a case report,” World J Gastroenterology, 11, 5404-7 (2005). (Ocak 2005)
  • Soylu AR, Dokmeci G, Tezel A, Ümit H, Amuca H, Akova M, Türe M, Bayraktar Y. “Predictors of short-term outcome of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in Turkish cirrhotic patients,” Journal Of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 20, 657-660 (2005). (Ocak 2005)
  • Soylu AR, Buyukasik Y, Cetiner D, Buyukasik NS, Koca E, Haznedaroglu IC, Ozcebe OI, Simsek H. “Overt gastrointestinal bleeding in haematologic neoplasms,” Dig Liver Dis, 37, 917-22 (2005). (Ocak 2005)
  • Soylu AR, Dokmeci G, Tezel A, Cakir B, Umit H, Karahan N, Amuca H. “Lamivudine-induced acute pancreatitis in a patient with decompensated Hbv-related chronic liver disease,” Journal Of Clinical Gastroenterology, 38, 134-134 (2004). (Ocak 2004)
  • Tezel A, Dokmeci G, Eskiocak M, Umit H, Soylu AR. “Epidemiological features of ulcerative colitis in Trakya, Turkey,” Journal Of International Medical Research, 31, 141-148 (2003) (Ocak 2003)
  • Simsek H, Ozaslan E, Sayek I, Savas C, Abbasoğlu O, Soylu AR, Balaban Y, Tatar G. “Diagnostic and therapeutic ERCP in hepatic hydatid disease,” Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 58, 384-389 (2003). (Ocak 2003)
  • Soylu AR, Bilgi S, Demir M, et al. Predictive value of serum hyaluronic acid (HA) measurement for cirrhosis in patients with chronic liver diseases (CLD) JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY 38: 228 Suppl. 2 APR 2003 (Ocak 2003)
  • Soylu AR, Sivri B, Emri S, et al. Combined lansoprazole and cisapride therapy improves pulmonary symptoms in asthmatics with gastroesophageal reflux GASTROENTEROLOGY 120 (5): 2063 Suppl. 1 APR 2001 (Ocak 2001)
  • Guvener N, Akcan Y, Paksoy I, Soylu AR, Aydın M, Arslan S, Gedik O. “Helicobacter pylori associated gastric pathology in patients with type II diabetes mellitus and its relationship with gastric emptying: The Ankara study,” Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes, 107, 172-176 (1999). (Ocak 1999)
  • Bayraktar Y, Soylu AR, Balkancı F, Gedikoğlu G, Çakmakçı M, Sayek İ. “Arterial thrombosis leading to intestinal infarction in a patient with Behçet’s disease associated with protein C deficiency,” American Journal of Gastroenterology, 92, 2556-58 (1998). (Ocak 1998)
  • Büyükaşık Y, Soylu B, Soylu AR, Özcebe Oİ, Canbakan S, Haznedaroğlu İC, Kirazlı Ş, Başer Y, Dündar SV. “In vivo platelet and T-lymhocyte activities during pulmonary tuberculosis,” European Respiratory Journal, 12,1375-9 (1998). (Ocak 1998)
  • Büyükaşık Y, Özcebe Oİ, Haznedaroğlu İ, Sayınalp N, Soylu AR, Özdemir O, Dündar S. Necrotizing enterocolitis in adult leukemia and myeloproliferative disorders. International Journal of Hematology, 66, 47-55 (1997). (Ocak 1997)
  • Soylu AR, Özcebe O, Haznedaroğlu İ, Kadayıfçı A, Büyükaşık Y, Akcan Y. “Seroprevalance of hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, and human immunodeficiency virus antibodies in Turkish patients with hereditary coagulation factor deficiencies,” Vox Sanguinis, 73, 54 (1997). (Ocak 1997)
  • Soylu AR, Öksüzoğlu G, Tatar G, Akcan Y. The effect of seasons on variceal bleeding in patients with cirrhosis. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 91:823-4. (1996). (Ocak 1996)

Uluslararası Hakemli Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler

  • Can G, Tezel A, Ümit HC, Üstündağ A, Dökmeci G, Soylu AR. “Surgery during first 10 years of inflammatory bowel disease; our clinical experience” 8th Congress of ECCO. J Crohn’s & Colitis Vol 7 / suppl 1, S64, 2013. (Haziran 2013)
  • Ünsal G, Can G, Soylu AR, Köker İH, Saçar K, Ümit HC, Tezel A “Treatment outcome with nucles(t)ide analogs in naive and nonnaive chronic hepatitis B. APASL Liver Week – Singapore . Hepatology International Vol 7, S236 – 7,2013 (Haziran 2013)

Uluslararası Bilimsel Toplantılarda Sunulan ve Bildiri Kitabında Basılan Bildiriler (Proceedings)

  • Güray Can, Ali Rıza Soylu, Burcu Dağ, Ahmet Teze l, Gülbin Ünsal, Ha sa n Celalettin Ümit, Ayten Üstündağ. Ülseratif kolit ve lökositoklastik vaskülit-proteinüri birlikteliği; nadir bir vaka. 30. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası. Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology PS194, Antalya. (Eylül 2013)
  • Tezel A, Can G, Dökmeci G, Üstündağ A, Ümit H, Soylu AR. “Inflammatory Bowel Disease and pregnancy ; our clinical experience” 8th Congress of ECCO. J Crohn’s & Colitis Vol 7 / suppl 1, S96, 2013 (Haziran 2013)
  • Ünsal G, Köker İ H, Tezel HA, Soylu AR, Ümit HC, Can G “The predictive value of the ratio of the platelet number over the spleen size in portal vein thrombosis” APASL Liver Week – Singapore . Hepatology International Vol 7, S736,2013 (Haziran 2013)
  • Köker İH, Ünsal G, Tezel A, Soylu AR, Ümit HC “ The segmental liver invasion of hepatocellular carcinoma and serum alpha fetoprotein level relationship in thrace region of Anatolia. APASL Liver Week – Singapore . Hepatology International Vol 7, S736.S612, 2013 (Haziran 2013)
  • Ünsal G, Can G, Soylu AR, Köker İH, Tucer D, Ortaburun Y, Gökyer A, Ümit HC, Tezel A. “ Treatment outcome with nucleos(t)ide analogs in patients with HBeAg(+) and HBeAg (-) chronic hepatitis B in Trakya population. APASL Liver Week – Singapore . Hepatology International Vol 7, S205,2013 (Haziran 2013)

Ulusal Bilimsel Toplantılarda Sunulan ve Bildiri Kitabında Basılan Bildiriler

  • Kilo Kaybı Şikayeti İle Başvuran Nadir Bir Olgu: Değişken Kombine İmmünyetmezlik Sendromu. (Aralık 2017)
  • Edirne ilinde asemptomatik erişkinlerde kolelitasiz sıklığı (Kasım 2016)
  • Sirozlu hastalarda otonom disfonksiyon ve sirotik kardiyomiyopati sıklığı ve sağlıkla ilgili yaşam kalitesine etkilerini belirleyen prediktif faktörler (Kasım 2016)
  • Gastrointestinal sistem kanamasının nadir bir nedeni; mide korpusu ve rektumda plazmasitom ile presente olan multiple miyelom olgusu. (Kasım 2016)

» Verdiği Dersler

Akut ve kronik pankreatitler

Biliyer sistem hastalıkları

Kronik Viral Hepatitler

Metabolik karaciğer hastalıkları

Özofagus hastalıkları

Sarılık Olgularına Yaklaşım

Siroz ve Komplikasyonları